Kids Going Hungry Under Obama Policy

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Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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The cafeteria food at my school was a gotdamn joke. Fried gas station food and no vegetables. Pick and choose what you want. The only kids to eat the full meal were the kids who had subsidized lunches so the biggest meal of the day the impoverished kids got was salty fried crap with no nutritional value. Kids with money maybe got one fried thing and hit the vending machines (or the Mazzio's pizza line). Kids with money ate just as bad or worse but at least they got a real dinner when they got home.

Dale I can direct you to summer lunch program for latchkey kids who seem pretty grateful they can walk their little siblings down and get something decent to eat once a day while mom's at work.

To equate kids refusing to eat anything but fried cheese with child hunger is pretty reprehensible even for conservative news. Send those kids to Appalachia for a month and I bet they'll look at their menu options differently when they return.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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Not far away? its here, just ask asny new yorker jonesing for a big gulp. IN NYC, you can't slurp down 22 oz of Dr pecker, but your kid can get free Plan B pills from the school nurse without a parents consent. If they need an aspirin or have prescription meds, they have to have a doctors note and it has to be locked up in the office, but baby-killer pills? Here's all you can handle, bro.

I ersonally don't have a problem with free Plan B, hell it's better than having more 13 year old single moms on welfare forever, but there is some real big brother shizz going on here.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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Ridge- I understand what you are saying, I do, but the mandates are rediculous. They don't subsidize the food programs with money, they list ketchup as a vegatable/fruit/meat, and then dictate what the schools can serve. The lunch ladies are hamstrung. My kids prefer to eat salads at school because the rest of the food is junk, but my 7 yr old told us this morning that they only have a few salads each lunchtime, so unless you are at the front of the line, you can't get one. My kids usually take a home lunch, but sometimes they run ou of time or they want the school lunch. I hated school lunch when I was a kid, but the trash they serve these days is ridiculous. One side serves crap, the other side dictates crap kids don't want but won't the schools serve healthy options they will love. Sick of the government in general.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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There's blame to be shared between parents and the schools and the govt. When parents stopped parenting it created a vacuum that the schools naturally tried to fill.

But seeing these sorts of government mandates is frightening. I believe the childhood obesity problem will continue possibly leading to the proposing of more draconian measures. Perhaps a new Obamacare tax for overweight kids. Perhaps mandatory family counseling with the threat of loss of parental rights.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Ridge- I understand what you are saying, I do, but the mandates are rediculous. They don't subsidize the food programs with money, they list ketchup as a vegatable/fruit/meat, and then dictate what the schools can serve. The lunch ladies are hamstrung. My kids prefer to eat salads at school because the rest of the food is junk, but my 7 yr old told us this morning that they only have a few salads each lunchtime, so unless you are at the front of the line, you can't get one. My kids usually take a home lunch, but sometimes they run ou of time or they want the school lunch. I hated school lunch when I was a kid, but the trash they serve these days is ridiculous. One side serves crap, the other side dictates crap kids don't want but won't the schools serve healthy options they will love. Sick of the government in general.

When I was in school kids with low household incomes got lunch for $0.35 and kids above the income line got it for $1.65 (IIRC). It was all junk. I always brought my lunch so I'm not sure what all of it was - but it was all fried and breaded. Nobody had anything on their plate but fried cheese, fried chicken, fried fish, etc.

Yeah, don't get me on a soapbox. We've let things like this get so out of hand that it's too late to do damage control. Once something is a societal norm it's hard to introduce change. Your contraception example? Yeah, we wouldn't need to worry about morning-after pills if we started sex education on-time and not after kids are already boning, or had it at all (none at my school, but lots-o-babies by 10th grade). See teen pregnancy and STD rates in The Netherlands and then look at their sex-ed programs and their attitudes towards sex and tell me we're doing it right. U.S. - the first world country that lets our wounds hemorrhage till we get light-headed then pulls out the bandaids and pats ourselves on the backs. We're just about in time to solve the obesity epidemic. As you can see people welcome the change.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Ask any doctor and he will tell you that a kid not eating something, healthy or not is bad for them, but under the new guidelines many kids are refusing to eat the schools food at all. I read a piece awhile back that sales of school lunches have dropped 50% in places. To make matters worse some schools are refusing to let kids bring a lunch from home so they either eat what is served or go hungry. Many are choosing to go hungry.

The real problem is in typical "we know better than you" fashion they have tried to shove a "healthy" diet down the kids throat instead of gradually easing them into it. If they had slowly started serving less fried foods and other junk the kids might not be revolting.

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