question for the Christ believers

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Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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Hang tough, spend all the time with family and friends, that you can.
Contact everyone you can and talk with them.

It is good for them and for you.

Dad went through chemo, it was as bad or worse than the cancer.
6 months later, the cancer came back. He refused the chemo.

We spent 4 doing what we could together. Contacting everybody we could find. Friends from 20 years back, came to visit.

Sitting and talking, after a rough night, I told him he had fought the a good fight, we loved him and would miss him. He said as long he was in our heart, he was always with us. I said it was time and it was alright to go. He took one last breath and laid back and it was over.

I have closely known 4 who committed suicide. I was from debilitating paid. His family devastated, barely speaks.

My 18 yo nephew, gf broke up with him. He never said a word to anybody. Been 10 years, his Mother cries every day.

I can't tell you what is right or wrong, but you are in our thoughts and prayers.


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Nov 3, 2008
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Caddo County
Saddlebum, I haven’t met you but am sure thinking and praying for you. I do believe in God, and am thinking that you do also by asking your question. I do admit I don’t know everything in the Bible.

I know it’s said the road is wide but the gate is narrow, how this passage relates to your question I can’t say, I would just say ask the Lord for guidance.


Special Hen
Jun 13, 2022
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I watched my brother wither and constantly in pain for a year and a half before he took his life. That experience made me realize the desire to end your own pain isnt as selfish an act as judging and condeming someone who just wants relief, because they are tortured. Im not saying its always the answer or even that its a good answer, but the only person who knows truly, is the person living the life they are done with. I deeply regret not seeing that before i encouraged him to drag out his suffering for so long. I was so concerned with my not wanting to lose him, or feel the pain of him bejng gone. Not advice or judgment, just my opinion.


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Oct 18, 2021
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It's not a question to which one can give a cut and dried answer, but I will say that Judas, the son of perdition, committed suicide and I wouldn't want to follow in his steps.


Special Hen
Jun 13, 2022
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It's not a question to which one can give a cut and dried answer, but I will say that Judas, the son of perdition, committed suicide and I wouldn't want to follow in his steps.
But in the earliest teachings, Judas was called on to be the one to betray Jesus, Jesus, considered it the most important roll his disciples played in his sacrifice for our sins. The church doesnt speak for God, they have time andtime again used his name for reasons against his very teachings. That goes for all three religions of Abraham. That is why everyone is called to have a personal relationship with God, that doesnt require a "father", "pastor", or "imam" to translate or interpret.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 18, 2021
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But in the earliest teachings, Judas was called on to be the one to betray Jesus, Jesus, considered it the most important roll his disciples played in his sacrifice for our sins. The church doesnt speak for God, they have time andtime again used his name for reasons against his very teachings. That goes for all three religions of Abraham. That is why everyone is called to have a personal relationship with God, that doesnt require a "father", "pastor", or "imam" to translate or interpret.

Not really sure what you're saying.

Yes, Judas' role as betrayer was absolutely integral in securing our salvation; at the same time, whenever Jesus alluded to Judas, He always stated that it would have been better for Judas if he'd never been born. Judas committed an atrocity, no doubt, but God used this evil man and his wicked deed to achieve His ends.

Unlike Peter, who also betrayed Jesus, but repented in tears- Judas added to his condemnation by committing suicide.


Special Hen
Jun 13, 2022
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Not really sure what you're saying.

Yes, Judas' role as betrayer was absolutely integral in securing our salvation; at the same time, whenever Jesus alluded to Judas, He always stated that it would have been better for Judas if he'd never been born. Judas committed an atrocity, no doubt, but God used this evil man and his wicked deed to achieve His ends.

Unlike Peter, who also betrayed Jesus, but repented in tears- Judas added to his condemnation by committing suicide.
That requires citation friend. The teachings that are recorded the earliest(so far) have a very different depiction of the intent and meaning behind the word. You have been taught to just believe what a man tells you that god intended, or meant, or should have said. The actual original txt in Aramaic as far back as we have found is a wholly different set of books and teaching with context and prespectives represented differently. My only point is, what, why, and by whom have all be manipulated by dark forces that have been pulling the strings and hiding the truth of God for more than 2000years. If the beings originally depicted in the bible were handed a kjv bible today, it would not only anger them, but they would have alot of questions about how we ended up with a series of books so devoid of the power they once had. Its not a secret, its not even all been removed, there are clear rewritings, clear plagiarism, and contradictions. Im not saying God isnt real, actually i have been on the other side and revived. I dont claim these things to change anyone or what they believe, but i was very strongly urged to share certain thjngs with anyone who god shows me, needs to hear it, even if they dont accept it. " no religion that mans hand has written is true, and alot have a purpose to obscure the what God wants us to hear and know. God is so much more than most people could even grasp.
Ps God isnt fond of the jealous, blood thirsty, slave commanding, materialistic, nepotistic, human like depiction he has been labeled with. (Like when children of a village make jokes about a mans bald head, and God commands a she bear to run from the forest and kill all the kids that made fun of his blading head) which is to say, dont believe, confirm. Dont guess and assume, just open a personal dialog with God and take the true word. The word of our creator, not the catholic churchs version that helps them hide in plain sight as predatory perverts.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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I really can't answer all of your questions, Saddlebum, and I certainly don't know you well enough to make any judgements. Besides, Christ will be the one that judges, not any of us.

However, keep this scripture in mind. It is one that keeps me from feeling any positiveness as to my future. While I know that the Bible mentions that there is only one unforgivable sin, that being speaking against the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12: 32), but I do also know that man can fall from grace. We are to remain faithful.

Matthew 7: 20-22

"20 Therefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by thy name, and by thy name cast out demons, and by thy name do many mighty works?"

With that scripture in mind, would anyone want to take any chances?

I think you have been given some good advice here, especially so with the idea of hospice care. We were fortunate that hospice care was available for both of my wife's parents.
I think think you hit the nail on the head with that scripture. God’s will is in fact not done on earth automatically. Jesus said when you pray …..pray like this …. “hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth at it is in heaven”. I wonder why Jesus would tell us to pray that Gods will be done on earth, it it was automatically done down here we would have not need to pray for it… really is that simple. We are the ones charged with doing the will of the Father (Those who doeth the will of the father shall enter the kingdom of heaven) God didn’t kill your loved ones folks we were warned about who has dominion down here. ….. Peter said …. Be sober, be vigilant for your adversary the devil walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour….. this is who you should be upset with for loss not ”I am”

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