Tips to save a dollar

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Sep 22, 2009
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I worked with a woman in her 70s who did not know she had to pay into Social Security. She opted out "for religious reasons" because that's what her family told her to do when she got her first job and she just continued to do that her entire working career.

But in all fairness to her, she wasn't dumb, just she did not finish school. And no one ever told her any different. Worked the farm fields in Hawaii until she retired and came over here to the mainland. Her SSI benefit is $400/month. She will have to work until the day she dies. 😢
I guess she’s lucky that she even claims and receives that $400 a month. Because if I understand right, you’re saying she never paid into it to begin with.


Special Hen
Feb 10, 2022
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I guess she’s lucky that she even claims and receives that $400 a month. Because if I understand right, you’re saying she never paid into it to begin with.
100% correct. She should be living well on her fat nest egg. She found a hack for that glass ceiling and squandered it. (same job, 20% more pay)


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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I guess she’s lucky that she even claims and receives that $400 a month. Because if I understand right, you’re saying she never paid into it to begin with.

I didn't ask obviously but since she started working at 12 (lied about her age) and her family took her checks from her AND she didn't finish school so I dunno. I'm guessing maybe some places took it out anyway and she just didn't know it? Or ... She was a menial laborer and worked field and housekeeping jobs her whole like. Maybe she took cash from some and the places that paid her in checks took it out?? 🤷🤷


Special Hen
Feb 10, 2022
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I didn't ask obviously but since she started working at 12 (lied about her age) and her family took her checks from her AND she didn't finish school so I dunno. I'm guessing maybe some places took it out anyway and she just didn't know it? Or ... She was a menial laborer and worked field and housekeeping jobs her whole like. Maybe she took cash from some and the places that paid her in checks took it out?? 🤷🤷
My mother did the same jobs and retired in abject squalor until she went in a nursing home. At that point it was a trade up. Back in the day your working options as a woman weren't that great, so if you didn't save (and she didn't) you didn't have anything to carry you though the rough times in life.

I remember when she'd get her paycheck she'd rush us out to the hardware store to get sodas and burgers. "Gotta spend it before someone takes it away from you".
Back then I thought she was talking about robbers, black masks and big bags with dollar signs on them.

As I got older I realized she was talking about bill collectors and the mortgage company.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 11, 2023
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You can make chopped BBQ or enchiladas out of any bird or critter.
Learn to wipe your butt with minimal TP.
I see a lot of waste there and it adds up.

I have friends borrow money from me often but pay back with interest.
Nice amount of chump change 10% payback or more.

Walmart cell phone plan is under 27 a month for my wife's cell.
I see some people paying 80+ for a plan that does the same thing.

Believe it or not Synthetic engine oil will get you better MPG and basically pay for itself.

Air those car tires up as that gets better MPG also.
But you need to air them up where they wear evenly.

The tire store will always put 32-35 psi in my corolla tires that call for a max of 44-51 psi and MPG takes a hit to the tune of 5 MPG.
Little weak engines make a bigger difference running around on flats.

Do not be a picky eater.
You are eating for nourishment.

Do not fix anything that is not broken.
Wife wanted new counters in the house when we got it in 1998
Nothing wrong with the original 1974 counters.
She did not get counter tops and that caramel colored fiberglass shower is still working just fine.

The carpet is still in excellent shape because we clean a mess or stain on it as it happens.
If your dog or pet ruins your carpet or trim or doors in the house that dumb animal will no longer be coming in the house.

An animal is a huge expense some like to make them family pets and let them get away with murder.
They are supposed to be useful. Cats eat mice and stay in the barn.
Dogs protect the property.
If it can't do that it needs to go.

That is harsh I know but I see many people get more and more pets of all kinds but can't pay rent.
Fix your mental situation that puts you into that frame of mind.

Learn to fix things that are broken.
Windows, Doors, cars, pants, socks, blender, sewing machine, toilet, busted pipe under the house,
roofing, fence, concrete, trailer, guns, computer, appliances.

Everything you use you can fix and there is easy to find information out there today that will help you along.
I spent many days at the library and buying books mail order to know how to fix broken things.

You need your health to be able to do these tasks so stay healthy.
350 lb guy is not likely to fit under the house or want to be up on the roof or under the hood of a vehicle sticking his big hand where it does not fit.

Best have a good paying job to be able to pay "TheGuy" if you can't get it all done.
Couldn't agree more


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 11, 2023
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My mother did the same jobs and retired in abject squalor until she went in a nursing home. At that point it was a trade up. Back in the day your working options as a woman weren't that great, so if you didn't save (and she didn't) you didn't have anything to carry you though the rough times in life.

I remember when she'd get her paycheck she'd rush us out to the hardware store to get sodas and burgers. "Gotta spend it before someone takes it away from you".
Back then I thought she was talking about robbers, black masks and big bags with dollar signs on them.

As I got older I realized she was talking about bill collectors and the mortgage company.
Tinker Tanker... hummm, that any reference to KC-135s? Left there in 08.


Special Hen
Feb 10, 2022
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Tinker Tanker... hummm, that any reference to KC-135s? Left there in 08.
Might be! 08 was back when Chris was training. You just barely missed the 46 (pegs). I think we got one in around 20-21. Nice, safer, more capable. But not as reliable as the 135s. Some things aren't where they're supposed to be either. They were still carving data when I left. My memory got "less than" and it got to where I was needing too much help with classes so I let them talk me into leaving. I guess James is running it now. All I do anymore is smoke cigars, drink whiskey, and try to stick my cane out at just the right angle so my wife trips so I can catch her now and again. And fight off doctors trying to poke me with things.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 11, 2023
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For young people the 1st and most important thing to remember is that money is a tool like any other. If used properly it will do the job it's designed to do. Debt, although sometimes necessary, is the worst abuse of the tool, while at the same time it's best function, if properly controlled. Your credit rating in most cases dictates your ability to buy, BUT only if absolutely necessary and or as an investment. An example for someone with no credit or low credit. Especially teens...Find 2 banks. At the 1st open an savings account and deposit a couple hundred dollars. Let it sit until money can be withdrawn. Apply for a small loan, less than what you have in savings and use your savings as collateral. Go to another bank and open a savings account with the money from the loan. Then take out a similar loan from that bank. Each month take your payments from your savings and pay the loans off. The actual cost to you is only the interest less the interest paid to your savings.
Might be! 08 was back when Chris was training. You just barely missed the 46 (pegs). I think we got one in around 20-21. Nice, safer, more capable. But not as reliable as the 135s. Some things aren't where they're supposed to be either. They were still carving data when I left. My memory got "less than" and it got to where I was needing too much help with classes so I let them talk me into leaving. I guess James is running it now. All I do anymore is smoke cigars, drink whiskey, and try to stick my cane out at just the right angle so my wife trips so I can catch her now and again. And fight off doctors trying to poke me with things.
Don't remember those names in the leadership. Last I did on 135 was Phase 3 rewire. Most of 30 years were on the 52s, 135s, E3s, B1 and A7s. Did a few Specials like the Speckeled Trout, and Jimmy Durante. Favorite was the luxury dating pads some generals had. Anything but a military A/C, lol
But I do hold the title of last electrician on the static a/cs out front. Job was to can anything electric I thought could be used elsewhere.

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