Pot Smoker Beware

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Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Broken Arrow
So... Aside from zombie hunters stoned ramblings, let me get this straight:

People who are prescribed judgment altering drugs like morphine, valium, xanex(sp?), lithium, oxycontin etc, and those who use alcohol recreationaly are OK to own firearms.

Those who are prescribed cannabis by a Doctor are not allowed to own firearms.

Did I get that right?


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
I wanna know who put the gawd dang Cheetoes in the fridge! I call BS!

Probably some drunk ... everybody knows drunks can't handle their liquor like potheads can handle their pot ...

Wow twist words much? I said I was the exception not the rule, and just because you can't do it because of your life choices does not mean you have to mock someone for theirs, again most people who drink alcohol do it to become visibly inebriated, how is it that you can compare operating a vehicle or machinery on alcohol and weed as even remotely close to the same thing, especially when you have supposedly done it before, they are not even in the same galaxy of impairment or effect.

DAMN DUDE ... Context is IMPORTANT although I realize that it's difficult for stoners to follow along ... I wasn't even talking about you ... who puts F'ng Cheetos in the friggin' fridge???

I've NEVER driven a car either high or drunk. I tend to try to see both sides of an issue but you, sir, are a dumbass ... There is absolutely NO REASON to be driving when you are impaired ... and that means by anything ... pot, booze, Rx drugs, all of it ...


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 21, 2009
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Don't let ZombieHunter get to ya BB. This guy is low life pot head and is trying to rationalize it with all the nonsense medical stuff that makes it sound healthy. He feels guilty about his general lack of accomplishments in life and takes it out on others. It's like white guilt, but for trashy rednecks.


Special Hen
Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
The cheetoes go IN THE PANTRY.
If they make it to the pantry........mine never get off the coffee table!
I sure hope they do, maybe somehow it will help them think for THEMSELVES instead of listening to the lies that are repeated and circulated throughout our society, maybe someone can wake them up to the fact that they have been, and will continue to be LIED to, about almost every single "right" they supposedly have.
I don't know you, no judgement here on you personally (what I am saying is I'm not trying to start crap) but.....is the sky falling? Or are you just delusional? Show me a SINGLE, CREDIBLE medical study including long term effects that measures marijuana's effectiveness vs placebo and other drugs, and MAYBE it might be legalized some day. And you can argue all day that its because our government is out to get us, but the ones of us with brains will continue to believe what we believe to be the truth, right or wrong.
So... Aside from zombie hunters stoned ramblings, let me get this straight:

People who are prescribed judgment altering drugs like morphine, valium, xanex(sp?), lithium, oxycontin etc, and those who use alcohol recreationaly are OK to own firearms.

Those who are prescribed cannabis by a Doctor are not allowed to own firearms.

Did I get that right?

Yes, you did. The difference is, Marijuana is illegal. No one is making a stink because felons can't buy firearms. Its a very similar question on the form.

Are you a convicted felon? Yes or no

Do you ILLEGALLY use or are addicted to marijuana? Yes or no

Its not a question of integrity, how often you use it, what it does to you, its a simple yes or no.

After that (too) long response, i know I'm new here, I look forward to getting to know everyone. Seems like fun!


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Don't let ZombieHunter get to ya BB. This guy is low life pot head and is trying to rationalize it with all the nonsense medical stuff that makes it sound healthy. He feels guilty about his general lack of accomplishments in life and takes it out on others. It's like white guilt, but for trashy rednecks.

No worries ... it's just dumbass wears on me sometimes ... I, for one, hopes he runs into GC or one of his buddies while he's "holding his own" ... and I don't usually wish an encounter with a JBT off on anyone ... those JBTs can be sooooo narrow-minded about driving while impaired lol ... ;)

ETA: I just gotta say I'm starting to wonder if his name is Jeff ... he sounds JUST LIKE the fella I dated before GC came along ... He told me one time he liked dating me because I didn't ask him to share his pot with me (that should have been Clue No. 1 but I digress). That man woke up in the morning looking for a hit and laid in bed at night smoking pot like most folks smoke cigarettes. His entire day was scoring -- then eating -- then scoring -- then eating ... lol

Seriously though, he was the most unmotivated individual I have ever met in my life. Way too smart for his own good ... but the pot just ruined him ... kinda sad really. He is the poster child for what pot can do to you over the long haul -- and it ain't good.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Well I hate to admit it but in my younger, stupider days I have driven drunk and stoned. One is no safer then the other. I would also not trust someone around me with a gun if they were drunk or stoned. Both are completely stupid in my experience.
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