Dave's Gunshow details

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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I don't have a dozen friends... matter of fact, I'm not even sure I have a tenth of a dozen friends.

Anyways, I'll volunteer to help work the show, whatever you need.

Mitch H.

Special Hen
Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
Fair question Mitch. There is a bulletin board at the Piggly Wiggly, should work. Just kidding. I have a decent budget for print media. Shotgun news, newspaper, penny saver etc. Working on some radio, much closer to the event. Plus I have several guerilla marketing plans (legal). Those are best not discussed in an open forum. It will only take the big boys a short time to target a new promoter. Also I'm counting on all of my OSA brethren to show up with at least a dozen of their closest friends


Let me start by saying I hope you are successful with this business venture. To be successful, you will have to do something more and/or different than the other gun show promoters. There is already a gun show EVERY weekend in the OKC area so adding another is adding to the current problem. Too many shows which stretches the consumer dollar to the point it's not worth it to the vendor to show up to the shows which makes the consumer complain about the quality of the gun show. It's a vicious circle.

Starting your show in a new venue is a great idea. It's going to be difficult to get vendors without a proven track record of bringing consumers to the show.

I really do hope you do something different to set yourself apart from the other promoters. This will be beneficial to you, the vendors and the consumer.

Any idea what you will charge to the public for entry?



Special Hen
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
Mitch, here is what I hope will set my show apart from the rest. First, this will be a GUNSHOW. If it's not related to shooting, hunting, reloading or personal defense i will not rent them a table. Like in the original post. No fleamarket crap, no candles, no helicopters and no visors with fake hair. I will be charging $6.00 admission. With $1.00 off if you walk in with a firearm (show it or sell it, no difference). Active duty in uniform free. Law enforcement in uniform. Free. As a buyer it makes me crazy to pay $12 just te enter s building and have it be 1/3 full of junk. I will not sell-out.


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
I'd say you are doing something different Dave...

I personally think that you can start a cycle of good sellers who want to come to a show where good buyers decide to spend their money by doing things just like you are doing:

1.) A REAL gunshow instead of a flea market so that customers feel they got their moneys worth. When you go to a show that's advertised as 500 tables and 100 of them are garage sale crap, you feel cheated. That's what people on here have complained about for as long as I remember.

2.) A FAIR price for admission. $6 with a dollar off potential is reasonable. I really like the idea of your giving a dollar off for those who carry in a firearm to stimulate trade. That will help to encourage gun dealers to feel like you are drawing in good customers for them.

3.) Table prices. $25 a table in advance is cheaper than any other gunshow around. This has the effect of getting dealers to try your show out because it's reasonable to do so and the downside isn't as much as if they had to commit more to their expenses. It also has the effect of allowing dealers to reduce their prices or haggle a little easier since they aren't just worried about making expenses.

I think that the big key in getting it all going is to draw customers who will want to spend their money at your show. Maybe even offer some deal where customers get another dollar off or a coupon for the next show if they show their "I bought a gun" sticker on the way out? If I were turning loose of any advertising dollars, I'd make sure it was going to target people who were actually going to spend money at the show. Encouraging trade is what it's all about. You recognize that already and I think you just have to keep that as your number one focus.

Competition breeds quality and this is evidence of the good old American capitalist system doing what it does best. If nobody else will listen to potential customers, then someone else will start a business that does.

Kudos again Dave!
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Special Hen
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
One more thing...

Attracting quality, desired vendors to your show is one more reason for customers to attend. It has the added benefit of those vendors doing free advertising for you as well when they let people know when and where they will be setup.

Quality desireable cast bullets from J&K makes people want to come to your show.
Quality desireable AR type firearms and parts from Mark's Firearms makes people want to come to your show.
Quality gunsmithing services from Franson Firearms makes people want to come to your show.

These are just a few, but there are many more...

It helps you if you can target certain vendors and ask them to come to your show. Build relationships with those vendors and treat them right and they will continue to come. I can't tell you the amount of dealers I have spoken to over the years who have been done dirty by one or more promoters. Be fair and everyone will notice. Be unfair and everyone will not only notice, but they'll tell everybody they know too...

Again, good luck and kudos as Mark said for putting your money where your mouth is and giving this a shot.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
West OKC
I also think that cheap tables bring out alot of private parties. I have found alot of parts and good deals over the years from private tables. Made alot of good trades too.

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