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Special Hen
Jan 20, 2006
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Mile-High City
There really was something to the Grapefruit Diet after all. Compound found in grapefruit actually causes the liver to behave as if fasting, breaking down fatty acids instead of carbohydrates.
Bottom line: there's extremely sweet breaking news about a compound hidden in the tangy flavor of grapefruits that may treat diabetes naturally and also bring some of the benefits of low carb dieting to the body, too -- without dieting. Scientists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), have discovered that naringenin, an antioxidant derived from the bitter flavor of grapefruits and other citrus fruits, triggers the liver to break down fat.

Key Point & Secret – A compound found in grapefruit will accelerate the weight loss process by creating fasting-type benefits to the body similar to the Atkin’s diet. Eat at least one or two grapefruits a day to accelerate the weight loss process.
I have to pass on this since it interferes with my BP meds...
Further Defining the Meal Breakdown:

5 Meals a Day: breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, and dinner. If needed after dinner, a 70 to 180 calorie nutrition bar, preferably non-gmo soy. South Beach and Atkins (not peanut filled, oats, cereal, etc) only soy, preferably non-gmo.

Calories: Here's the calorie rule of thumb: protein source at or below 250 calories, fruits in the 50 to 75 calorie range, vegetables in the 25 to 50 calorie range, starch in the 50 calorie range.

For men Breakfast will average around 300 calories, Lunch and Dinner should be in the 400 calorie range, with 200 calories from snacks.

For women Breakfast would be 200 to 250, Lunch and Dinner 400 calorie range, snacks 150 to 200. For many women this will be more than they usually eat, it's the nutrient dense combination of food that will change the metabolism. So women may actually be eating more food to lose weight.

Food List: Choose food for Protein, Fruit, Vegetables, Starches from Food List only. Some foods are completely eliminated such as pasta, beans, onions, carrots, cheese, nuts, etc.

Timing Issues: Last fruit at least 4 hours before bedtime, dinner at least 3 hours before bedtime, last snack (if needed) at least 1 hour before bedtime.

Food Source: Everything fresh or fresh frozen. Nothing out of a box or can, except tuna once a week with very few exceptions I will list.

Refined Sugar: None, no sugar, high fructose corn syrup, white bread, pasta.


Special Hen
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
Mile-High City
Remember this..weight loss is 97% diet and 3% exercise.
Forget about expensive health club memberships you stop using just weeks into the new year.

Forget about all the lies perpetrated by the mainstream media, medical and pharmaceutical industry, trainers, gyms and health clubs, and propaganda spectacles like The Biggest Loser.

Your body will reset itself naturally back to your ideal weight when you stop feeding it polluted, nutrient void, over-processed food and give it proper nutrition from fresh food and the system outlined in this thread.

Remember the large corporate food industry competes for your business by using excessive amounts of sugar, extreme amounts of sodium, HFCS, and MSG excito-toxin drugs. All designed to appeal to what you "want", not what your body "needs", like a drug dealer who wants to get you hooked on their brand. They do not have your best interest at heart. They have a profit motive. Don't sacrifice your health and life on the alter of the food industries bottom line.

The idea that you have to sweat the weight off in extreme boot camp style is just absurd and is perpetuated by way too many sources.

The reason The Biggest Loser has to perpetuate this lie is because of all the processed food advertisers that network caters to. You can't have a hit show stabbing their advertisers in the back with the truth. It had to be a conscious decision to focus the problem on extreme torturous workouts rather than the food itself. Someone made that call.

The average person goes through life thinking everybody that looks professional and smiles a lot has their best interest at heart, never calling anything into question, just blindly following all the corporate, medical, and government Pied Pipers to their destruction. What's even stranger than that is if you become vocal about that issue everyone just smirks and treats you like you're an extreme nut-job for believing the FDA, big Pharma, and the gov may not have our best interest at heart. The fact is the food and water supply have been poisoned and pharmaceuticals kill tens of thousands every year.

Here is a summary of what we've talked about and many key points I will elaborate more about later.

We're eliminating:

1. most of the processed additives in the food supply that are there to enhance long-term storage, reduce spoilage, enhance presentation, cut cost, increase profits, and intentionally shorten your life, and
2. drugs such as MSG which are designed to hook you on certain brands, and
3. much of the forced fluoride medication in the water supply, and
4. artificial sweeteners that make you fat and sick, and
5. excessive amounts of sodium that add bloat, on top of bloat, on top of bloat, and
6. sugar, HFCS, corn syrup, flour, pasta, cheese, most dairy, and
7. all genetically modified organism (GMO) food products you can identify. By the way that's about 90% or more of the products in the grocery store.

