Julius Jones Poll

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What will Gov. Stitt do on the Julius Jones clemency issue?

  • Grants Clemency

  • Denies Clemency

  • Does nothing

  • Goes on another trip to a foreign country

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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 26, 2009
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Are you then a "single issue" voter that you would vote against a person because of one of their decisions and in spite of numerous good decisions that they made for the state and its citizens in their term?

Now, if one is a family member of Jones' victim, I can certainly better understand one's opinion of a politician and why they would vote against said politician.
Less likely doesnt mean wont.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 10, 2015
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Coalgate, Ok.
The Governor's decision avoided riots without turning the bad guy loose.

The neighborhood(s) he saved may be your own...
Riots happen because the rioters get away scott free and it births more scum bags to do it in the future. If you want to riot, I have a right to shoot you dead. It will be amazing how quickly rioting will cease to be a fad. Oklahoma should pass a law, to match stand your ground, to defend your property.
If people want to act like wild animals, treat them like wild animals. Put them down. Feeding them and looking the other way only adds to the deaths the next time.
Oklahoma has the death penality. We need to add an HOV lane for the convicted. I'm not happy with the Gov, or the OU/Brows QB who thinks his opinion counts. He just wants to prove he's supports blm's.
I'm old enough to speak the truth. I don't have to check if I have a couple every morning. Lastly I AIN'T WOKE!!!!!


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Blanchard, America
Not to be cavalier about it, but I'm okay with this guy spending the rest of his life locked up instead of becoming a martyr and poster boy.

As I've aged, I've softened my stance on capital punishment, some. I'm still in favor of it in most cases where it is considered.

As others have said, I think the guv found him self in an unenviable position. No win. No way. No how. Wasn't possible.

I think when you find yourself in that position, and you get to choose life or death for someone, like a Roman Emperor's thumb up or down, you err on the side of caution and spare the life. I'm glad it was Stitt and not me making the decision.

I have a tremendous amount of empathy for the victim's family as well. I wish them peace and understanding, and all of God's grace as they struggle thru this, and have to relive the memories of the crime all over again.

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
Making judgements about anything, based TOTALLY on what the lap dog news media says, is asinine!, and ridiculous! I don't know anything about this case, so how could I judge Governor Stitts call? I see no difference in this than judging the cop that was convicted of murder for holding the black guy down recently! This cop was OBVIOUSLY CONVICTED BY THE NEWS MEDIA, that didn't know the first thing about the evidence, or facts of this case! I would HATE to have to make judgement like this, and have admiration for someone strong enough to make them!

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
Riots happen because the rioters get away scott free and it births more scum bags to do it in the future. If you want to riot, I have a right to shoot you dead. It will be amazing how quickly rioting will cease to be a fad. Oklahoma should pass a law, to match stand your ground, to defend your property.
If people want to act like wild animals, treat them like wild animals. Put them down. Feeding them and looking the other way only adds to the deaths the next time.
Oklahoma has the death penality. We need to add an HOV lane for the convicted. I'm not happy with the Gov, or the OU/Brows QB who thinks his opinion counts. He just wants to prove he's supports blm's.
I'm old enough to speak the truth. I don't have to check if I have a couple every morning. Lastly I AIN'T WOKE!!!!!
Does anyone else see the resemblance between what is happening in this country, and and spoiled brats we all knew growing up? Many people have become spoiled brats in adult bodies! They want their way in EVERYTHING, RIGHT NOW, through temper tantrums in as public a place as possible to embarrass their parents, and get their way, rioters have organized temper tantrums, in as public a place as possible, hopefully on TV, to embarrass politicians and get their way, RIGHT? Then politicians do what we have all witnessd with spoiled brat parents, they give them their way because it is easier, RIGHT? North Korea,and others even use this tactic, to get MONEY FROM COWARDLY U.S. POLITICIANS! This didn't work with President Trump, and when he called their bluff, we didn't hear, or see, anything out of them while he was in office, now they are back to the same tactic with Joe and Ho? RIGHT? SIMPLE PEROBLEM AND SOLUTION, BUT IT TAKES POLITICIANS WITH BALLS!


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder
Riots start with little kids getting let out of school to go protest and learn how to become activists, just like they did here last week.
It's not a huge step from teaching them to hold a sign about something they know nothing about, to teaching them that throwing bricks at businesses at cops is justified.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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So, what was wrong with Stitt's decision? Or is it just because we don't like him in general? Considering all the Governors that we have here in my tenure in the state (since 1974), I'm pretty happy with him.
Didn’t he get us constitutional carry, where Mattress Mary refused? How quickly we forget. :(


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
It was the right decision. Even though we don’t necessarily agree with everything, there was enough area in question that the parole board felt that this was the right move, and they have seen far more information than any of us have seen.

And yes, I’m sure Stitt did pray about his decision. When you are holding a human life in your decision, that would be the right way to approach a decision.
We were talking about this at work the other day. That is a difficult position to be in. It Stitt denied clemency Jones would be killed. Some people would have a really hard time living with that. Especially if there is some doubt in the guilt of the person. I haven’t followed enough of this case to say one way or the other about Jones’ guilt. He will have the opportunity to try and prove his innocence though he has had years already. I know if it were me in Stitt’s position I would have prayed too. Either way, Jones is behind bars. What would be great is if he changed and gave his life to Jesus Christ. There is always a chance that could happen.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 10, 2015
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Coalgate, Ok.
It was the right decision. Even though we don’t necessarily agree with everything, there was enough area in question that the parole board felt that this was the right move, and they have seen far more information than any of us have seen.

And yes, I’m sure Stitt did pray about his decision. When you are holding a human life in your decision, that would be the right way to approach a decision.
It was the decision of the jury that convicted him, not the parole board or the Gov.. If this is the new road to the legal system, then rid ourselves of the judge/jury. Let the Gov. make all the decisions or just have a vote among the scumbags family and a few celeb's. That should do it.

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