Joe Pa is gone. PSU trustees fire Paterno, Spanier

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Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
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Spring, TX
I think we are all assuming he knew something to a degree that we would all feel morally obligated to report such things to the police. ESPN was just speaking about what he actually was told by the grad assistant and what he understood. They said Joe's testimony to the grand jury was consistent with the grad assistants testimony and they don't believe Joe has a real understanding about what was being reported. It's as if he was either confused as to what was being reported or his level of understanding simply wasn't accurate so he sent it up the chain to someone higher and went back to coaching. Without really knowing what he understood I'm not sure I can armchair quarterback the guys morals.

This is a good sumation of what I think is accurate. I can see some posts indirectly questioning my stance on this. Let me be clear, I don't support any type of this behavior and even I question why it was not taken into his own hands (Joe Pa's) and just fire the guy. Joe Pa was not given the full story when he was notified of what was happening. Suspicions or not, as the head coach he had all the power to see to the termination of the guy's career and certainly his time at PSU. Why this at the very least was not done I don't know.

What gets me is because of this whole ordeal PSU is getting a black eye as a whole. PSU is much more than the football program.


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
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Spring, TX
People aren't even railing the guy who actually committed the dang crime!!! It's all joe Pa this, and Joe Pa that.

I'm sure the guy who committed the acts will get his eventual railing and it will be far worse than anything by the media though so I guess that's a consolation to Joe Pa.


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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What gets me is because of this whole ordeal PSU is getting a black eye as a whole. PSU is much more than the football program.

I will say that I believe, aside from the child victims (obviously), I feel the sorriest for the current players and the rest of the university. They are all collateral damage in this debacle.

The athletic department and some of the other officials, well.... worse than even Dave Bliss IMHO.


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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Joe at least reported it to police

Can you show me where you are finding that? As nothing I have seen mentions ANYONE calling police.

Read page 7:

"No entity conducted an investigation." What does that tell us? They told a bunch of University suits, and who just told each other. All accounts were that the acts were sexual in nature, or even more specific. No one contacted anyone with any investigative and/or prosecuting authority.

It was nothing more than a cover up job to save face.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
He spoke to the CHIEF of police. How is that not reporting it to police?

In what context did he speak with the Chief?

Talking with a buddy over a cup of coffee is not the same as filing a report, pressing charges, holding press conferences and refusing to coach another game until an investigation is launched and/or concluded.

NONE of this is about f-ing football. It's about grown men who failed to take action after a man was caught in the act of violently sodomizing a child.

If he did speak to the Chief, then the Chief needs to be out on his ass too.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Well, my thoughts were if it was this ole hillbilly that saw what the eye witness saw then either me or the guy doing the molesting would have gotten a beating..First things first in my mind..Like I said..I'm probably wrong but as broken up as my body is now..I'm still not running to tell someone and leave the little boy in the shower with the thug.

For all the outcry over Joe Pa, people aren't really railing on the guy who saw it. Joe at least reported it to police, that guy just reported it to his boss.

This. Remember the name Mike McQueary out of all this. He's the coward who didn't do the right thing. He's the scared little man who refused to save a child in desperate need. He's the one who saw a felonious sexual assault on a child and failed to man up. He's the one who violated the law by not reporting a crime. He alone could have prevented more criminal acts, and did the closest thing to nothing he could have done.

Remember this as well, he's the only one involved in this sordid affair that still has a job. He is expected to coach the game this weekend (probably from the box, because he's not man enough to stand on the field and accept his shame). This sorry, worthless, pathetic excuse for a man should accept his role in this treacherous scandal and resign immediately. Guess he's too much of a p#$$y to do that though.

The fact of the matter is that a strapping, fully clothed, 28 year old man saw a naked 58 year old man anally raping a child, and failed to act. Not only did he fail to act, he slept on it! He didn't tell anyone till the next day, when he went to the "great" JoPa for confessional. Well apparently the "great" JoPa absolved him of his sin. Not only that, he got a promotion for his failure to act.

If I sound a little harsh on this subject, well tough s#!t!!! If you ask me, the entire athletic department should be shut down indefinitely. There's obviously a cultural deficiency in an organization that allows little boys to be sodomized on their turf. Gee, they fired JoPa? They should suspend the rest of the season!!! Does anyone give a damn about the victims here??? Actually, they shouldn't have to suspend the rest of the season. If I were a player on the team and just found out that my coaching staff participated in, allowed, ignored or covered up the sexual assault of a little boy, I would refuse to play!!! There shouldn't be a game this Saturday if a single player on that team is a real man!!!

For the record, if you're ever in the exact situation that the coward McQueary was in 2002, here is the correct response. You enter the shower room and physically remove the rapist pedophile from his victim, using all necessary force to do so. You take control of the minor child and get him out of there. You cover him up and reassure him that everything will be ok. You immediately call for emergency medical assistance and law enforcement. You defend and protect the child until relieved by emergency first responders. Then, you demand a criminal investigation and make a written statement. Then, and only then, do you notify your superiors. You do not allow them the opportunity to deflect, defer or cover up the crime. You, as a man, take control and make the right thing happen. And if anyone dares to question your response, you get in their face!!! You tell them in no uncertain terms that any other response is completely unacceptable!

In a world of unacceptable behavior, Sandusky's is at the very top of that rotting pile. McQueary's is only a few steps down from there. Had it been me, there most likely would've been two ambulances responding that night. I doubt Sandusky would have left the showers without medical assistance.

I'm more than disgusted by this chain of events. I'm downright livid. Why anyone would look up to people who would accept such a pathetic response is beyond me. And if I were the victim's father, I'd walk right up to McQueary and punch him in the face. Not a jury in the land would convict that father for failing to accept such a disgusting, pathetic response from someone in McQueary's position.

Ughh, I gotta go clear my head. This crap is acid to the soul. :censored:


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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He spoke to the CHIEF of police. How is that not reporting it to police?

There's talking to the police, and then there's filing a report of a felony crime. Paterno should have walked McQueary to the station and had him file a report IF McQueary actually told him what happened. Paterno never should have been put in the position to be questioned in the first place. McQueary is a coward and a pathetic piece of garbage for his failure. I hope it haunts him the rest of his miserable life.


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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He spoke to the CHIEF of police. How is that not reporting it to police?

Scultz oversaw the police, but was not their Chief.

The indictment goes so far to say "he (Schultz) never reported the 2002 incident to the University Police or other policy agency... No one from the University did so."

How are people construing that ANYONE contacted the police or child protective agency? It's just insane the excuses people are making. For Joe Pa, McQueary, and all involved.

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