Obama "warns" unelected SCOTUS about overturning ACA.

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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Yeah! Romney would never go after the Second Uh... *looks down at sig line*... well never mind.

Do you really think Romney or any of the Repub contenders would "regulate around" the Congress and SCOTUS like this asshat has? WTJ is correct, he doesn't care how our .gov is supposed to work. He thinks he is a dictator and supreme ruler. I don't care for any of the repub candidates, but compared to what we have now, I'll pull that lever so hard the machine will splode. I do believe that at least the repubs have some respect for our governmental system for what it is and want to preserve it.


Jun 26, 2007
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Pond Creek
The author is giving him the benefit of ignorance. I don't think he cares what it says, and is pandering to the leftist thinking that our government is a "Democracy" (that word falls into the same category of Newspeak as Progressive) instead of a Repersentative Republic.
I fear that we are becoming a true Democracy. All you have to do is to look at the arguments that many of the lawyers commenting on this case are using. They are saying that people need this. That people will be harmed if it is struck down. They argue that the polls say that a majority of the people polled agree with their side.
Their argument is that if it is good then it is Constitutional.
On the mandate issue forcing everyone to sign up they say that if it is stricken that the rest of the bill would not work. Therefor it should not be stricken from the law on that account. I guess that means that if doing something Unconstitutional makes something that is Constitution easier to function then it isn't Unconstitutional anymore?
I'm confused.

I see very few comments on what the Constitution says.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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This is the first president to take full advantage of the American people's ignorance, laziness, and naivety to further his agenda.

This is a short and sweet read about Obama's understanding of our Constitution.

Here is the text:
Obama Proves He Does Not Understand the Constitution
By L. Vincent Poupard | Yahoo! Contributor Network - Mon, Apr 2, 2012

COMMENTARY | President Barack Obama has warned the Supreme Court about the possible overturning of the federal health care overhaul, according to Fox News. It is not unprecedented for a president to make comments about what the Supreme Court is debating, but his comments point to something unprecedented. As a political scientist, I cannot think of a time when a president made comments to make people think he has no idea how the Constitution works.

Among his comments, President Obama stated how he did not understand how an "unelected group of people" could overturn a law passed by a majority of Congress. It is the job of the Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution and see if particular cases before the justices uphold the content and context of the document. His Oath of Office included the words, "protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" so he better have an understanding of the document he is sworn to protect and defend. The "how" he does not understand is the "how" it works.

President Obama went on to say, "I'm confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress." If the Supreme Court strikes down the health care law, it will not be an unprecedented move as the Supreme Court has struck down national laws since the court's inception. I worry about a president who does not understand the history of the court system.

The second part of the previous statement scares me as well. The president pointed out how the health care law was passed by a majority of elected officials. I believe it would be a good idea for the president to familiarize himself with the classic "How a Bill Becomes a Law." After reading, he should realize all bills need to be passed by a majority of Congress to become law. Can we trust a leader who does not apparently understand the system?

Finally, President Obama stated how the health care law is constitutional. I wonder how he can make this determination on his own as he proved in a few short sentences how he does not understand the content or context of the Constitution. Can we reelect a person who does not understand the basics of U.S. government?


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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The President looks increasingly foolish over his ignorant remark:

Judges order Justice Department to clarify following Obama remarks on health law case

Published April 03, 2012 | FoxNews.com

A federal appeals court is striking back after President Obama cautioned the Supreme Court against overturning the health care overhaul and warned that such an act would be "unprecedented."

A three-judge panel for the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday ordered the Justice Department to explain by Thursday whether the administration believes judges have the power to strike down a federal law.

A source inside the courtroom, who did not want to be identified, confirmed the incident to Fox News. The testy exchange played out during a hearing over a separate challenge to the health care law. It was apparent, however, that the justice who questioned the government attorney present was referring to Obama's recent comments about the Supreme Court's review of that law.

The source said the justice, Judge Jerry Smith, was pointed in his questioning of the government attorney, asking whether Attorney General Eric Holder believes judges can strike down federal laws.

Smith then ordered a response from the department within 48 hours. The related letter from the court, obtained by Fox News, instructed the Justice Department to provide an explanation of "no less than three pages, single spaced" by noon on Thursday.

All three judges on the panel are Republican appointees.

The Justice Department had no comment when asked about the exchange.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...g-obama-remarks-on-health/print#ixzz1r1I35muB


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Jan 12, 2007
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Jay Carney was already on this afternoon telling people that what the president said didn't mean what we thought it meant. Apparently he momentarily went "off teleprompter" on us. :rolleyes2

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