Caveats, Key Points, Secrets:

Daily Portions:
3 Proteins
3 Fruits
4 Vegetables
3 Starch/Carbohydrates

Meat, Fruit, and Vegetables fresh or fresh frozen (without extra sodium). Frozen meat will be high in sodium to preserve the meat from spoiling. Buy fresh meat without extra sodium added. You have to read labels to find out what fits this system.

Protein Servings the size of your palm

Vegetable Servings the size of your fist

Carbohydrates limited to 50 calories

Breakfast: 1 protein, 1 fruit, 1 starch
Mid-Morning Snack: 1 fruit
Lunch: 1 protein, 2 Vegetables, 1 starch
Mid-Afternoon Snack: 1 fruit
Dinner: 1 protein, 2 Vegetables, 1 starch
After Dinner: 1 nutrition bar (soy only)

Breakfast in the 300 calorie range

Lunch and Dinner in the 400 calorie range

Two Fruit Snacks – mid day and mid afternoon – 400 calories

Calories: My experience is you will lose weight quickly at about 1,400 calories a day. However you can still lose weight slowly even at 2,000 to 2,500 calories if you follow the caveats, key points, and secrets outlined below.

Calorie Rule of Thumb: Protein at or below 250 calories, fruit in the 50 to 75 calories range, vegetable in the 25 to 50 calorie range, starch/carbohydrate in the 50 calorie range.

Last fruit 4 hours before bedtime, dinner at least 3 hours before bedtime, after dinner nutrition bar at least 1 hour before bedtime.

Dessert replaces a fruit portion and additional calories have to come from one or combination of daily meals

Desserts are made with Stevia instead of sugar

Oatmeal in Dessert Crisp serves as a carbohydrate serving

Must drink 64 to 80 ounces of water a day of the cleanest water you can filter yourself. Get rid of the fluoride using a counter top filter for about $100.








SODIUM LIMITED TO LESS THAN 2,000 mg a day, LESS THAN 1,000 mg will accelerate weight loss

Ezekiel Bread and Quinoa will accelerate weight loss, cut back on protein serving slightly to make calorie room, count carbohydrate calories toward Ezekiel or Quinoa

If you use bread it has to be Natures Own 35 calorie with no sugar

Carbohydrate Servings of:
½ Small Potato
¼ cup brown rice
Limited to 3 times a week combined

Very limited dairy. Has to come from protein portion. Whip toppings have to come from protein servings.

No more than 1 tablespoon of Light Butter a day.

Red Meat no more than twice a week, never two days in row. 5 to 6 oz servings.

No Pork.

Crab, Salmon, Scallops limited to twice a week - 5 to 7 oz servings

Most Fish, all Poultry and Veal unlimited options up to 8 oz a serving

You must supplement with:

2,000 mg Omega 3 (assists weight loss)
1,000 mg Omega 6 (assists weight loss)
1,000 mg Omega 9 (assists weight loss)

Vitamin D3 4,000 IU - Assists weight loss

Multi Vitamin

Iodine (Kelp) - Thyroid has to work properly to lose weight

Additional Weight Loss supplements to accelerate weight loss:

Acai Berry

Green Tea Extract



Coral Calcium

Conjugated Linoic Acid, CLA




Special Hen
Mar 19, 2011
Reaction score
I started swimming and counting calories last year and dropped a ton of weight fast. I still didn't like it though bc I was eating less calories but the wrong foods still. Tons of carbs to keep up the cardio. So, I was a smaller version of the same body fat percentage. I was becoming what some refer to as "skinny-fat".

After getting frustrated, I quit the program and put that weight back on quickly since all of that calorie counting and cardio burned up all my muscle. A friend from church turned me onto a program that I'm loving. She is a bodybuilder so it's pretty old school. With the exception of an app and on protein shake per day, it's five meals per day consisting of mainly chicken, brown rice, and greens. Not alot of seasonings and stuff that ads hidden calories and sodium.

