This is quite interesting as well as disturbing - Obama is dangerous to all of us!

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Special Hen
Jan 14, 2009
Reaction score
F-35 is even porkier and worse for you. It's a stealth fighter bomber vertical take off and land hybrid. Sounds like its totally worth $400M a piece. Just what we need 2,500 of when we're already $16,400,000,000,000 in the hole.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
Reaction score
Go ahead and bury that head a little deeper! It will be OK!

So we should constantly be involved in "regime change" for every country around the world? That all of the people of these nations that we try and dictate who should lead them and what kind of government they should have shouldn't resent that? Just the mention of the UN coming over here gets all our hackles up; imagine them actually influencing our government, and putting boots on the ground. But those in other countries that rebel are insurgents, and we would be patriots. I don't like any of those nations in the M.E., but I also understand why they'd be pissed at us.

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
I am astounded that a people who just had their nation lead the entire free world through the cold-war, which without US leadership/strength would have left us alone with no trading partners and an entire Europe under Soviet domination for decades (at least), can really believe that the US should withdraw into a shell or stick its collective head into the sand and pretend world events will just happen and leave us alone along the way.

Maybe I am mis-understanding are you really saying that you believe that the US has become reckless and misused the right to intervene, even abroad, as necessary or are you saying that even if reasonable and practical the US has no moral right to intervene anywhere?

Also please remember that in (nearly) every place we have intervened there have been some elements that really did want our help if that matters in your equation.

First off - your previous comment about military spending for the GDP is way off. DoD (including overseas operations) is the largest chunk of money we spend in the budget (unless you include Medicare and Medicade in DHHS). Don't get me wrong, DHHS shouldn't have anywhere near that much in the budget, but neither should DoD.

Secondly, my point is more that our meddling overseas has caused more problems than it's cured. Nearly every instance (like 90-ish%) of terrorism on US Soil or against US personnel on foreign soil can be traced back to US operations meddling previously in that country or with those people (whether it's us working with local guerrillas and then betraying them and suddenly labeling them as terrorists, or a stray bomb that hit innocent bystanders, or our intervening in some way/shape/form with foreign affairs - we've caused a lot of this).

Historic facts and logic dictate that our meddling has caused these issues. Where is the proof that "they" would still be here if we hadn't? There is none, because we've never tried it and most likely never will.

It's really a moot point because at present, we've caused so many issues by meddling that if we stopped right now, we'd still have the fallout of all the current "terrorism" for decades.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
If only Al Queida would do the same. Unfortunately, that is not reality.

Quite true but a fact the isolationists consider irrelevant.

Like the obamanation the isolationists figure that if we just leave everyone else alone then they'll leave us alone. That might be true if the good guys were in charge everywhere, might. Unfortunately they aren't. Bad guys see those with a live and let live attitude as weak and will take advantage in any way they can. Other bad guys could care less if one is weak or strong. If you've got something they want they'll try to get it any way they can. And other bad guys who despise the way you live, or the god you worship, or the color of your skin or even that you've got more stuff than they do will try to kill you any way they can.

No matter the type of bad guy being dealt with, in each and every case it is to one's advantage to seek to curtail the bad guy's activities, no matter where he may reside, to preclude him succeeding in his quest to take what he wants from you or to destroy you.

That's just the way it is.

There are good guys and there are bad guys. They've been fighting each other since the 1st hominid picked up a leg bone and bashed in the head of the hominid that stole his mate. It will remain true until the last human being in the universe dies on some far away planet in some far away galaxy at the tentacles of some evil alien monster hell bent on ridding the universe of mankind.


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
the isolationists figure that if we just leave everyone else alone then they'll leave us alone.

Said nobody in this thread, ever.

Not wanting to stick the country's nose in everyone's business doesn't make someone an isolationist. That's a poor attempt at exaggerating and mis-characterizing their position. Is every other country in the world without foreign bases and active wars an "isolationist"?


Special Hen
Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
F-22 wasnt canceled, fleet was grounded for awhile due to oxygen issues. And I think they put off buying more of them for a bit.

As for minding our own business, we tried that, and the result was Hitler. Dont know about you, but I dont want to take that chance again.


Special Hen
Oct 14, 2010
Reaction score
Yes, yes, if only we were nicer to them, then they would love us.

That's not what's being suggested. Minding our own business has nothing to do with being nice.

No, they would hate us just as much because it our very lifestyle....

Hate us enough for our lifestyle to fly planes into WTC? Nah, that kind of hatred comes from a deeper source. How many jihadist attacks were there on Americans prior to 1948?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Well they damn sure ain't doin' it on their I mean how else do ya' figure they are gonna' quit screwin' around and accept Jesus Christ as their lord and saviour?

For the sake of argument let's say it has been all above board and well much do ya' figure the concept of "picking yer battles" comes into play in those scenarios?I mean, do ya' figure maybe some situations aren't outright ignored/disregarded with ill intent but rather there hasn't been a practical way to resolve them without the possibility of creating a huge problem much too dangerous to risk?
Isn't that...uh, I don't wanna' say "largely the reason" because I don't know to what degree I'd be bullshitting myself, but isn't that some of the reason countries have been known to fund "revolutionaries" in other places?

If you mean, what's in it for us, yes. If you mean, what can we reasonable expect to accomplish, no. If one closely examines America's historical relationships with other regimes and groups of people, we have a tendency to pick who we help based on ideology rather than human rights. We also have a tendency to leave fighting factions we initially support before the deed is seen through to completion. While we're saluting the flag and waxing poetic on baseball and apple pie, others around the world are looking at piles of dirty American laundry and leftover party trash. The don't "hate us for our freedom", they hate us for our "do as I say, not as I do" tendencies. As an American, I expect better of my country. I find it unacceptable to do what's in our best interests when it happens to also be morally and ethically wrong.

Quite true but a fact the isolationists consider irrelevant.

Like the obamanation the isolationists figure that if we just leave everyone else alone then they'll leave us alone. That might be true if the good guys were in charge everywhere, might. Unfortunately they aren't. Bad guys see those with a live and let live attitude as weak and will take advantage in any way they can. Other bad guys could care less if one is weak or strong. If you've got something they want they'll try to get it any way they can. And other bad guys who despise the way you live, or the god you worship, or the color of your skin or even that you've got more stuff than they do will try to kill you any way they can.

No matter the type of bad guy being dealt with, in each and every case it is to one's advantage to seek to curtail the bad guy's activities, no matter where he may reside, to preclude him succeeding in his quest to take what he wants from you or to destroy you.

That's just the way it is.

There are good guys and there are bad guys. They've been fighting each other since the 1st hominid picked up a leg bone and bashed in the head of the hominid that stole his mate. It will remain true until the last human being in the universe dies on some far away planet in some far away galaxy at the tentacles of some evil alien monster hell bent on ridding the universe of mankind.

Sure, trot out the "isolationist" attack when no one said to shut in like hermits. Apparently being non-isolationist means you have to attack everyone who looks sideways at us before they can say "boo"? :rolleyes2

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