Does Humanity Need Religion?

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Jan 19, 2007
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You should keep in mind that the OP's original "question" was never a question at all. He is not a person teetering on the edge, trying to make a decision one way or the other, and coming to this forum seeking advice on his choice. No, his mind was firmly made up before he posted his "question" that became this thread's title. Were he intellectually honest, he would have entitled this thread thusly, "Humanity Does Not Need Religion", instead of coyly posing his "question" as a means to stir the pot.

Sorry you think that. My question is a sincere one. I have my opinion on that matter of religion having been involved in it for some time but my perspective is just one of millions.


Special Hen
May 3, 2008
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The people who killed Jesus were the most religious people of that day. I can understand why people have a bad opinion of religion. All the denominations, pedophiles, scandals, crusades, picketing, and hypocrisy in general is a very arguable deterrent. Many people who claim to be "Christians" are deceived. We have made a mess of a very simple Gospel. I trust and try to follow Jesus, not some system or rigid set of rules. I'm a poor example of Jesus most of the time, but my works do not earn God's favor, Jesus died for me. I'm not trying to argue, but it's as real to me as my own skin.


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Aug 7, 2009
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How about the existence of some 30,000 or more different denominations with different interpretations of "Christianity's teachings." All from the same book.

Okay. I understand your perspective. But, when I refer to the teachings of Christianity, I am referring to what is in the New Testament of the bible, as it speaks to me. Interpretation by one denomination or another (or taking the literal meaning of the Word) occasionally provides me with a different perspective that aids in my interpretation of the New Testament.

I'll revise my statement from "If all the world followed the teachings of Christianity...." to "If all the world followed the teachings of the New Testament, would the world not be a better place"?


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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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See a lot of atheist missionaries do ya?

You are the only one I've ever encountered, ever. You are without a doubt an "antievangelist" for your cause, and I'm 100% ok with that, and what you believe. It's you who is always on a mission here to disprove Christianity on OSA.......therefore that makes you one.

Were you persecuted by Christians at some point personally? I only know 3 professing athiests (men), and 1 agnostic(lady). I know their stance, they know mine........we hunt, fish, shoot,eat, visit, etc..........there's no animosity between any of us, there never was. Why such hatred towards the Christian?


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Jun 13, 2005
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Basic inclinations towards altruism sounds great until you actually study what that means in primates. Said "altruism" observed in studies does not mean women are respected, protected from rape, life is precious, you don't lie, steal, cheat, etc. It typically amounts to a minimum level of empathy and is generally strictly limited to a family unit or tribe. Relations between different tribes tends to be savage. Context matters as does human history and reality.

And pretending folks born and raised in western society, surrounded by believers whose heritage and institutions are grounded in centuries upon centuries of notions of justice and morality somehow independently became moral souls is, no offense, borderline delusional. As to Native American women, slaves and gays, no one is claiming that religion is a guarantee against evil - but it is better world, overall, than the alternative. I suggest you do a study of the life style/culture of most Native Americans related to their treatment of women. As to slaves, it was the Christian abolitionist movement that led the way to their freedom and this country bled itself dry to achieve dignity for the slaves. As to gays, this is another place where WHAT you believe matters. IMO, gays have far more protection under a Judeo/Christian tradition that they do without or under, say, Islam. IMO, you are searching for ways to slam religion without giving consideration for what the world would look like without it.

Not looking for ways to slam religion, I just understand what it's history and impact on mankind. Now given your opinion of altruism, it seems that religious circles have a significant history of savagery towards others do they not?

It's interesting that one can try to provide that the world is better off with religion. There's a long history of conflict, manipulation, and intellectual suppression that provides otherwise. If you believe to the contrary, I understand, the emotion of mortality is strong and will put blinders in front of some and create a strong bias against any sort of critical thinking. Point remains, if we are to take your scrutiny of altruism to the same level of religion, it doesn't pass by any stretch of the imagination.

Suggesting that I study Native American culture pertaining to women is a red herring and hopefully doesn't lead to a justification of eradication in your mind. I will say that the gay protection rhetoric is amusing. Just thank us because we aren't throwing you off buildings? That's the same type of hollow cry that so many of the black community heard during WWII. The bulwark fallacy rears it's ugly head again.

Finally, there is no searching here. History lends us several facts as to what the two major religions have given us. It's easy to shoot the messenger in this case for sure, but that doesn't change the inherent hypocrisy they entail and destruction they've caused to humanity.
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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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You are the only one I've ever encountered, ever. You are without a doubt an "antievangelist" for your cause, and I'm 100% ok with that, and what you believe. It's you who is always on a mission here to disprove Christianity on OSA.......therefore that makes you one.

Were you persecuted by Christians at some point personally? I only know 3 professing athiests (men), and 1 agnostic(lady). I know their stance, they know mine........we hunt, fish, shoot,eat, visit, etc..........there's no animosity between any of us, there never was. Why such hatred towards the Christian?

Actually, I'm more of an agnostic.

I'm no more or less on a mission here than anyone else in regards to their passion for personal beliefs and freedoms. You won't see me in a "prayer" thread out of respect, and I rarely start any of these threads in contrast to christian cheerleaders on this board. You're just trying to paint a picture that I'm angry and scared because it would validate that there's something abnormal with what I believe. Discussing facts or not being afraid to provide them doesn't amount to harboring anger.

Truth is I have friends and family that have deep religious views, just like I would assume many here do.

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