Truck drives through tornado

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 12, 2005
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West OKC
Well, I might would "acquire" a Chevy to drive through a tornado, but my guess is that if I did survive, then I'd be stuck with a Chevy either way.

I'll pass on Chevrolet vehicles. (Chrysler and Dodge -oops, I mean Fiat, as well.)
Then you would be left to be Found On the Road Dead. :cool:


Special Hen
Oct 8, 2012
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Was the water line a foot from the ceiling in the house or the cellar?

that is why I hate telling the story about the woman being flushed out of her house, no one believes it, there used to be an article online with the pictures, I suspect very few if any believed it

I was not present when the woman was flushed from her house, there is no video I have no proof of anything, however if my friend and her family said it happened I believe it

how ever if I was you I would 100% call BS on the story I told and instead believe what that reporter reported

take the video that started this thread, if there was no video and that same reporter interviewed the driver of the chevy and he told her exactly what happened

"something like the truck flipped on its side rotated then was blown back on its wheels and I drove home"

everyone would call BS

that reporter would have called BS on the kid and instead reported something everyone would believe like

chevy was blown off the road and rolled on its side, after some friends helped him set it back on its wheels they pulled it from the ditch and got the truck running again

you know you would never believe that kids story if there was no video proof


Special Hen
Oct 8, 2012
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Was the water line a foot from the ceiling in the house or the cellar?
after reading that reporters story I started to believe news9's version, it sounds reasonable and very believable I started thinking maybe I had been sold a crazy bs story,

without mentioning anything about conflicting stories I mentioned the water tower falling during the tornado, to my brother the first thing he says is Bill always said that water tower is going to fall right in my back yard I told my brother I read a news9 report about the waterline in the basement, my brother immediately said the waterline was in the house, he was actually in the house after the tornado and seen it, so the water line was inside the house not the basement.

I asked him if they even had a basement, neither of us could remember seeing one but most old houses did have a dirt floor root cellar to store food,

I do know if they did have a cellar the doors to the cellar were not in the road or ditch were the house ended up, so the reporters claim about the house ending up on top the cellar doors is just a fabrication.

the reporter claimed Catherine could not make it down the stairs to her cellar because of her knee's, partially true but that is not what happened, Catherines daughter husband and her family tried to get Catherine to go with them to there storm shelter a block away Catherine refused because she didn't want them to carry her down the steps. she also claimed Mulhall would never be hit by a tornado

My brother talked to Catherine after the tornado and said she remembered the water lifting her bed to the ceiling,

I also asked my dad about this story, he said all he could remember was us talking about Bill saying that tower would fall in his backyard and her house was washed off its foundation.

my brother & dad neither could remember where Catherine was found or the part about her being flushed from the house,

The version I heard was that she was found clutching her bible laying in the neighbor's yard after being flushed out of her house, I will keep asking around, mostly to settle this in my own mind

another interesting part of the story is most old timers in the town did not take cover before the tornado because they believed Mulhall would never be hit by a tornado due to it being in a valley, but then not long after the tornado of 1999 a 100 year time capsule was dug up and they found 100 years ago Mulhall had been wiped out by a tornado

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