Wow so this **** happened!

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Sep 22, 2009
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I’ve had several dachshunds and wouldn’t get within 5 feet of one I didn’t know very well, and yes, if you were close enough for a wiener dog to rear up and bite you, you were too close.
I don’t like getting too close to people in stores anyway (call it situational awareness or I just don’t like most people…whatever), so if someone is blocking an isle (Atwoods, TSC, or grocery store), I just go to the next isle and come up from the other end.

Unlike most of y’all, I don’t have a problem with someone taking their dog into Atwoods or Tractor Supply, but I don’t want to see a dog in a grocery store. I don’t see taking a dog in as something to garner attention, and the people I see with their dogs in stores have them better trained than most of the kids that are allowed in.

I’ve taken my Boykin in TSC a couple times and have had people want to pet her, and I tell them that she doesn’t like strangers. It’s a bald face lie, because she loves everyone. However, I don’t know where those folks hands have been and don’t want them getting their nasty funk on my dog.
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The story you replied to and yours brought up a childhood memory of mine. My mother had a miniature runt wiener dog. Her name was Heidi. She was an ornery little Ginger wiener dog. Anyways the story is she would stand up leaning on the front storm door to look outside. Occasionally barking at passers by. This time it wasn’t latched. So she pushes the door open while standing up on it and darts outside. We hear this horrible yelping squealing sound like we have never heard before and think she’s been torn apart and killed. We go running outside and it is the oddest site that I’ve ever seen.

A few houses down the road our neighbors the Dabs had a giant Scottie dog, one of those big Airedale dogs. It’s name was Libby short for Liberty. Anyways we saw liberty darting around out front in the yard under our tree. We hurry running outside thinking Liberty is hurting Heidi bad.

But when we get outside to our puzzlement we see this giant 150 pound Airedale dog running for dear life from this tiny little 7 pound wiener dog. Liberty is doing donuts and figure eights just trying to get away from this mini monster. Just picture this huge dog full arch, front feet to back feet, tail tucked full throttle running for dear life and not knowing where to go. Heidi chasing it sounding like she was the one being killed. The highest most shrill YIPE YIPE YIPE YIPE YIPE. We go from horror and dismay to laughing our butts of hilariously

Needless to say we got our little demon dog and Liberty separated but the incident probably gave Liberty some type of dog PTSD of little Wiener dogs the rest of her days.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 3, 2008
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Caddo County
I don’t know where those folks hands have been and don’t want them getting their nasty funk on my dog.
Funniest dang thing I’ve read on this site in a couple of days.

My heeler can be flung into mud and manure and she’s still cleaner than some folks.

OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
Saw this...seemed like it was appropriate for this thread.




Special Hen
Apr 1, 2018
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Enid, Ok.
I was in burger king awhile back fixing to order. A lady came up to the counter next to me and put her little
ugly a** dog on the counter. the employee asked me what she could get me I said nothing and walked out.
I don't think dogs should be in places that serve food,or ride around in grocery carts.


Special Hen
Jul 30, 2018
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Not hating on service animals that provide real service - epileptics, the blind, so on and so forth. Those are animals are awesome. I fully concur with you.

But if someone want to tell me their pet peacock is a service animal and they have to have that special peacock at all times due to their anxiety, they can $*&% right off.
"Special peacock" I am fairly certain that somewhere in that a good joke needs to be made......


Special Hen
Jul 30, 2018
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So yesterday afternoon the wife and I are at Atwood's and my wife walks by a cart with a small dog in it. The older gentleman says to her don't worry he won't bite then I proceed to walk pass as I do that little ****sucker bites the living **** out of my wrist. Any of you guys that have meet know I'm pretty chill but **** man. The manager asked if I wanted to do something and I was like what beat the **** out of them needles to say at this point I'm mad as ****. I'm like no just going ****ing talk to him, I'm not calling the cops to get involved with a old man and his little dog nor am I going to kick his ass. Sorry the rant I'm still kind of mad this morning. Anyway Good morning OSA. 👍
So yesterday afternoon the wife and I are at Atwood's and my wife walks by a cart with a small dog in it. The older gentleman says to her don't worry he won't bite then I proceed to walk pass as I do that little ****sucker bites the living **** out of my wrist. Any of you guys that have meet know I'm pretty chill but **** man. The manager asked if I wanted to do something and I was like what beat the **** out of them needles to say at this point I'm mad as ****. I'm like no just going ****ing talk to him, I'm not calling the cops to get involved with a old man and his little dog nor am I going to kick his ass. Sorry the rant I'm still kind of mad this morning. Anyway Good morning OSA. 👍
So what the guy says the dog doesn't bite first wife said she was on the pill guess who got pregnant any dog will bite. Dogs are animals. A dog always bites same as a gun is always loaded.


Special Hen
Jun 17, 2016
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I don’t know why all these sensitive little dumbasses need to take their dog with them everywhere they go anyway. I have a dog and I consider her part of the family but she doesn’t need to go shopping with me
I take my dog to Lowes just to piss off people like you. Nice thing about America, I’m not regulated by other’s opinions. I don’t like your spoiled kids, they should be left at home, fortunately for you…

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