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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 22, 2009
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Broken Arrow
The old man used to run a chain through opposite wheels with a padlock on my tuck when I was a dumb ass kid.

070719_car_blocks_470.jpg this works too.

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
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Bristow, OK
That sounds like me but his Mom pisses me off by giving into him. Can't blame that one on the kid.

Doesn't matter if the mom is allowing it. The kid knows right from wrong at his age and if his father says to not drive the truck then he knows not to drive the truck. You can and should blame the kid if he disobeys his fathers warnings.


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
AK said it, just pull the starter fuse, takes one second. Him and his momma are idiots, they wont figure it out. And take the keys too. Derrr.

Things with teens are really complicated these days. Oldest 'kid' still at our house going to college and still at home to save money, my 21 yr old stepdaughter, was a dream kid. Then there were my own 3 daughters who lived with their mothers mostly but also spent alot of time at my houses, and all 3 were a handful until about 17 1/2, 18.

The youngest and last kid at our house now is a 50-50 kid. I have a 17 yr old stepson who can be a good kid for a while then the next week turn into a total fckup upsetting the entire household in the process. The problem isnt always moms and dads not working together on things, most of the time its these new age mothers and their new age child rearing techniques. They want to be tough with their babies but theyre also too emotionally attached to them to not baby them when the fathers are not around to throw down the discipline.

My mother was a child of the 50s, born and raised in Osage county, half Osage indian, a God fearing devout Catholic woman, successful businesswoman, hard worker. And she was also the freaking devil who did not mind cracking your head wide open with a yardstick or whatever she could grab close to her, no matter how big your were, if you didnt listen to her or do what she said. She didnt need a man around. My school superintendant stepfather was firm but it was her house and her rules. And she was just a tad over 5' even by 120lbs wet. I still fear the woman today. All 7 of us kids, full-halfs-steps, in and out of our house growing up feared her. I lived most of the year with my ex Marine dad in San Diego who was 6'5" x 300+ but was a teddy bear compared to her. I sometimes didnt want to go to Oklahoma to stay with her. But she shaped all of us kids into what all of us became. Hard workers who all became successful.

Myself, I do not mind being a dick to my stepson, when I have to be. Ive never abused him but I also have not ever spared the kid from discipline, which doesnt always have to mean corporal punishment. I just stick to my guns on groundings or whatever. I also hand out the nastiest of chores while Im gone and he has to complete them before I return. I keep the lil fckr busy, he doesnt have time to get in trouble. And then when I get home if all went well I reward him if he completed tasks and attitudes were good. Ive been his only male role model over 10 years of his life. I told my wife when the kid was 12 and 105lbs and still handleable that he was going to be trouble for her when Im gone some day, and Im gone alot. She poopoo'd me like they do you. Now he's 17, 6'2"x 200lbs plus, she's 5'4" x 135 but a total wuss, nothing like my mother or her own mother. She's supposed to be the boss when Im gone but he basically runs the place when Im not home. I get tired of her phone calls telling me of his latest fckup. Funny that when Im home he's a model child.

His sister told me that she overheard him telling a friend of his who doesnt have a father or a stepfather in the house that he is glad I am with his mother because he's scared shiteless of me and that I have kept him in line, and that if I wasnt here he knows he would have quit school by now and be in trouble with the law like friends of his have been. He's a lucky kid. His corporate executive mother has him apprenticing at her company in the summer and other days out of school with the draftsman working for the engineers. If he plays his cards right he has a great career ahead of him with her company making very good money and a solid future, as long as he gets thru his last 2 years of highschool and works hard. I also let him come work with me in my businesses. He now knows what its like to work hard, plus its where you get money. Thats probably his favorite part. And its also a good motivator. To me kids with idle time on their hands have time to get in trouble. So, just keep them busy. Hopefully it will catch on what youre doing to them and turn them into hard workers, not just takers who only want to take from other people or the system.

I used to never know when I hit Tulsa and was 20 minutes from home coming home from a trip what was ahead for me when I got home. But the last half year I have seen a change in the kid and its been for the better. He is starting to turn the corner and see that he only has a year or so to get his sh it together before he goes out on his own to school then into a job taking care of himself and some day his own family. He is finally starting to take things more serious.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 7, 2009
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Doesn't matter if the mom is allowing it. The kid knows right from wrong at his age and if his father says to not drive the truck then he knows not to drive the truck. You can and should blame the kid if he disobeys his fathers warnings.

It does matter if the mom isn't on the same page as the dad - she's undermining his authority by caving in and letting the kid have the vehicle. I said it earlier in this thread, and I'll say it again; the parents need to sit down and get their act together when it comes to how to enforce their parental authority. If they can present a unified front, the kid will be more likely to toe the line, and all these mechanical measures to prevent his taking of the truck would be unnecessary.

But since he's already 17, it may be too late :(


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
God, I'm glad I don't have kids at home anymore ... :woot:

Tran, I'm sorry for your troubles. I'd tell you what I did with my kids, but nowadays that kind of parenting would get DHS called on you ... :nolike: Too bad, too, because it was really effective ... :naughty: :rollingla


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
God, I'm glad I don't have kids at home anymore ... :woot:

Tran, I'm sorry for your troubles. I'd tell you what I did with my kids, but nowadays that kind of parenting would get DHS called on you ... :nolike: Too bad, too, because it was really effective ... :naughty: :rollingla

Call DHS, they will get the same. The majority of the problems in society is DHS BS, no discipline in the home or schools.

Tell him the truck and there will be an ass whooping immediately followed by a bag packing and a door locking. My house, my rules; follow them or get out. Wife doesn't agree or back you up, she can go with him.


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
God, I'm glad I don't have kids at home anymore ... :woot:

I'd tell you what I did with my kids, but nowadays that kind of parenting would get DHS called on you ... :nolike: Too bad, too, because it was really effective ... :naughty: :rollingla

It cracks me up when Im at my oldest kids house and she is 'working' with her one and only child when she has had a 'moment', errrr, she has screwed up and got in trouble for something she definitely knew not to do. And then she hit at her mother and called her a bad name when she put her in timeout or whatever it is they call it. She's 5. Ahhh, I remember lighting that kids mommys rear up for some of the lesser things she did at that same age. She didnt do em any more either, and she for sure didnt try to hit me or call me a '*****'. Same kid who graduated highschool early, got her business degree early, went to work in hospital managment in her early 20s, and now she has resigned a great paying job to work on an MBA and raise this kid. Gonna home school her. Her husband was a part time Mr Mom now he gets to go to work full time at what he went to school after the Air Force for. He sure isnt bitching about it either, who would want to stay home with that little brat. Good luck with it is all I can say. Sure dont want to make them fear you or hurt their delicate little self esteem. And if the kid ever comes to stay with Gma and Gpa, well lets just say she will be at my house with my rules. And its a long way to California to call mommy to come get you. Lollllll.

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