The most honest 3 1/2 minutes on television . . . Ever!

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Special Hen
May 4, 2009
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If that ever happened in real life, they would have had the police remove him from the premises, tased, and pepper sprayed.

ah but how do you know they DIDN'T?? the video suspiciously cuts off immediately after he finishes and I think I saw some thug types milling their way toward the front.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
Wow. My thoughts exactly.

"Diversity" and "freedom freedom". LOL!

And hers isn't the worst generation ever. Our decline started with the Baby Boomers. That generation is the architects of all we see around us now.

No... They aren't.

Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society are with a healthy helping of socialism served up by the obamanation's Role Model - Franklin Roosevelt.

Of course the Great Society couldn't have run amok without the complicit aid of the boomers so maybe they're a bit at fault too.


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2009
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Not speaking to any of the points made, but I've always been very suspicious of those kinds of metrics. Infant mortality for one thing is tabulated differently from one country to the next and I'd like to know how 178th (or whatever) was calculated. Is median income adjusted for cost of living? How does one measure ranking in "science" and where is all this published so we can see if it's apples to apples? (Hint: I suspect sundry fruit is involved.)

To his points, well yes, the accomplishments of my Fathers (and Mothers) do seem to overshadow those of our present. I agree with most of the list regarding moral motivations and decisions, but many people don't, so how is that reconciled? Who declared war on poor people and how exactly were they better treated in the past? More effective charity, more/better government handouts?

I don't know guys, that rant doesn't make a lot of sense to me. It wanders from veiled references to the left wing then to the right wing with no clear stance or even a hint of what to do about it. It's just a bunch of bitching.

Besides, our optimism has always relied not on whether we measured as the best, but that we believed we did. Or maybe that we didn't give a crap, we just tried our hardest.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Not speaking to any of the points made, but I've always been very suspicious of those kinds of metrics. Infant mortality for one thing is tabulated differently from one country to the next and I'd like to know how 178th (or whatever) was calculated. Is median income adjusted for cost of living? How does one measure ranking in "science" and where is all this published so we can see if it's apples to apples? (Hint: I suspect sundry fruit is involved.)

To his points, well yes, the accomplishments of my Fathers (and Mothers) do seem to overshadow those of our present. I agree with most of the list regarding moral motivations and decisions, but many people don't, so how is that reconciled? Who declared war on poor people and how exactly were they better treated in the past? More effective charity, more/better government handouts?

I don't know guys, that rant doesn't make a lot of sense to me. It wanders from veiled references to the left wing then to the right wing with no clear stance or even a hint of what to do about it. It's just a bunch of bitching.

Besides, our optimism has always relied not on whether we measured as the best, but that we believed we did. Or maybe that we didn't give a crap, we just tried our hardest.

I can't speak to the statistics, but here are what I would consider "universal points" that transcend right vs. left.

We seem to be losing our competitive spirit. Not in meaningless stuff like who has the best athletes or sporting events or movies or pretty people, but stuff like science and honesty and sacrifice for the good of our society and leadership on the world stage. We're squandering our talent and our integrity at an alarming rate.

I think people were worse off in days gone by, but it was that way every place else in the world too. Now, we're better off due to technology, but not in spirit. I believe there were fewer "save me from myself" mechanisims in place in those days. We've dulled our survival instincts to the point that we'd be unable to survive in many instances without technology and social programs. We've traded self-reliance and determinism for safety and convenience. We have the best of everything material and it doesn't sate the soul. We push and push for some satisfactory experience while ignoring the void we've left in our wake.

I still see some amazing things being done, but when they happen they make headlines all out of proportion to their impact on life and then they disappear in a flash. To me it's an indication that they're somewhat rare.

If you look at it from a right vs. left perspective, you'll miss the point. This is an HBO show with liberal actors and producers. That they're saying something profound should make them all the more noteworthy. Guns, religion, health care, race, etc., shouldn't define our society. Integrity, intelligence, compassion, pragmatism and foresight should. In the places where it's most needed, I'm just not seeing all that much of it anymore. :(

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