Anyone who plans to open carry ....

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Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I'm somewhat concerned that I will be walking my dogs late at night as I always do and someone will call me in. "Pitbull" + 1911 just might be a calling all cars moment for BAPD. :D

I'm betting that late night walks with the exposed 1911 and a pair of binoculars around the neck won't go over very well either. A peaceful 'owl' watcher won't be able to go out at night and look at a few 'Hooters' with his Open Carry weapon strapped on without getting hassled. ;)

Danny Tanner

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2010
Reaction score
Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
It will depend on where you live. If you live in the metro, be prepared to be harassed. Even after years this has passed, there will be certain times and places that will almost guarantee that you will be harassed. If there's a public event like a parade or art festival, you're going to be lucky to take 2 steps near it without being harassed and even then you may be asked to leave and/or be arrested. If you live in historically crime prone areas or areas with a strong gang presence, open carry will most likely end up with you being disarmed, cuffed, and investigated before you're "clear to go." Such will be the reality when living in the city.

Now if you live on the outskirts of the metro, then you probably won't ever get harassed more than the occassional "Sir, may I please see your CCL."

I expected the first part of this statement, but I would like some clarification on the red text. An officer can arrest you for obeying the law on city streets? The only way I can see the justification is if it's a city-sponsored event and there's something in the SDA pertaining to these events that I haven't seen.

Yep, Desert Eagles in drop leg holsters, with ass clowns wearing camel backs walking around Walmart......great, just great. I can hardly wait. At least the thugs/cops will know who to shoot first.

Tony Rumore

Still at it, eh? You're entitled to your opinion all day long and it's perfectly OK if you feel against open carry, but to share an opinion in the immature manner you do, I would think it'd be wise to use a little more professionalism when doing so while attaching onto it your name and company.

Unless you've got the attitude that you're too big to fail?


Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
Still at it, eh? You're entitled to your opinion all day long and it's perfectly OK if you feel against open carry, but to share an opinion in the immature manner you do, I would think it'd be wise to use a little more professionalism when doing so while attaching onto it your name and company.

Unless you've got the attitude that you're too big to fail?

This ^^ Well said
As a small business owners that caters to gun people, it seems like I'd either: not say anything, or find a nicer way to express my feelings. I can't do business with someone that is that rude to potential customers and I'm not even going to open carry


Still at it, eh? You're entitled to your opinion all day long and it's perfectly OK if you feel against open carry, but to share an opinion in the immature manner you do, I would think it'd be wise to use a little more professionalism when doing so while attaching onto it your name and company.

Unless you've got the attitude that you're too big to fail?
I agree,very well said.


Special Hen
May 19, 2008
Reaction score
Who to shoot first are the ones in the "SHOOT ME FIRST JACKETS", Police, FBI, etc. Well, maybe your right. I am glad I don't have to worry about "printing" any more.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
I have to say, this is the LAST place I would have expected to see the type anti-carry crap I am reading here. Every single one of you should be happy that we have legal open carry, while still being frustrated that you are required to carry a permit to do so. The right to own and bear arms is a key component of US citizenship, yet you have to be be approved to carry those arms on your person. I would rather see a training requirement to purchase a gun than maintaining a permit to carry. Something like an endorsement on your driver's license- G for gun stating that you have taken the required gun safety course in order to purchase a gun OTC. It would certainly make FTF sales safer and more reliable as all you have to do is ask to see their DL and check to see if they have the G endorsement. Safety is the key here, you can't drive a car without taking a class and a test, but you can buy a gun with no training. You are only required to be trained if you want to carry.

I just don't like the idea of saying you can't protect your family and yourself in public unless you follow pay the fees. I should be able to carry without a special card, period.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I have to say, this is the LAST place I would have expected to see the type anti-carry crap I am reading here. Every single one of you should be happy that we have legal open carry, while still being frustrated that you are required to carry a permit to do so. The right to own and bear arms is a key component of US citizenship, yet you have to be be approved to carry those arms on your person. I would rather see a training requirement to purchase a gun than maintaining a permit to carry. Something like an endorsement on your driver's license- G for gun stating that you have taken the required gun safety course in order to purchase a gun OTC. It would certainly make FTF sales safer and more reliable as all you have to do is ask to see their DL and check to see if they have the G endorsement. Safety is the key here, you can't drive a car without taking a class and a test, but you can buy a gun with no training. You are only required to be trained if you want to carry.

I just don't like the idea of saying you can't protect your family and yourself in public unless you follow pay the fees. I should be able to carry without a special card, period.

Non sequitur post is all non-sequitury. :(

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
I have to say, this is the LAST place I would have expected to see the type anti-carry crap I am reading here. Every single one of you should be happy that we have legal open carry, while still being frustrated that you are required to carry a permit to do so. The right to own and bear arms is a key component of US citizenship, yet you have to be be approved to carry those arms on your person. I would rather see a training requirement to purchase a gun than maintaining a permit to carry. Something like an endorsement on your driver's license- G for gun stating that you have taken the required gun safety course in order to purchase a gun OTC. It would certainly make FTF sales safer and more reliable as all you have to do is ask to see their DL and check to see if they have the G endorsement. Safety is the key here, you can't drive a car without taking a class and a test, but you can buy a gun with no training. You are only required to be trained if you want to carry.

I just don't like the idea of saying you can't protect your family and yourself in public unless you follow pay the fees. I should be able to carry without a special card, period.

I can't speak for Tony, but I didn't mean anything I said as anti-carry. I agree with pretty much everything else you said. I'm glad for the open-carry law for the basic premise that I can exercise one of my God-given rights (something that I should use common sense when doing). I'm glad that if I expose my CCW, I no longer have to worry about being accused of brandishing should the wrong party see it.

My hope is that some of the guys who are planning on being stupid with their open-carry will read some of this and learn something. I'll almost bet that we all see that very same ass-clown Tony described in a Wal-Mart somewhere though.

And there are already enough unconstitutional laws out there that prove that the democracy-side of our government has already trumped the republic-side (if it scares enough people, they will gladly give up their rights and somehow our great country has allowed this to happen more times than not).

I just hope we don't end up loosing more rights out of OC than gaining.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 6, 2010
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Coweta, OK
Wow! All of this is very interesting indeed. Saying first that I am an avid 2A supporter and support completely anything that puts distance between us 2A folks the others that want to abolish, or at least restrict our 2A rights. The OC law is, if nothing else, another way to distance us from restricted rights of some kind. But, there are two parts of the OC; 1) OC on your own rural property. Think about this. Until now it was basically to carry a gun in the vast Oklahoma country side...legally! Yes it was. 2) Open carry just about everywhere else too. I agree with Pinkhamr's statement. OC everywhere may not be for everyone but I can assure you of one thing for sure. If you want to keep your 2A rights and you want to continue to distance your rights from the "control your guns" side of this you should give another thought to the "In Your Face" issue Pinkhamr brings up. Remember folks, Soccer Moms vote! As do many folks that don't give a lot of thought to the gun control issues in general but if you annoy this folks with an over inflated ego and flaunt your OC gun these folks may jump from the political fence they ride into the open arms of the gun control lobby. And if you don't think a mother will do what ever they can to protect their children you need to read some new books.
Just OC with confidence, compassion, respect, maturity and dignity. Don't push the issue too hard.

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