Hello from Cache Oklahoma

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Special Hen
Jun 14, 2013
Reaction score
Hello I am new here on the site. I was born in Heidelberg Germany lived in Germany most of my youth moving to different military post with my parents. Karlsruhe, Hanau, Liemen. We moved here to Oklahoma in 1976, and I have planted roots and stayed here in rural Cache.

My field of work was in electronics automation until my father passing in 2000. Of cancer from Agent Orange exposure while in Viet Nam. I returned home for my mother and started an architectural stone company until 2003 when I blew my heart out, now I sit at home disabled spending my days in my workshop and wait to die. LOL that sounded a bit cold!

I have been interested in firearms since I could walk. My earliest recollection of playing with them was about the age of five. My father was a tactical commo chief "31 Zulu." On several weekends he had to report on a weekend to work on communications equipment in varies armor pieces. I would go to work with my father and play in the tanks and personal carriers.

At the age of 10, I stood on the Berlin wall. It was during a time a young east Garman tried to run across the no mans land, but was shot just as he jumped the last barrier falling into free west German side about 100 yards from check point Charlie. All I was able to see was the blood stained concrete ground.

At the age of 15, while on a JROTC field trip I was allowed to sit in a running fully armed M60 tank on the East West German border. I can still remember to this day looking through the main gun sights bringing the cross hairs on an East German communist guard tower. I remember thinking life is good as an Army brat.

I began collecting as soon as I turned 18 and could legally purchase firearms. My first firearm was a Spanish 7mm mouser. My collection has grown from that point on. I collect mostly military weapons including NFA.

To me buying a new firearm and rebuilding it to my liking is a very peaceful way to spend a day. whether its glass bedding a stock or fire lapping a bore even polishing a trigger group I feel I am in harmony with life. Whenever I am told, "It cannot be done" I hear a challenge and look for ways to meet that challenge within the law of the land.

My other hobbies include but not limited too, gunsmithing, bladesmithing, woodworking, photography, gaming, etc. I have many interests.

I am married with two children, two grand children and can say without a doubt that I had a good life. The grand children are the best, I can spoil them and send them home I guess I am becoming spiteful in my old age...lol.

I do pay attention to current events and have no problems calling our lawmakers when I have a difference of opinion. However, I will not waste time talking politics to anyone who does not bother to vote.


Special Hen
Jun 14, 2013
Reaction score
Yes I still speak it when talking to my mother and grandmother. Sometimes it is a curse...lol... especially in English glass when the grammar structure is almost reversed to English.


Special Hen
Sep 17, 2010
Reaction score
Valliant, OK
Y'all remember the reptile house out in the old Cowboy Park area? Can't remember his name, but he sure had a lot of snakes. I went out there several times while in college at Cameron.

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