How many of our members have ever had to react in self defense?

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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 3, 2006
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Several times.

One time, apparent homeless lady was yelling at me in front of my car. I was blocked from behind by another car, driver's side by the gas pumps and passenger side by another car.

She motioned like she was going to shoot me and started reaching into her purse.

I took "mine" and laid it on the dash and made a "OK, your move" motion.
She got rather pale and left quickly.

Had another, long story short. Guy was coming thru my front door about 3AM. Wife and daughter screaming. I buried the barrel of a S&W 66 into his forehead with the hammer back. Just a couple more ounces, but I didn't. He uttered the best line I have ever heard before or since. On his knees looking up at me, hands up, he said "Obviously, I'm at the wrong house." After things settled, yes he was at the wrong house. Could have been a tragedy.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
got carjacked in lawton. all i had was a blade. it was enough.

also had to use a beer bottle once. word to the wise: a drunk man will not even notice a broken bottle over his head, but you will notice after rolling in the broken glass the next day.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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Before I was out on my own with a job I was still in high school and on a dirt road heading toward my girlfriend's house near Enid.

Tooling down the road I came upon 5 motorcycles with long hair hippie types standing next to them. Three of them approached my driver's side and I politely asked if I could help or be of service to them. They all grinned and half heartedly said yeah, you can get out of the truck and give us the keys.

I'm sure glad I had my Ruger Security Six tucked under my leg. When I brought it up and leveled it at the chest of the closest biker they all stuck their hands up. I took all of their keys and told them they could find them under the stop sign at the next mile.

After telling a trooper friend Don Hadlock about the encounter he said they were probably this new group of wannabes that were giving them trouble in the area.
He said they hung around the Son's of Silence. Trooper Hadlock said I had better stick around my county for a few weeks.


Special Hen
Sep 17, 2010
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Valliant, OK
Not with humans, but one time a neighbor’s dog was coming at me with teeth bared. I put my hand on my gun and said “One more step and you die.” I guess he understood me, cause he stopped, glared at me for a few seconds, then turned and trotted back to his yard.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Not with humans, but one time a neighbor’s dog was coming at me with teeth bared. I put my hand on my gun and said “One more step and you die.” I guess he understood me, cause he stopped, glared at me for a few seconds, then turned and trotted back to his yard.
That happened to me once. I pulled up in my driveway and when I opened my door a dog I’d never seen was standing there growling at me. I emptied a full can of pepper spray in his face. He backed off, coughed a few times, shook his head and wiped his face on the grass.

He wasn’t done with me. He came at me again.

I was backing up swinging my expandable baton at him trying to get to my front door. I actually hit him a few times and he kept coming. Once I got inside I called animal control. One of their tried to catch him but couldn’t. He had to call back up. It took three more to catch this mutt. No collar or tags. No idea where he came from.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 10, 2010
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Back when my daughters were teenagers a couple of them decided to go night riding with a full moon out. They called me and said that a guy was following them in a pick-up. They were on the next section road from our house, and I said on my way. By the time I got my boots on and got to the door they called back and said that he had run into my horse's behind. By the time I got there he was making a run for it, and I chased him into town. He pulled up into someone's from lawn and I bailed out of my car with gun drawn. He came at me very aggressively and I told him to stop, he kept coming my finger went to the trigger and if he would have taken one more step I would have shot. he would have been close enough to touch me by this time. My wife was on the phone with the sheriff dept. and as soon as I heard the sirens coming around the corner, I popped the mag out of the pistol and ejected the round and layed it all on my windshield then stepped away from it. They pulled up with their guns drawn and asked who has the gun. I pointed to it on the windshield and that eased their tension. They arrested the guy and confiscated my pistol (CZ75 9mm). About 3 months later I hadn't heard anything, so I called the county attorney for my pistol back. I was told that you probably won't get it back. he said to come down and we would discuss it. We had the conversation to refresh his memory about the case and he asked me why I didn't shoot him. I figured a trick question, but I answered with I guess it wasn't his day to die. he replied that if it was his kid, he would have shot him and said he wouldn't have prosecuted me for it. He signed form to get my pistol back. Took my horse to the vet and she was bruised up pretty good but recovered ok.

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