Tons of food but different food than I'm used to. I now lift on her program 4 days per week and do three days of cardio that consists of 2minute running intervals on inclines ranging from 3% - 15% on the treadmill. It's tough to stick with at first but I'm three weeks in and down 12lbs and already seeing good muscle tone again. Key is that many protein rich foods have higher calorie count so I avoided them before but that protein is needed for muscle growth. The simple existence of more muscle burns fat. I took before pics and measurements when I started and will do the same at the beginning of every month. I'll post my measurements and such for month one after the first.

here's what I eat every day:

Meal 1 - 3 egg whites , 3 oz chkn or ground turkey , 3TBS cream of wheat
Meal 2 - 5oz chkn or ground turkey , 3/4 cup brn rice , 1/2 cup grn veggies
Meal 3 - Protien Shake (2scoops) , 1 red apple
Meal 4 - 5oz chkn or ground turkey , 1/2cup potatoes or 2 slice Natures Own whole wheat bread , 1/2 cup mixed veggies
Meal 5 - 5oz red meat , 1/2 cup brn rice , 1 cup grn veggies


Special Hen
May 13, 2009
Reaction score
N. Edmond
Paleo!!! I started doing this when I hit 245lbs. I am 6'4" 31yrs old and was feeling horrible, restless sleep, and very little energy for anything. Did it strict for 30 days, no cheat, and worked out 4 days a week. I dropped to 205lbs in that 30 days, went from a 34 inch waist to 32. Was stronger and had more energy than ever. Increased all of my lifting records by 30% and then just maintained eating that way 80% of the time. When I feel like I am slipping I just go strict for a while and get it all dialed back in. Doing that right now, because I got lazy and am at 225lbs and want to get back down to 200-205lbs.

Paleo sucks at first, but I eat lots of meat, veggies and some fruit for a snack here and there. Almonds, guac., and sandwich meat are my typical lunch

Here are before and after when I first started



and No, I don't use pics like this for profile pictures on Facebook. I know I should to attract the ladies but I don't........let the flaming commence!!!


Special Hen
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
Mile-High City
My former family Doc is a big Paleo advocate. He's a skinny runner, so I reckon he's practicing what he's preached. I've used Atkins twice before and consistently burned 1/2lb of fat per day.


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2011
Reaction score
I will also agree that at the end of the day, the single thing that matters for weight control is calories. Fuel in versus fuel spent, period.

I have to disagree with this. On the surface it seems right, however, where those calories come from matters too. For instance, if you put in 2000 calories and 50% come from carbs, your blood sugar will rise causing you to store some of those calories and your body to feed on the easier to burn proteins in your muscles. If you though were to only take in 20% of those 2000 calories in carbs and the majority in protein rich foods, along with some resistance training, you'd feed and grow your muscles. By simply counting carbs, you'll be tempted to move toward "carby" foods since you can eat more volume with less calories. This will cause you to trade muscle for fat. The fat weighs less so your weight drops though you don't look or feel any better or lose any size. When you take in those same calories in protein rich foods and grow the muscle mass you'll burn fat. Muscle is living and not just a storage unit so you burn more calories just breathing when your body feeds the muscle.

It's not just number of calories. Sure you have to take in less calories but also have to be careful of how you get those calories. If calories in vs. calories out was all that mattered, I' could eat about 7 snickers bars per day and noting else and be healthy as a horse.


Special Hen
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
I have to disagree with this. On the surface it seems right, however, where those calories come from matters too. For instance, if you put in 2000 calories and 50% come from carbs, your blood sugar will rise causing you to store some of those calories and your body to feed on the easier to burn proteins in your muscles. If you though were to only take in 20% of those 2000 calories in carbs and the majority in protein rich foods, along with some resistance training, you'd feed and grow your muscles. By simply counting carbs, you'll be tempted to move toward "carby" foods since you can eat more volume with less calories. This will cause you to trade muscle for fat. The fat weighs less so your weight drops though you don't look or feel any better or lose any size. When you take in those same calories in protein rich foods and grow the muscle mass you'll burn fat. Muscle is living and not just a storage unit so you burn more calories just breathing when your body feeds the muscle.

It's not just number of calories. Sure you have to take in less calories but also have to be careful of how you get those calories. If calories in vs. calories out was all that mattered, I' could eat about 7 snickers bars per day and noting else and be healthy as a horse.

I agree with your points, I was just making a short, simple statement. The kind of calories you eat does matter, but even after all that, if you burn 2000 calories while sedentary, eating less than that will force your body to burn stores.

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