Trump is a fascist

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Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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What a a dark road we are turning down. Funny to see so many "freedom" and "liberty" folks turn into bed wetting goose steppers willing to round up anyone and everyone who doesn't look like them or prays to a different god.

I'm all for face shooting terrorists and preventing them safe harbor in places like militant mosques. But the sh$t some people are comfortable with/proposing is laughable.

From the thread "What is a liberal?"

A liberal on OSA is generally anyone less fearful than the person calling them a liberal. Conservatism is openly described by most modern conservatives as fear.

I'd rather be entitled, selfish, and stupid than scared all the time. It's not that it's more noble - just more pleasant - but luckily ya don't have to pick either.

It's funny how people so scared of improbable events can talk such in such a hyper-masculine way about Draconian solutions all from the comfort of their own keyboard. I'd have a lot more respect for them if they started an honest dialogue about their irrational fears.

What else is a conservative in 2015? Someone who supports small government? LOL. Someone with conservative economic values? LOL. Nope. A conservative is the next door who's scared of the monster only other conservatives can see. A conservative lives in suburban Oklahoma and is scared of things he almost assuredly will never see in his lifetime. He gets angry when people explain this to him. Schizophrenic conservatism.

How some of you folks hit the roadways in a car every day without having to wear Depends is a miracle. 32,719 people bled out on our highways in 2013. That's 16% of the population of San Bernardino. How scared are you of travel?


Jan 19, 2007
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From the thread "What is a liberal?"

It's funny how people so scared of improbable events can talk such in such a hyper-masculine way about Draconian solutions all from the comfort of their own keyboard. I'd have a lot more respect for them if they started an honest dialogue about their irrational fears.

What else is a conservative in 2015? Someone who supports small government? LOL. Someone with conservative economic values? LOL. Nope. A conservative is the next door who's scared of the monster only other conservatives can see. A conservative lives in suburban Oklahoma and is scared of things he almost assuredly will never see in his lifetime. He gets angry when people explain this to him. Schizophrenic conservatism.

How some of you folks hit the roadways in a car every day without having to wear Depends is a miracle.

When I drove a standard, it took me 3 hours longer to get to work each day. ALL THOSE GOD DAMN GEARS, MAN!!!! So glad, I sold it.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
A year or so it was EBOLA.


OMG, we're all going to die.
There is ebola in Tulsa, ebola in OKC

Ebola is coming in over the border.

We have to lock Americans up if there's even a chance they have it.
Screw the constitution!


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
A year or so it was EBOLA.
OMG, we're all going to die.
There is ebola in Tulsa, ebola in OKC

Ebola is coming in over the border.

We have to lock Americans up if there's even a chance they have it.
Screw the constitution!

Those were good times. In line for a Southwest flight from DFW to Denver this old woman yells " 'fore we get on the plane, any ya'll been to Africa?" 2 people including my old lady piped up they had. We though she was joking but her face went ghost white pale.

Larry Morgan

Special Hen
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
France has more balls than we do. They're shutting down mosques left and right.

In additon to the mosques, the French have kicked in the doors on 2,235 homes and taken 232 people into custody or placed them on house arrest.

“According to official figures and our discussions with the interior ministry, between 100 and 160 more mosques will be closed because they are run illegally without proper licences, they preach hatred, or use takfiri speech,” he said.

Whoa! Talk about poking the bear...


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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What a a dark road we are turning down. Funny to see so many "freedom" and "liberty" folks turn into bed wetting goose steppers willing to round up anyone and everyone who doesn't look like them or prays to a different god.

I'm all for face shooting terrorists and preventing them safe harbor in places like militant mosques. But the sh$t some people are comfortable with/proposing is laughable.

Do you feel shutting down ANY mosque in the U.S. is wrong? What if a specific cleric who oversees a mosque has been trained at a militant madrassa, adheres to the teachings of known militant Imams and has been known to advocate for Jihad? Should that mosque be left to operate as they wish? If not, will CAIR condemn the mosque, or the FBI for shutting it down?

