Oklahoma House Resurrects Bill To Arm School Teachers

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Special Hen
Mar 13, 2013
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You must remember the school board members in a lot of districts are on the school board because they dislike a particular teacher for some reason or another. Lots of people run to get rid of a coach or other teacher. I see nothing wrong with requiring the training, but if it is the reserve officer curriculum 120 hour course, it will be very few teachers who get the training as the schools will be hard pressed to come up with the money. I am an old timer and new on here, I don't have my SDA yet as I am waiting on the state. I will not be allowed to carry at school as I work on Federal property and all firearms are illegal. They are not allowed on the property at all so we are truly a gun free zone. We do have tribal marshals and they are armed. The tribal marshal office is less than 1/2 mile away so we could have additional marshals there pretty quickly but with the way students congregate if someone wanted it could become a blood bath. In response to Sandy Hook all our doors are locked so the students could not run into the buildings in case of emergency. I do not know what the answer is, it is technically illegal to even drop your child off if you are carrying. There has been some talk of putting all the vehicles through inspection at a guard shack but I do not know if they would do that or not, it would sure cause a bottleneck to getting on or off campus if they actually did the inspections.


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 12, 2008
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Lincoln Co.
How about we pass some legislation that actually doesn't suck?
The requirements for training being excessive and the required approval of the board and superintendent make it highly unlikely more than a handful of teachers ever receive the training and approval to protect our kids. This legislation is nothing more than an illusion of safety. It's designed to make us feel good while doing nothing meaningful to solve the problem.

I understand simply removing schools from the no guns list is not happening. However, the current legislation does not do near enough to actually protect the teachers and students. As a teacher, I am in the only profession where I am denied the right to defend myself by having a firearm locked in my vehicle. I don't always (in fact, almost never) go straight home from work as I must run errands, pick up my son, etc... I think it's a joke I cant even have my pistol in my car to protect my family.

This legislation is pointless and doesn't address any of the real problems.

CoachR64 is correct.

As for training to deal with a killer on campus, I'm all for it because it's the responsible thing to do. Requiring it with components that are irrelevant to the situation but make everyone who isn't in my shoes feel better, not so much. The need for all teachers to be trained in dealing with these situations armed or unarmed is needed but ignored or only given lip service.

We shouldn't be debating how much CLEET training a responsible adult who is willing to carry a firearm in defense of him/herself and their students should get to exercise a basic human right. We shouldn't be in favor of a law that as Coach64 points out is only a feel good measure that will accomplish nothing. We should be discussing how to change the dialogue about guns and the perceptions that have been perpetuated by the politically correct, anti-gun crowd. We should be discussing what kind of specific situation training can be provided to armed and unarmed teachers to deal with a deadly threat.

Also, may I remind everyone that teachers in Utah have been carrying, with no special training required, for more than a decade and have not had a single incident that I can find. And I've tried to find one.

Lastly, should local boards have control of their schools? Yes. But he who provides the funds makes the rules. Very few schools are willing to give up outside funding. Most are dependent on it and working to find ways to get more of it.


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
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Maybe I'm thinking about the wrong bill, but who is talking about "arming" teachers? There's a big difference between "arming" and "not disarming". I still fail to see a reason why a teacher, who is legally allowed to carry elsewhere, should suddenly lose that right when they go to work.

Exactly Right! Let's not talk of ARMING teachers.
Let's just not DISARM law abiding citizens who can carry elsewhere, when they enter a school zone. Let's not make the school zone MORE SAFE FOR THE BAD GUYS by disarming the good guys.


Special Hen
Oct 7, 2009
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It just makes sense. You are already trusting your child to these people, to a great degree. If you trust them enough to leave them in control of your child for hours at a time, day after day then it's not much of a stretch to trust them with a firearm.


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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There seems to be some concern about a student or students rushing an armed teacher to gain access of the firearm. I'm thinking a properly concealed handgun almost elimiates this problem. Has there ever been any concern about students rushing an armed security guard/reserve officer? They have their pistol on their hip after all.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
There seems to be some concern about a student or students rushing an armed teacher to gain access of the firearm. I'm thinking a properly concealed handgun almost elimiates this problem. Has there ever been any concern about students rushing an armed security guard/reserve officer? They have their pistol on their hip after all.

More of the "blood running the streets" mentality that the anti's like to spew.


Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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There seems to be some concern about a student or students rushing an armed teacher to gain access of the firearm. I'm thinking a properly concealed handgun almost elimiates this problem. Has there ever been any concern about students rushing an armed security guard/reserve officer? They have their pistol on their hip after all.

Yes, it's always about the 'what if's' instead of facts. Fact is, teachers are allowed to carry in some places (Utah I believe) and as far as I know, there has never been a case of an armed teacher having their gun swiped and used in a shooting. And I'm sure if it ever happened it would be all over the news.

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