Bill introduced to allow teachers to carry in schools

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 16, 2009
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With a carry class under their belts teachers could be allowed to carry firearms into the classrooms with the consent of their school where they teach, I think it’s a good idea but maybe with a bit more training, what do all of you good people say ?

If it does pass I will donate classes to any school district in the state for actual costs for me to give the class I.E. travel costs, range time, paperwork etc…


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
With a carry class under their belts teachers could be allowed to carry firearms into the classrooms with the consent of their school where they teach, I think it’s a good idea but maybe with a bit more training, what do all of you good people say ?

If it does pass I will donate classes to any school district in the state for actual costs for me to give the class I.E. travel costs, range time, paperwork etc…
More training is always good, as long as it's good training! Military maxim is the more you train, the less you bleed. I've taken the local concealed carry class, planning on taking it again, but maybe from a different instructor, before I actually go get the concealed carry permit.


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
I'm for it...sure everyone won't carry...just need one person to stop them monster...

scared of the teacher, but you let them watch and teach you kids ?
Parents need to be more involved in their kid's education. Lots more! Probably wouldn't hurt to have grandparents spending a bunch of time there, either. I only spent about 3 years actually teaching, but I spent most of 4 years being the PTSA president for my kid's high school. Eventually pulled my youngest out of high school, at age 15, and started her in college as she turned 16... Too much bureaucratic inertia there. Their science classes didn't have microscopes, or any other lab equipment. They also banned cell phones, rather than teaching the kids to use them responsibly. This was supposedly a technology school, too. My kids were having to meet a bus at 5:30-6am to be at school for 7:30 classes. Not allowed to have phones, and both our neighborhood and the school neighborhood were rather sketchy.


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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Watching some of the debate on the floor for this yesterday was entertaining and maddening at the same time.

One Dem responded with "the thought that I could walk in and kill any of my students is disturbing". If that's the first thing a teacher is thinking of, do they need to be in the classroom at all? What's to keep any teacher from walking in with a gun and shooting their students right now before this bill? Nothing. Typical dem talk before thinking comment.

-many school boards won't vote for it at all, many won't vote yes.

-it will take the right teacher and personality to carry in the classroom no matter what training they receive. When posed with the question, "can you shoot little Johnny, without hesitation and without harming other students, and can you shoot little Johnny's dad without hesitation without harming other students?", many if not most will mentally not be up to the task.

-teachers have been carrying across the country for many years now, how many of those teachers have pulled the trigger out of anger at a student? How many of those teachers have pulled the trigger on a perp?


Special Hen
Feb 10, 2022
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You can already carry if you're an ex cop, ex security, or know how to keep a secret. That said, I think the karens running our schools today have no business carrying a gun around kids. They're just giving the kids something to use against them and each other because they'll lose it in under 10 seconds.

However, if you can pass a weekly PT like they have for the ROTC programs (very minimal) and will do bi-yearly trainings (each semester), and have ACTUAL DRILLS to prepare for scenarios, I think it's a great idea. Everyone else gets a panic button.

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