Job Opening ... Director of FBI

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Apr 14, 2009
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It's hard to imagine how you could be more wrong. Putin desperately wanted Trump in office. Learn the history of Hillary and Putin. He hates her. The Russians launched a program to get Trump elected. At Putin's direction.
Talk about fake news. Liberals are so freaking gullible.


Jan 24, 2013
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It's not unusual for foreign countries to try to influence our elections. It's not like our very own CIA hasn't been guilty of this very same offence.

The Russians didn't invent all these leaks, all the information that was leaked was legitimate.

So when does exposing corruption become a problem?

When it's the Russians and the target is your preferred candidate, apparently.


Yeah, so what? Who cares? Hell, let's not even hold an election, let's just ask Putin who he wants in the White House.


Jan 24, 2013
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Talk about fake news. Liberals are so freaking gullible.

After your embarrassing post trying to blame Comey for things that happened well before he even took over the FBI one would think that you might be a bit gun-shy. Guess not. If you think it's "fake news" that Putin has a healthy disdain for Hillary, you simply have no idea what you're talking about.


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Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City

Yeah, so what? Who cares? Hell, let's not even hold an election, let's just ask Putin who he wants in the White House.

I don't think him exposing the DNC and Hillary's corruption is the same as him choosing our leader.

Hillary and the DNC lost that election, and their corrupt actions were merely exposed by the Russians. Besides, didn't wikileaks mention something along the lines of the leaker not being Russian, but being a staffer within the DNC?


Jan 24, 2013
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I don't think him exposing the DNC and Hillary's corruption is the same as him choosing our leader.

Hillary and the DNC lost that election, and their corrupt actions were merely exposed by the Russians. Besides, didn't wikileaks mention something along the lines of the leaker not being Russian, but being a staffer within the DNC?

Either you're being obtuse or you're truly ignorant of the facts. Nobody, not even Trump himself, disputes who was behind the DNC hack. It was a state-level hack. It was, without question, the Russians.


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Apr 14, 2009
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Rod Rosenstein, man behind Comey’s firing, is highly respected on Capitol Hill

Rod Rosenstein, who recommended to President Trump that he fire FBI Director James Comey, is widely respected by both career civil servants and members of both political parties.

The Justice Department's newly appointed deputy attorney general earned praise from Democrats during confirmation hearings earlier this year before getting overwhelming approval, 94-6, in the Senate.

At no point in those hearings was Rosenstein asked whether he felt that Comey was up to the task of leading the FBI throughout multiple, highly politicized investigations. Democrats did press him, repeatedly, to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate allegations of Russian influence on the U.S. presidential election and alleged collusion with the Trump campaign.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., for example, said that Rosenstein has “impressive credentials” and she does not question his “integrity.” But she said: “We need steel spines and there is a real danger the Justice Department could become politicized.”

So it came as a surprise to some when his letter explaining his decision regarding Comey pointed at the former FBI director’s questionable handling of the Clinton probe.

“I cannot defend the director's handling of the conclusion of the investigation of Secretary Clinton's emails,” Rosenstein wrote, “and I do not understand his refusal to accept the nearly universal judgment that he was mistaken. Almost everyone agrees that the director made serious mistakes; it is one of the few issues that unites people of diverse perspectives.”

Interviews with former colleagues and attorneys who know Rosenstein professionally all say he is a prosecutor who is working to defend the integrity and the independence of the Justice Department.

“Regardless of his title and his position, he makes decisions the same way he did during his decades as a career prosecutor,” said former DOJ attorney Jason Weinstein, who worked with Rosenstein during the Bush and Obama administrations, “That means following the facts wherever they lead, pursuing justice and doing the right thing -- without regard for politics. This is a partisan minefield no matter what he decides, but partisanship won't be part of the equation for him.”

Rosenstein has a long track record in high-profile cases that bolster his reputation for independence.

As a young attorney in the 1990s, Rosenstein was tapped to join Kenneth Starr’s team of prosecutors investigating shady Clinton real estate dealings in Arkansas.

Attorney Megan Brown worked with Rosenstein in the Bush DOJ’s Tax Division.

“I lived through incredibly stressful situations at the senior levels of DOJ firsthand. He can lead and make the tough calls,” Brown, who now works in private practice in Washington, D.C., told Fox News. “He's unflappable, with rock-solid ethics.”

