05/15/2022 Another Mass Shooting. This time at a California Church

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Let's Eat
Special Hen
Jan 8, 2009
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So what kind of suggestions do you have? Just keep saying, oh well, that’s just the way it is? This constant thought that the government, Soros, Democrats, lgbtabc, are out to destroy the world goes a long way in creating these idiots that kill grocery shoppers, church goers, and school children. And they usually tell us ahead of time that they are going to do it.
I mean, I don't have the answer. But I'm confident it's not as you propose. See, the problem is, you're not guilty of anything until you've done it. Preemptive laws presume guilt. That's not how the legal system is supposed to work.


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Jun 5, 2018
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Broken Arrow
Repeating the same old lines seems to be okay for us, so we can add "The folks killed in the grocery store also had Constitutional Rights, but "too bad, should have had a gun like the security guard"
Yes, those "same old lines" are more than ok. As a constitutionalist I will fight for any right that our constitution was written to protect, even when I hate to. When those idjits from West Borrow Baptist Church were protesting at funerals, it galled me but I had to defend their right to free speech. If we allow a right to be taken away for one cause, we open the door for them to be taken for any cause. The same goes with the 2nd amendment. You can not pre-emptively take away a right without due process, and due to the slow nature of that it would be ineffective in stopping mass shooters.

Freedom is scary as hell. Yes, in pursuing freedom some innocents get hurt. As much as that sucks, that is life. The safety of the individual is up to the individual. As soon as you start advocating for state issued safety you remove natural rights and freedom, and usually even more innocents get hurt along the way.

OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
Why is it some of you seem to think a person dying at the hands of someone with a gun is somehow worse than another person being killed by someone by another means? What about the 30 or 40 thousand people killed by drunk drivers every year? What about the people killed by abusive spouses/parents/partners?

Evil takes many forms. It's still evil. Guns just happen to be a convenient target because...well...I don't even know why. I've wondered for a long time why people don't get outraged at drunk drivers (or just dangerous drivers that get cited over and over and over and then finally kill someone) and the number or people that die at their hands.

Murdering is murdering. Being murdered by a person with a gun isn't any worse, and in some ways might be preferable, to being murdered in lots of other ways. (Just saying there are some pretty sick people out there...not that being murdered is a good thing in any way)

And if every law-abiding person was given the opportunity to lawfully defend themselves with a gun at all times in all locations, you're damn right I think, in general, we'd all be safer. But not every person is. That opportunity has been taken from them by do-gooder types that just want to do "something.


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Why is it some of you seem to think a person dying at the hands of someone with a gun is somehow worse than another person being killed by someone by another means? What about the 30 or 40 thousand people killed by drunk drivers every year? What about the people killed by abusive spouses/parents/partners?

Evil takes many forms. It's still evil. Guns just happen to be a convenient target because...well...I don't even know why. I've wondered for a long time why people don't get outraged at drunk drivers (or just dangerous drivers that get cited over and over and over and then finally kill someone) and the number or people that die at their hands.

Murdering is murdering. Being murdered by a person with a gun isn't any worse, and in some ways might be preferable, to being murdered in lots of other ways. (Just saying there are some pretty sick people out there...not that being murdered is a good thing in any way)

And if every law-abiding person was given the opportunity to lawfully defend themselves with a gun at all times in all locations, you're damn right I think, in general, we'd all be safer. But not every person is. That opportunity has been taken from them by do-gooder types that just want to do "something.
A motor vehicle is a far more deadly weapon than a gun will ever be and a DL and vehicle registration isn't constitutionally protected. We need red flag laws to confiscate vehicles because Joe Bob was seen drunk. He might drive and kill somebody! :yikes2:


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
The problem is that nobody gets on TV calling for alcohol or cars to be banned, but all we will hear for weeks after one of these events is that "something needs to be done", "no body needs that many bullets", etc. AND, eventually they will win. It's better to try to find a solution, a workable one hasn't been found yet, than to just continue on our way. I agree with everything all of you have said, but I also believe that an awful lot of life's problems have solutions.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder
It would be a wonderful world to live in, where you were absolutely safe in the grocery store, with no risk of accident, injury, or violence.
But that's unicorn thinking, or maybe heaven.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
I apologize for not being able to state my concerns very well. I am certainly afraid that we are going to lose in this. Every time one of these things happens, the calls get louder and before much longer the .order voices will win out. I do not support any of the currently proposed red-flag type laws, and I have no solutions that I would propose, but I do believe, with all the knowledge that exists with our national community of like minded individuals, there may well be a solution. I have never liked the idea of ignoring a problem without at least attempting to solve it.

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