Interview with NSA whistleblower

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B Gordon

Special Hen
Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score
Green Country
There was a report that he posted that opinion on a website some years ago.
Was it really him doing the posting or was it just another piece of misinformation put forth to discredit him?
Did the NSA review some of their trillions of bits of past internet traffic and simply leak the information that some posts were his?
See the problem here?
You don't know what is accurate and what is not?
Sort of makes your head spin.
Is Snowden the biggest leaker of government secrets or is he the most outspoken critic of secret government survellance programs?
Or both?
How much of what has shown up in the movies such as The Bourne Legacy & Enemy of the State are happening right now and how much is hollywood BS?

One thing that I do feel 100% sure about is that the NSA and several other government agencies are spending huge amounts of man hours to come up with ways to minimize the damage that Snowden cost them. If somebody high up in those orginizations decides damage control demands pictures of Snowden in compromizing positions with farm animals, then such "evidence" can be fabricated and released to the public.

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