Open Cary...would it be wrong to legislate some comon sense?

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 8, 2008
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Sand Springs
I've OC'ed with and without retention. I can say that while carrying without retention, I've never felt more at risk for a gun grab. If you go down the slippery slope of starting restrictions on Open Carry, it's never gonna end. Paddle holsters can be snapped pretty quick and easy, so those aren't allowed. You could print or have a shirt ride up while CC'ing showing somebody you have a gun, so we better play it safe and require retention all the way around. Heck, lets make it easy and just outlaw all non level 3 holsters, concealed or open carry.

While we are on a common sense roll, I've watched enough movies to know that nobody but law enforcement ever needs more than 5 rounds unless they have bad intentions, so in the name of common sense, lets restrict the round count to 5 rounds. That should be a decent start to keeping people safe, until it's time to add more restrictions in 1 or 2 years.

I will say Open Carry obviously draws a lot of debate. It is the reason that I decided not to join the ORA and decided that I wasn't going to renew my membership to the NRA that I've had since I was 14. Several years ago there was a push for Open carry, and the ORA came out against it, spouting off all the same "blood in the streets" BS that the anti's do, basically saying nobody but them needed to carry a gun and they only carry concealed because they are too tacti-cool to carry openly, and the NRA decided it wasn't an important enough issue for them to deal with, so any lawmakers that wanted to vote against it wouldn't get bad marks from them. They were free to vote down open carry that year and still carry the blessing of the all mighty NRA.

I've gotten old enough now to realize that anybody, including politicians, that makes a dime "fighting" for my rights, doesn't really give a damn about my rights, they only give a damn about the dime.

To my knowledge, there has not been an epidemic of gun grabs from open carriers without retention, so any law passed would be based in either fear, hatred, or jealousy, in other words, emotion, and not fact, and therefore cannot be "common sense". I remain leery of anybody wanting to pass "common sense" law on any issue without a real reason. We have vehicle accidents all the time, and nobody is pushing for more "common sense" driving laws, yet they will push for common sense gun laws before an issue even arises outside of their own minds.

Ditto -- well stated, especially the part in BOLD. When a statement begins with "I feel" or "I think" and proceeds from there with little to no data, it's clear there's not much chance to have a reasoned discussion that's based on any evidence.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Yes lets go ahead and require a physical agility test for concealed and open carry as well.

Ahhh good, point. I mean, if we're going to make it legal for people to carry guns, we should make sure they can pass agility and strength testing to make sure they can retain the weapon in case someone tries to take it. Level 3 retention holsters, strength and agility testing, probably some groundfighting and hand-to-hand classes should be mandated in addition. I mean... we can't take the chance that one of these killer firearms could end up in the wrong hands.

All strong points.


Special Hen
Nov 21, 2008
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Looking for the lumens
"Liberty - the freedom from unwarranted intrusion by government - is as easily lost through insistent nibbles by government officials who seek to do their jobs as by those whose sole purpose it is to oppress; the piranha can be as deadly as the shark." - Judge Alex Kozinski, US 9th Circuit Court

That Liberty stuff can sure be "dangerous," but I'll take my chances.

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