Bucket List ...

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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
I don't really have a bucket list and haven't thought a lot about it. I've actually tried, but nothing that "urgent" or "spectular" comes to mind. I've already done the one thing that would have topped my list ... Cape Buffalo hunt in Africa.
Tell the truth. Your daily bucket list is to not kick it.🤣


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
Reaction score
Lol you guys never disappoint!

A couple of things for you youngsters:

1. I've been one of 2 girls in a party of 3 before. It's highly overrated. Looks good in porn, though. Lol

2. I have also been the only girl in a party of 3. 😲 WHAT?!?! You're SHOCKED that a decent woman would do such a thing??!?! 🙄🙄 Get over yourself. I have to say that was only mildly better than No. 1. Maybe I'm too much of a people pleaser but I kinda feel bad for whoever is playing second fiddle. 🤷🤷

3. The best experiences I have had in my life, bar none, were the times it was just me and the poor fella I had my sights on. 🤷 Corny, I know, but there is NOTHING better than being the only person in someone's world. Even if it's just for a couple of hours.

4. Every single, solitary experience I have listed above, or will say below, PALES in comparison to having a child. Except having grandchildren. I should have had the grandkids first. 😉 Would have made putting up with their parents a lot easier. 😋😂

5. The things I get the most enjoyment from are when I'm doing something for someone else. It's interesting -- and that might be the girl in me, I dunno -- that I REALLY like taking care of other people. Sure I get my feelings hurt when someone takes advantage of me. Or tells me I'm a ***** because I didn't do more. But ... I cannot help what people do with my generosity, only what is in my heart when I do the thing I did. 🤷

Y'all have actually made me think about some things I would not have considered:

1. Maybe a little bit of traveling might not be so bad. 🤷

2. Maybe, now that I'm not working, I can be a bit more organized in my giving back, so I can do more. I'm formulating a plan. 🤔🤔

3. I want a bird. 🤦🤷🤷 I dunno. That's just how my brain works. MissPriss had her kitten sometime last night (stillborn apparently and only one, I can't feel another one and she's not having contractions) and that was the only reason I didn't bring home the prettiest little cockatiel I saw at the pet store last week. Now that I know I'm not gonna have a houseful of kittens one little bird shouldn't upset Grumpy too much ... Should it?? 🤷🤷🤷

And @r
@retrieverman you are NOT joking!! I wanna hang out a few more years with you guys!! Like ... Oh, I dunno. If I made it to 2076 (I graduated from high school in 1976! DAMN I'm old!) I'll be 118. That's not that old now, given what we know about aging. I bet you inside another 20-25 years it won't be unusual for people to make it to 100-110 ... 🤷🤷🤷

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