College Grad Not Liking the 40hr Work Week

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Special Hen
Aug 23, 2021
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Oklahoma City
There’s an awful lot of hate being flung at that gal for disliking something most of us would opt out of if given the chance (the corporate rat race). And I truly do enjoy working hard- it’s helluva lot more fun than than the opposite. But I’m not gonna bash the young lass for figuring out that alot of jobs require more of you than what that job compensates- especially corporate roles. That same frustration led me to be self employed and I’ve never looked back. I work a lot more than 40 hours a lot of weeks- but I’m atleast getting rewarded for it. Like holechit, I’d do some stuff im not proud of to make 200k part time. And I hope that girl’s hatred for her situation fuels her to find something better for her.


Here for Frens
Special Hen
Sep 26, 2014
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We could all work less if the government did not steal a significant portion of our paychecks to give to people who dont work.
That’s the truth. Over 4.5 Trillion dollars in our 8.3 Trillion dollar budget is allotted to Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and income security programs like SNAP, Housing, unemployment, etc. California's Medicaid system has 77 billion dollars in payments coming in from the US Gov this year, slightly more than we have sent to Ukraine as of July this year.
And other countries.
While I agree, that's really not as much money as we all think. We spend $83.3 billion, or roughly 1% of our budget on foreign affairs, to Include operating costs of embassies and diplomats. Although this obviously does not count the boatloads of cash sent to Ukraine or Israel that was approved outside the budget, those numbers add up to somewhere less than 85 billion, or another 1% of our budget. The equivalent of the average American household making an extra car payment or two each year.

Still, in spite of it "only" being 1 or 2% of our budget, $83 billion, or even $160 billion is a lot of money. If we just spent that stateside, we could make some serious changes to things that matter. we could create 131,000 new, good paying security jobs by hiring a trained security guard for every school, and install bulletproof high security exterior doors on every school in the US, creating 131,000 prospective jobs for contractors all over the US.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 18, 2021
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Somewhere west of Tulsa
There’s an awful lot of hate being flung at that gal for disliking something most of us would opt out of if given the chance (the corporate rat race). And I truly do enjoy working hard- it’s helluva lot more fun than than the opposite. But I’m not gonna bash the young lass for figuring out that alot of jobs require more of you than what that job compensates- especially corporate roles. That same frustration led me to be self employed and I’ve never looked back. I work a lot more than 40 hours a lot of weeks- but I’m atleast getting rewarded for it. Like holechit, I’d do some stuff im not proud of to make 200k part time. And I hope that girl’s hatred for her situation fuels her to find something better for her.
Granted, we may not have liked it, but we didn't whine about it like her either. Yeah, we all probably bitched about it now and then, but we accepted it as a fact of life, took it in stride and moved forward. We knew that the only way to acquire the things we wanted and to support our families was by earning a living and we did exactly what was required to achieve our goals, including working 40 hours plus a week.

Like countless others before me I started working long before I graduated from school and continued working until I was able to retire and I believe that, in spite of any hardships, like long hours and multiple jobs to make ends meet, it made me a better person. The way I see it the girl in this video has a lot of growing up to do and if she doesn't do it soon she's in for a very rude awakening because no matter what the liberal professors told her in college, she isn't special and nothing is free.
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