Former Attorney General Eric Holder appointed Rosenstein to investigate who was leaking classified information about the Obama administration’s role in cyberattacks against Iran. The DOJ later attained a guilty plea from retired Marine Gen. James Cartwright for making false statements about a covert cyberattack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. The New York Times decried the result, saying it would have a chilling effect on government employees leaking to the press.

Outside the Beltway scandals, Rosenstein also has prosecuted local corruption cases, including against former Prince George’s County Executive Jack B. Johnson, who received a seven-year term for extortion and for witness and evidence tampering. Rosenstein also has prosecuted allegedly corrupt Baltimore cops, along with vicious gangs like MS-13.

“The Maryland criminal defense bar knows that knowing Rod will get you nowhere when it comes to trying to influence decisions in his office. He simply does what is right and just and does not take personal relationships into account,” said Baltimore criminal defense attorney Steve Silverman, who has known Rosenstein professionally for years.


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Apr 14, 2009
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After your embarrassing post trying to blame Comey for things that happened well before he even took over the FBI one would think that you might be a bit gun-shy. Guess not. If you think it's "fake news" that Putin has a healthy disdain for Hillary, you simply have no idea what you're talking about.
This was the BS part of your statement:
"The Russians launched a program to get Trump elected. At Putin's direction."

The funny thing is I just quoted a source and provided the source. You just make **** up.


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Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
Either you're being obtuse or you're truly ignorant of the facts. Nobody, not even Trump himself, disputes who was behind the DNC hack. It was a state-level hack. It was, without question, the Russians.

If even Trump agrees it was the Russians, what's the problem? Im sure whoever replaces comey will investigate the situation, as will the Congress.


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Jan 12, 2007
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And everyone of those agencies have said the Russians were behind the DNC hack and the Russians influenced the election. But, hey, WTF, your guy won so who cares if a hostile foreign power influenced our election turning us into the laughing stock of the international community.

So RT and the Russian intelligence assets do the job that American "journalists" refuse to do, and you don't think they deserve a Pultizer? That they did EXACTLY what U.S. intelligence assets do globally is wrong, but it's OK for the U.S. to do it?

More info on the grand jury subpoenas issued yesterday....

CNN is reporting the subpoenas were for business records of Flynn Intel Group.

Wild guess would be that someone at Flynn Intel leaked the news following receipt of the subpoenas.

So DoJ is investigating a private company of Flynn's, not Trump? That's what you're saying? and you're saying that Trump firing Comey is going to stop that investigation? How exactly does that work?

It's hard to imagine how you could be more wrong. Putin desperately wanted Trump in office. Learn the history of Hillary and Putin. He hates her. The Russians launched a program to get Trump elected. At Putin's direction.

So Trump isn't under investigation (confirmed by Comey three times), but Russia is? If Russia is under investigation and Trump isn't, then why are you lefties all up in arms about Comey being fired? Do you honestly think Comey was the ONLY person who could oversee that investigation?
I don't think him exposing the DNC and Hillary's corruption is the same as him choosing our leader.

Hillary and the DNC lost that election, and their corrupt actions were merely exposed by the Russians. Besides, didn't wikileaks mention something along the lines of the leaker not being Russian, but being a staffer within the DNC?

According to Ace and the other lefties, Wikileaks is an arm of Russian intelligence and you're a fool to believe anything they ever say or publish. BTW, your .gov isn't spying on its citizens and parallel construction is a Russian propaganda tool. :rolleyes2

All other things being considered, I've yet to hear a single person articulate what exactly the "Russian investigation" is or who is being investigated. Everyone on the left (and especially Ace) has taken media rumor and innuendo, and origami'd it into Team Trump/Russia colluded to steal the U.S. election. So if anyone can provide actual evidence and not just supposition as to who is being investigated for real and what crime they're accused of, feel free. Until then, this is all political posturing and your witch hunt is looking worse than Benghazi, which you know, had actual dead people and video evidence of misleading the public to influence an election. :rolleyes2


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Aug 7, 2009
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It's hard to imagine how you could be more wrong. Putin desperately wanted Trump in office. Learn the history of Hillary and Putin. He hates her. The Russians launched a program to get Trump elected. At Putin's direction.

If true, which I do not believe, thank God. The liberal ideology was on the verge of destroying the country. At a minimum, 4 years of Trump will roll-back that ideology for a few years beyond his one or two terms; especially when you consider the federal judges he will appoint and 2, if not 3, Supreme Court Justices. I don't care for Trump but voted for him solely because of the court appointees.

Cry on Libs - The Democratic Party corruption, deceit, and hypocrisy caught you this time.

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