That's great, but what I really want to examine is their motivation for doing so. Is it because they truly believe that Islam is inherently peaceful and what these savages are doing is unholy, or is it because their sect is the sect that IS, al Nusra Front, al Qaeda are attacking? The first thing you always have to establish is which sect and what are their ultimate goals, because Islam is far more fractious than Christianity at this point in history. :(

It is not like there is a simple answer to any of these questions. The fact remains that there will ALWAYS be people around that want to kill us, even here in the US now. There is no such thing as security, only the false sense of such. I am not going to relinquish my rights nor am I willing to breech my ethics just to gain a little false security.

Additionally, clamping down on the rights of Muslims at home and blocking their travel to the US is what ISIS wants. How do you think people get radicalized anyway? It sure as hell isn't by giving them lollipops and rainbows. We have to take away the power of ISIS by shutting off their funding and their recruiting. The rhetoric feeds them.

I don't profess to have all of the answers, but calling all Muslims terrorists is not one of them.

Do you also believe a video incited the Benghazi attack? A, ISIS militant in Syria doesn't give a poop what we do over here. They become radicalized because the U.S. government aligns with and supports oppressive regimes in exchange for oil. They adhere to Salafist and Wahabbi preaching in militant mosques. Those Muslims in the U.S. who identify and aspire to join or affiliate with IS, the al Nusra Front, al Qaeda, etc., don't do so because we view them with suspicion and don't want to assimilate to their culture. They do it because they identify with the segment of Islam that advocates for the Caliphate and violence on sects other than their own.

I've come to the conclusion that associating all Muslims with Islamic inspired violence isn't the answer. You can't say an Indonesian Muslim, or even an Alawite from Syria or Shia from Iran has anything in common with a Sunni from Yemen or Wahabbi from Saudi Arabia. Put them all in a room together and they're just as likely to kill each other as you.

We have a readily available mechanism for cutting the militants from the herd, but we're afraid to use it. It's possible to identify who will most likely be radicalized, based on where their Imams and clerics were trained. Regardless of their sect or nationality, the likelihood increases exponentially based on the "leaders" they listen to and ascribe to please.

If they follow the teachings of Fethullah Gülen, they're extremely unlikely to take up Jihad. If they follow, Imam Shaker Elsayed, they're FAR more likely to take up Jihad (and they have more than any other Muslim group in America).

The key is to get major Islamic associations like the Islamic Society of North America and CAIR to denounce and shun these radical Imams. If they don't, then its much easier to paint them as supporting radicalism.

So long as we pretend radicals AREN'T using Islam to justify their evil acts, we lose. :(


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Have we been reduced to thinking that France has the answers? Let's destroy the 1st because we're pants-wetters? You might want to check up on their gun control laws. Should we have the balls to implement those also?

“Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little Temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"

Under the current administration..... I'd say yes. Also, what I spoke of didn't destroy the 1st. Unless you consider hoarding weapons in Mosques in violation to their laws somehow compromising the "1st." Quite reaching IMO.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
The stoopid is getting pretty thick these days.

I've got my own religion. It commands me to go to your house, beat your dog, watch your cable, bang your wife and drink your beer. And all of you fawkers that lock your doors are violating my religious freedoms.

So how is that any different than locking these other religious nutsacks out?


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
When I drove a standard, it took me 3 hours longer to get to work each day. ALL THOSE GOD DAMN GEARS, MAN!!!! So glad, I sold it.

Hey man, I may not get your sass, but I get that you're coming into your New Athiesm and feeling your oats.

Most of the world is religious and always will be and if you can't learn to accept that life is very hard.


Special Hen
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
The stoopid is getting pretty thick these days.

I've got my own religion. It commands me to go to your house, beat your dog, watch your cable, bang your wife and drink your beer. And all of you fawkers that lock your doors are violating my religious freedoms.

So how is that any different than locking these other religious nutsacks out?

What you're describing is a fetish not a religion.

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