Anyone register a pistol brace?

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Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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The whole 'they're going to confiscate our firearms' thing is nothing more than a myth and everyone with even a touch of common-sense knows it because, if for no other reason, it would be a logistically impossible task. Yet that myth keeps being rolled-out time and time again for no other reason than to demonize some members of of our government or Democrats, in general.
Virtually EVERY government is "scared of its ppl" because virtually every government knows that they sit in their 'seats of power' only because it's the people that put them there and it's the people that can take them away. Revolutions are not won by guns, but by the sheer will of the people willing to face those guns.
What makes you think America is different from other countries today and more importantly from the past? How many countries since 1880 have disarmed their own citizens to gain power? Literally door to door. Your ignorance may be bliss, but it does not make it fact. The movement you see in our country today is the exact movement these other countries seen right before they confiscate arms, and some sort of communism is stalled. Again why would this country be exempt?

Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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I hate the idea of .gov stepping-in because everyone knows that when they do it just turns into a major 'fluster-cluck' and it's us that always ends up getting the shaft. But that's how our country and the government rolls these days, and if we don't police ourselves to their satisfaction . . . they will (and do) step-in. Then it just another little piece of Freedom gone forever.
So do you believe what I said about restricting ourselves from freedom of speech? This is your logic with the 2A. So it should be your logic for across the board. I am young, I do not understand.


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Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
What makes you think America is different from other countries today and more importantly from the past? How many countries since 1880 have disarmed their own citizens to gain power? Literally door to door. Your ignorance may be bliss, but it does not make it fact. The movement you see in our country today is the exact movement these other countries seen right before they confiscate arms, and some sort of communism is stalled. Again why would this country be exempt?
- Hey, I'm always interested in learning something new, so tell me how many and which nations' government (since 1880) has confiscated all, or most all, of the the firearms from it's citizens by going door-to-door to do so? Let's not include confiscation by an invading force or under the auspices of an invading force during a declared war, which is a whole different ballgame. Nice try though Mr. Strawman!
- When you look at the number of contries where the government actively went door-to-door to confiscate firearms from their citizens, the count drops to maybe 2 or 3 (N. Korea, Venezuela, China).
- One big difference between those countries and the United States is that the 'Right' to possession of firearms by the citizen is institutionalized within our countries' Constitution - and more importantly, most citizens know this, accept it, and exercise that 'Right' to do so.

Beautiful Mulberry

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Feb 18, 2023
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- Hey, I'm always interested in learning something new, so tell me how many and which nations' government (since 1880) has confiscated all, or most all, of the the firearms from it's citizens by going door-to-door to do so? Let's not include confiscation by an invading force or under the auspices of an invading force during a declared war, which is a whole different ballgame. Nice try though Mr. Strawman!
- When you look at the number of contries where the government actively went door-to-door to confiscate firearms from their citizens, the count drops to maybe 2 or 3 (N. Korea, Venezuela, China).
- One big difference between those countries and the United States is that the 'Right' to possession of firearms by the citizen is institutionalized within our countries' Constitution - and more importantly, most citizens know this, accept it, and exercise that 'Right' to do so.
You seem to know everything. You answer questions with questions, and when you do answer them you are vague. You always have something to say, you’re never wrong. Everyone else is always wrong. A person of your caliber should be out educating the ppl, more importantly our youth.
Seems like some of the older crowd on here is scared to be vocal. I mean towards what the government is doing. They are quick to jump on members here and defend the government like the government is going to help them. Trust me I understand the government is here to help. I am a young guy, I sit here and watch or listen to my elder tell me that I should shut up, listen and be fearful of the government. It’s like they are propaganda mouth pieces that is claiming to be an advocate of the the or constitution, but secretly pushing a leftist ideology. I should be sitting here listing to my elders explain to me why the government is wrong and they are not here to help me/us. Literally who do I look to for help? You, the government? Looks like it’s one and the same to me.?. No wonder why our yourh, my generation so screwed up, the government is here helping us because our elders seem to have abandoned us? My parents pretty much abandoned me because my grandparents screwed them up. I guess it rolls down hill. I am not complaining. I am not the type to sit in the corner and cry or roll over because times get hard. I use it to fuel my success, I am changing my family tree. Stop looking at all the negatives, well we can’t do anything anyways. 🙄 that’s dumb.
Never quite, never give up. Our country when founded fought so hard to just stay alive from the elements. Then the locals, then the Europeans and so on. Now we sit here and LET the tyrants take over and spread their propaganda.


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Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
So do you believe what I said about restricting ourselves from freedom of speech? This is your logic with the 2A. So it should be your logic for across the board. I am young, I do not understand.
When a person screams loud enough that they are going to, for example, kill a politician, you can be pretty sure that someone IS going to take notice and pay a visit to that person. Same with those that openly brag about (again, for example) those 'special' (for sale) gun sears they manufactured on their 3D-printer in their garage that turns a semi-automatic into a fully automatic Glock - someone IS going take notice and pay a visit to that person.
Regardless of whether that sear producer is an otherwise responsible gun owner or just some punk trying to make a buck, he would still be perceived as being a member of the gun community, and as such, used as fuel by those in the anti-2A crowd to demonize gun owners.
So YES again, we in the gun community must police ourselves (actions and voice) to avoid adding fuel to 'their' anti-gun fires. Because every incident that puts gun owners in a bad light is just another step toward restricting or outlawing something. It's all about CYA. Why is it so difficult for people to just keep their mouth shut about stuff they do that they know is 'illegal'? Why is it so difficult for people, when they've been caught with their pants down, to just keep their mouth shut until things blow over?


Are you serious?
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Dec 31, 2013
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Logan County
The 'whole' will always be judged by the actions of a few, that's how human society works. The only thing that the 'whole' can do is to try and weed-out the few that cause the most problems for everyone else.
Again . . . two totally different things here.

I'm not going to go out searching for idiots with guns and give them a good scolding to make myself or any other gun owner look better in the eyes of idiots who already have preconceived notions and bias against guns that won't ever change.

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