So is this justified or not?

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Special Hen
Aug 10, 2019
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I don't know how else I would have reacted if I had been law enforcement. The girl has a history of suicidal and homicidal thoughts and mental illness, then buys an AK and 160 rds of ammo and a week later tells her coworker she wants to go shoot up the school that expelled her for threats and carrying a knife in the ninth grade, and kill 400 people there.

What would you have done?


I'm Retired, Do It Yourself.
Special Hen
Aug 11, 2017
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Stonewall, Ok. 15mins S. Of Ada
Terroristic threats are all taken seriously.
The age of the person is not taken into consideration as to whether the person making the threat should be questioned,detained or arrested.
Fact is if your going to play stupid games don't be surprised when you win a stupid prise.
I belive she will go through a mental evaluation to determine he mental capacity...Knowing right from wrong.
If the police had not gotten involved and she did shoot up the school everyone would be asking the question, Why didnt the police do something?
Far better to air on the side of caution as im sure most would agree.
Good on the police. May have saved a lot of lives.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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At least they actually took her into custody to obtain a determination of whether this is justified or not, and if it is found NOT to be, she could have her firearms returned to her.

However, I also know it is pretty easy to say all the right things and end up released in no time. Should she get her guns back?

Honestly, we STILL don't know enough about the whole story, the facts of the incident, etc. Alot of this stuff depends on the context of the conversation. I really need to stop talking to my patients about these things, as one of these days, one of them will probably bait me into making a controversial statement and then can twist it and turn me in to have all MY guns confiscated. I purposely am very careful about how I talk about these things at work... but honestly, if true hard core red flag laws get put in place, let's face it, people a metric SH|T-TON of us could end up in a lot of problems in a VERY short span.


Are you serious?
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 31, 2013
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Logan County

I don't know how else I would have reacted if I had been law enforcement. The girl has a history of suicidal and homicidal thoughts and mental illness, then buys an AK and 160 rds of ammo and a week later tells her coworker she wants to go shoot up the school that expelled her for threats and carrying a knife in the ninth grade, and kill 400 people there.

What would you have done?

She deserved to be taken into custody and investigated for the threats she made . . . at least at first glance at this story.

Failure to do so and she goes through with the threats and we potentially have another Parkland situation where law enforcement failed to act as they should have.

She should definitely be evaluated by a medical professional IMO.

I'm not so sure that I'd support her being given access to firearms for quite some time . . . if ever.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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The key here is the threat. That in and of itself is a crime. They need to push for prosecution and the DA needs to consider the totality of the circumstances before declining any case against her. IMO, this is proof you don't need a Red Flag law to prevent potential mass killings. You need follow through on the laws already in place.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
She deserved to be taken into custody and investigated for the threats she made . . . at least at first glance at this story.

Failure to do so and she goes through with the threats and we potentially have another Parkland situation where law enforcement failed to act as they should have.

She should definitely be evaluated by a medical professional IMO.

I'm not so sure that I'd support her being given access to firearms for quite some time . . . if ever.

Well, this is a very sticky situation. Let's HYPOTHESIZE that a HYPOTHETICAL person like one of us, someone relatively opinionated on political and 2A matters, .GOV overreach, society's progression towards socialism, etc., is having a convo with one of their child's teachers, or their doctor, or really ANYONE they know casually, but not particularly well, and makes the assumption this person is both aligned with their conservative views and also trustworthy - both of which are EXTREMELY dangerous assumptions.

So, in the course of this casual conversation, they're both commiserating on the general state of things, and our HYPOTHETICAL person says, "Damn, man, I can see where someone would want to go shoot up the courthouse, based on some of the shite these politicians are doing."

Now... our other party maybe is a bit more 'moderate' or a bit more... shall we say, nervous? As in, they don't oppose firearms, per se, but they aren't exposed to them regularly, are a little uncomfortable with 'some of those people' having them, etc. And they decide this person needs to be disarmed, or at least investigated. So this is a person who is ostensibly in a position of some authority AND a position of some responsibility. AND their recall of the conversation may not be particularly accurate, and all of a sudden, the report becomes, "This guy was ranting about the government and said he understood why someone would kill all the politicians at the capitol and he has a TON of guns in his house, I know!"

So... how do you think this plays out when a doctor, a teacher, a school administrator or anyone else generally considered a "responsible professional" makes this report to law enforcement? How long do you think before this guy gets visited at work by people with badges, perhaps escorted out in cuffs from his insurance adjuster job, his house has a SWAT van pull up outside and his door kicked in and then neighbors see officers carrying out dozens of long guns, handguns, cases of ammo and file cabinets full of paperwork (looking for 'manifestos', of course).

How many of us would unintentionally, and completely INNOCENTLY, fall into this trap??? Over some silly, offhanded and harmless comment or exaggeration? Seriously?

And how many of us would have an 'arsenal' carted out of our house, reported on by media and filmed by reporters across the street or by a chopper overhead? And how many of us would subsequently be shunned by neighbors, fellow church members, maybe even lose our jobs, or at LEAST lose clientele, due to news and newspaper coverage, Facebook slanderizing, and word of mouth that is almost NEVER accurate to the real situation?

How quickly could your life and livelihood be ruined? Kinda scary, huh?

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