Simple Question. Will you vote for Trump?

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Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
That's a really intelligent statement. Care to expound on how you came by it?

In Tusla yesterday he said when Trump is president stores will be saying Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays.
How is he going to do that?
On yeah, I forgot. Da bible is his "favorite book".

Donald Trump, who said, "If I become president, we’re gonna be saying Merry Christmas at every store," does not sell Christmas merch in his store.“I’m a good Christian,” Trump said in Iowa in late October. If elected, he claimed, “You can leave happy holidays at the corner.” A campaign promise already broken, it seems. Make America great again? He can’t even make Christmas great right now. There’s not a single “Christmas” in his campaign store. Not one holly berry or fir tree.
This is no minor oversight. A President Trump wouldn’t have the power to force retailers to say Merry Christmas for six weeks a year, but surely candidate Trump has command and control over his own store. “It’s all about management,” Trump said recently, when asked how exactly he might go about registering American Muslims. Looks like he can’t even manage to out-Christmas Hillary Clinton.

Clinton’s ugly Christmas ornament has already sold out. The Starbucks cup that sparked Trump’s Christmas promise? Rand Paul’s parody of it is on sale for $16. And you can get Ted Cruz’s beautiful face on a holiday sweater; it has Gadsden flag snakes flickering their tongues in his ears. The sweater is $60, but 4XL is $4 extra. Commerce is the true Christmas spirit.


Jan 19, 2007
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Also rumors that she's constantly sick. There's numerous videos of her in the past few months having coughing fits while speaking.

And let's not forget she lifted classified information from a classified network and placed it on her personal server. The fact that she's running for POTUS while under investigation for such a crime makes me think this is all a movie. "Okay, where are the cameras at? Joke's over."


Special Hen
Dec 12, 2009
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Florida former Okie.
None of the political class want NAFTA done away with. Neither Democrats or Republicans. The only people who want NAFTA repealed are Americans. They got the gold mine, we got the shaft.

The entire political establishment at the time, both Republicans and Democrats told us how great things will be once we pass NAFTA. More exports, less illegals etc.
What happened is the exact opposite. At some point we have to think why they were so wrong, are they that stupid or did they lie to us?
With so many people that figured it out, I think the correct answer is that they lied, why would I want to vote for any of them?
I'm with Trump.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 10, 2015
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Coalgate, Ok.
Is Trump best for the job? Probably not but what other option do you have. I hoped for Rubio but that may be out of reach. I can't support Hillary because I fear another 4 years of Obama policies that are ruining our country. Plus, Hillary has shown such a lack of judgement I fear for the security of our country and the men/women that protect it.


Special Hen
Dec 12, 2009
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Florida former Okie.
I'm an advocate for free trade.

I am not and the way the economy has been going it is obvious to me that free trade is a bad policy.
I have no idea how a Chinese communist that uses technology invented in the US with tax payer money has the equal right to do business in this country and compete in equal terms with Americans who have fought, worked, and paid taxes to build this country.
We have sent so much technology and industrial capability to China that the former arsenal of Democracy will be in trouble when our next enemy, the Chinese commies, continue pushing to expand their geopolitical sphere of influence displacing ours.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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I am not and the way the economy has been going it is obvious to me that free trade is a bad policy.
I have no idea how a Chinese communist that uses technology invented in the US with tax payer money has the equal right to do business in this country and compete in equal terms with Americans who have fought, worked, and paid taxes to build this country.
We have sent so much technology and industrial capability to China that the former arsenal of Democracy will be in trouble when our next enemy, the Chinese commies, continue pushing to expand their geopolitical sphere of influence displacing ours.

actually it works more like this .. when the patriarch dies and/or moves on .. a multi-national with deep pockets purchases an old line American mfg like say Vice Grips, located in small town USA .. pillar of the community by employing say 500+ employees. new purchaser begins by having old employees train foreign replacements, then lays off almost all employees with exception of a few critical employees willing to relocate temporarily to China. Then the actual tooling for Vice Grip is shipped to China.

after Vice Grip factory is up and running in China, products maintains same high quality for the simple fact the same tooling is being used. then local competition rips off Vice Grip because intellectual property rights are all but impossible to protect in China. pretty soon other like products are produced with same quality as Vice Grips .. all flooding America with no import tariff.

above is a simplistic view of how USA jobs ends up in China and other low costs locations. fyi the Vice Grip example actually happened


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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Our choice is to either continue the current course, or try something new.
Doing the same old thing and expecting change is insane.

So you're cool with bypassing congress and usurping the constitution so long as it suits you. Not so different than then current administration after all.

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