How are your savings?

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Is the amount you have saved gone up or down since 2020?

  • Up

    Votes: 45 62.5%
  • Down

    Votes: 27 37.5%

  • Total voters


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 2, 2014
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It's so funny how our childhoods shape us. I didn't eat steak for YEARS after I left home. Because it's all we ever had. If it wasn't steak it was roast and if not roast then hamburger. I actually went vegetarian for a while because I could not stand the taste of beef or poultry of any kind. That's what happens when your clients barter in trade with you. We had 7 deep freezes on that property and every single one of them stayed stuffed to the gills with ... Yep, you guessed it. Beef ...

Now I don't mind it at all as long as it's cooked right. My folks thought everything needed to be so well-done you could make shoe soles outta it. My personal opinion is if it doesn't moo you've cooked it too long. 🤗 So ... Now that I can cook it the way I like it ... Well ... Beef ain't so bad.

Oh so true on our shaping!

Same way on our place except the beef came from Roping Calves mostly. We would also put up two full beefs a year. Big Family all Boys, eat a lot! Calves would get legs, backs and necks broke and they would all be Hamburger. We gave away Hamburger Meat for years, 3-4 big chest type freezers all the time.

But before momma met the Calf Roper, commodities was a staple in our house as @CHenry eludes too. Lots of white rice, milnot and we used the molasses as sugar to sweeten.


Here for Frens
Special Hen
Sep 26, 2014
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I eat alot of steaks now. I grew up poor as a church mouse and ate poor people food. Sometimes dinner was a bowl of white rice with milk and sugar. Vienne sausages were a treat as was potted meat and spam.
Of course, I didnt know any different until I was older. That taught me so much.
I cant complain one bit now.
I still buy Spam also LOL
Every time I hear you talk about Vienna Sausages I think of this, but now I have found it so I can share. This guy makes all sorts of redneck cartoons, they're great.

red dirt shootist

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Mar 15, 2023
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It's so funny how our childhoods shape us. I didn't eat steak for YEARS after I left home. Because it's all we ever had. If it wasn't steak it was roast and if not roast then hamburger. I actually went vegetarian for a while because I could not stand the taste of beef or poultry of any kind. That's what happens when your clients barter in trade with you. We had 7 deep freezes on that property and every single one of them stayed stuffed to the gills with ... Yep, you guessed it. Beef ...

Now I don't mind it at all as long as it's cooked right. My folks thought everything needed to be so well-done you could make shoe soles outta it. My personal opinion is if it doesn't moo you've cooked it too long. 🤗 So ... Now that I can cook it the way I like it ... Well ... Beef ain't so bad.
If a good vet can't get that sumbitch walking again, it was overcooked. It's not rocket surgery.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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We have been debt free since 2010 or so. Paid off the home 15 years early by doubling up on the principal payments. Worked 200-400 hours overtime a year with an above average wage putting every dime of overtime money into investments and savings.
Lived below our means, drove vehicles for 10-15 years, putting what should have been payments into savings to pay cash for the next one and so on.
I learned how to day trade on the 401K with the company covering all the transactions for several years.
Fortunately, we never had major financial issues like health or other issues to deplete the savings, so life in retirement is good now. The farmland has been paid off for years, others lease it for cash rent now to farm it, and there is some oil/gas income for mailbox money. Windfarm has us under contract if they can find some dumbass to buy their "green energy". They send a nice check every year to keep us in the contract.
We have seen a lot of our friends growing up, always needing the newest latest whizbang, shelling out thousands they had to take a loan on just so they could say "I own one of these", when they should have put the money into an investment.
Buy a home they can't afford to keep up "appearances", and so on. At retirement age, they can't retire because they have house payments, car payments, and squandered all of their savings on toys, so they keep on working until they die.
Same here, Don't owe any loans anywhere. The house and both vehicles are paid off. I forgot about the retirement money I had invested while I worked for Siemens. That had been sitting there for 15 years growing and growing. Then mom and dad passed and we sold the farm. We are ok.

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