I almost DIED yesterday...

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Glock 'em down

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Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
Mrs GED literally saved my life! :faint:

A little backstory first...

For the past 8 or 9 months, possibly even a year now, I've had a vericose vein on the top of my left shin. No big right? Well...I'm in the shower yesterday afternoon, about to go to work (I work 3:00pm - 11:00pm). I get out, towel off, go to my dresser, pull out a T-shirt, drawers and a pair of socks. Put those things on, go to the closet, pull out a pair of pants. Put those on. Stick my right foot into a shoe, then the left foot, reach down to tie them and I notice that my left pant leg is wet. I'm talkin' SOAKING wet...with BLOOD!


So, I shuck my shoes and pants, expecting to see blood running down my leg, right? Wrong! Blood was SPURTING from this vericose vein! And when I say "spurting" just imagine a full can of silly string. Yeah...God as my witness, that's EXACTLY that was what it was doing!

So. Bent over with my left hand covering my left shin, I run around the bed to my nightstand, grab the phone, run back around the bed to the tub and jump in to keep from absolutely ruining the carpet in our bedroom.

While in the shower, I slowly remove my now blood covered fingers from my leg. BIG mistake! Blood continues to spurt out like a sigot. So I call Mrs GED and told her my leg was bleeding and I should probably go to the ER...could she come and take me.

She kinda him-haws around and says, "yeah...*sigh* :rolleyes2...I'll be there in a minute." :grumble:

She later tells me that she was thinking I had a little scratch on my leg and was being a big baby about it. It then dawns on her when she gets about half-way home that this vericose vein had probably ruptured and I could be bleeding to death in the bathtub! :shocked:

So. She finally gets home, walks towards the back of the house (where our bedroom/bathroom is) sees the blood on our brown carpet and starts to panic.

Thank God we have brown carpet! :rotflmao:

I've worked a few crime scenes that didn't have as much blood on the floor as my bedroom/bathroom had! :puke:

She then makes her way to the bathroom where I am standing in the tub in my socks, underwear and T-shirt, holding the spigot of blood in with my two fingers. By now I figure I've lost about a half of a pint or so, judging by the amount in the bottom of the tub around my foot and up and down my left leg. Of course, a thimble full of blood looks like a gallon when it's slung around.

She starts to cry and I tell her to suck it up, dry it up and toughen the :censored: up! I NEED her help and she is no help to me if she panics and goes into a tail spin.

Cold bastard, huh?

Anyway...she pulls herself together, grabs a towel, wraps it around my leg (while gagging and choking) and loads me up in the truck and off to the horsepistol we go.

See the sawbones...what a dipshit he is...and get my leg wrapped in a gauge and compression bandage. Good as new.

Now, I'm paranoid that it's gonna happen again. I was lucky enough that I was in my own home, close to the bathroom. If I was at work in the middle of a call, who knows what woulda happened?

Bottom line it boils down to this.

I consume way too much salt because according to the ******* doctor :pissed: my legs were swollen with fluid which is what caused this vein to rupture the way it did. I'm lucky it didn't happen while I was in bed asleep...I might have bled to death!

Anyway...strict diet from now on. No more salt or fried stuff. No more sodie-pop or sweets. Lots of healthy food and a strict exercise routine as soon as I feel safe enough to do so with this ruptured vein. I figure by the first of next week I'll be GTG. :thumb:

Thanks guys (and gals :kiss:) for listening to my eventful day. :Heya:


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Mar 1, 2006
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Enid, OK.
WOW! Glad you're O.K. Friend of mine went through a very similar situation in the last several weeks. Short story ... it is still an issue! Take care of yourself, my friend!

Big House

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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 22, 2009
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NE Oklahoma/Now Florida
Get another opinion or two. My F-I-L just about died from kidney failure after a very successful open heart surgery. He had muliple doctors seeing him while he was post op. Why do they do this? Each one would prescribe something that would affect the other doctors opinions. It was a freaking nightmare. So, after four and half months he has found that he needs daily dialysis.

Should have seen the poor nurse when my M-I-L put her foot down and demanded only one doctor give the orders. :ooh2:


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
GED, I'd go get some sort of scan and have the docs look for any more possible aneurysms. The one on your leg might not be the only one. I believe you are fortunate that the one aneurysm was visible. You've been given an alert. Don't ignore it.

Better safe than sorry, I always say. I'll pray that I'm wrong, but you'd better get it checked out.


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