Amazon's new color touch screen Kindle Fire and several other new versions

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Me too, I think the price is cheaper. I want to buy one for my son.

I love my wife's Kindle and I'd love to have one, I'd also love to have a tablet. The Kindle Fire case sounded like the perfect product until they announced it's WiFi only. For $200, it's not a bad price at all, but I'd be willing to pay $250 for a 3G or 4G version as well as for a monthly data plan. The older 3G Kindles get free 3G through AT&T, so it's not like Amazon doesn't have their foot in the door with a service carrier.

It's been announced already that they'll be bringing out a Kindle Fire covers 10" and hopefully this one will have 3G (or above). The same company that made BlackBerry's PlayBook made this and they didn't release a 3G model until after the WiFi-only version was in customer's hands, so maybe we can expect the same thing to happen here.

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