Automotive Question for all you car guys

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
88 chevy pick up had a speedometer FUSE! I pulled that a few times. It wasn't a discipline issue though.

Wasn't discipline for me either. We would tell my parents that we were going to the HS football game with our season tickets. Thought they were sneaky checking my mileage to make sure I didn't go anywhere else.
Pull that cable sell the tickets for gas money and head to Kansas to buy beer!


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
Rent a excavator...........dig a huge hole.............put truck in hole...........cover truck up....return excavator.

Leave a shovel stuck in the dirt with the keys zip tied to it.

: )


Special Hen
May 24, 2008
Reaction score
East side of OKC
I don't know about that vehicle, but I could disconnect a odometer cable in about 5 minutes when I was a kid.
I have a 98 f150 and all you need to do is pull the fuse to the odom and if he has figured it out you will never see the odom moved. As for the relays you go have to pull them all as there are 3 of them in the box under the hood and they are the same.


Special Hen
Oct 14, 2013
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Tulsa Area
Pulling certain relays and tripping fuel pump switch can cause burnout in a few cases but most likely he will or she will trade vehicles and end up burning up the starter/ battery and or alternator. Lot of good advice with plenty of humor and lots of trouble to solve a simple issue. He and the mother do not live in a reality where the threaten and repeat scenerio seemingly is goint to change to rule and the warning and immediate calm but very stiff consequences which solves future gambling problems with rules and the law and boundries. Very common problem with lack of united front rooted in not having committed to deep conviction and ancient authority based values. Since parental extreemes exist a lot with our parents as ours did we united along scriptural.principles and took Growing Kids Gods Way and have had far fewer battles and have a near 22, near 20, 19 yr kld young men and a near 17 year old yound lady still living in our home with thank God so far never a unauthorised vehicle use. But we also mean what we say and back it up. I know more than one use for an old hickory axe handle but believe in self control in all things and purpose to produce repentance not severe or permanant injury. Pain inflicted is to train and love in a way that is tough love not ever revenge or some other emotionaly tirade but structured and measured, meeted.out carefully with his purpose of life training in mind to prevent raising a gambler with consequences who digresses to much worse criminal activity and multilevel psy, moral, spiritual destruction before it cant be turned around. Things have gotten too far out of hand with extreemes due to too much media and coverage of foolish deeds by evil doers causing fear to do what is right and needs to be done before it can not be turned.,

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
LTown to the Lst
Pulling certain relays and tripping fuel pump switch can cause burnout in a few cases but most likely he will or she will trade vehicles and end up burning up the starter/ battery and or alternator. Lot of good advice with plenty of humor and lots of trouble to solve a simple issue. He and the mother do not live in a reality where the threaten and repeat scenerio seemingly is goint to change to rule and the warning and immediate calm but very stiff consequences which solves future gambling problems with rules and the law and boundries. Very common problem with lack of united front rooted in not having committed to deep conviction and ancient authority based values. Since parental extreemes exist a lot with our parents as ours did we united along scriptural.principles and took Growing Kids Gods Way and have had far fewer battles and have a near 22, near 20, 19 yr kld young men and a near 17 year old yound lady still living in our home with thank God so far never a unauthorised vehicle use. But we also mean what we say and back it up. I know more than one use for an old hickory axe handle but believe in self control in all things and purpose to produce repentance not severe or permanant injury. Pain inflicted is to train and love in a way that is tough love not ever revenge or some other emotionaly tirade but structured and measured, meeted.out carefully with his purpose of life training in mind to prevent raising a gambler with consequences who digresses to much worse criminal activity and multilevel psy, moral, spiritual destruction before it cant be turned around. Things have gotten too far out of hand with extreemes due to too much media and coverage of foolish deeds by evil doers causing fear to do what is right and needs to be done before it can not be turned.,

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk

Far Out Man....the Good vibes cancel out the bad vibes,...Way Cool Man... 8)

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