Illegal Aliens Crossing Open US Border Are Caught on Camera CARRYING RIFLES

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Special Hen
Jul 5, 2021
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st Louis
Government is complicit with invaders crossing our borders. Time for vets to have a BYONV/T/A party......Bring Your Own Night Vision/Thermals/Ammo. Our oath to protect and defend from "foreign and domestic" has no expiration date. We sign that proverbial dotted line, leave family, train, kit up, go into harm's way protecting our freedom on foreign soil. Come home to build a great life under those freedoms, only to have politicians steal those freedoms from us. Why even go into harm's way? WE'RE KITTING UP ON THE WRONG SOIL!!!! Get wet feet in the Rio Grande, become Gulf fishy food. Need some politicians' heads on pikes lining the DC Reflecting Pool for their treason. They say "insurrection" as though it is a bad thingy. Fortunately, our Founders held a different perspective. This is the government our Founders warned about, and for which they penned the Second Amendment. In 1776, We The Little Peeps had to clean house. The house is filthy again.

In Thomas Jefferson’s letter of 1787 to William Stephens Smith, the son-in-law of John Adams, postulates on the newly drafted Constitution and what it will mean. One of his statements succinctly deals with our situation today, and I quote: “What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.!” Our Founding Fathers dealt with a plethora of issues, and provided guidance accordingly; hoping it would never come to this!

Therein is the WHY behind the Libturd fetish with citizen disarmament, gun control. The lives they are intent upon saving is their own, protecting their own traitorous, tyrannous asses.

Recognize anyone herein???
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
An excerpt from "A Pillar of Iron" by Taylor Caldwell depicting the spirit of ancient Rome in its last days of glory. The hero of the story, the man called "a pillar of iron" is Marcus Tullius Cicero, the lawyer-statesman who tried vainly to save the republic he loved from the forces of tyranny.
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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 7, 2021
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People scoffed when I said “we might oughta organize and have a plan for conflict and civil unrest”. Maybe the border communities were more intelligent. DHS encourages communities to come together for emergency response, including terrorist attacks and active shooter scenarios, but Americans are too comfy, too complacement, and too confident that the United States could never become a war zone or destabilized. Fun times


Special Hen
Mar 23, 2022
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So the the Constitution covers the world??? Nope. Legal immigrants cannot own a gun until they become citizens. Also , with unlawful entry, the act makes them a felon. That is why they can be deported without going to court.
This is not exactly correct. Foreigners who legally immigrate here and obtain their permanent resident card can purchase firearms. I have a good friend that came here from England. He maintains his citizenship but has that card and has never had an issue purchasing a gun.


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Dec 26, 2016
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This is not exactly correct. Foreigners who legally immigrate here and obtain their permanent resident card can purchase firearms. I have a good friend that came here from England. He maintains his citizenship but has that card and has never had an issue purchasing a gun.
You are right.... I did not know that.... Thanks.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2020
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Finally - a writer that gets it. It ain't about "votes".
Hasn't been directly about "votes" since the late '60s (starting with LBJ's 'Great Society'). Joseph Stalin famously said that "Who votes doesn't matter. Who COUNTS the votes matters!" Democraps have been working, slowly but steadily, to institute that concept for decades now (and it has really ramped up just in the last half-decade or so).


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May 11, 2020
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They wouldn't carry weapons across the border,thats illegal. And president Joe says they just want the jobs that Americans don't want
Yet that SOB ("Sweet Ol' Boy" or something like that) refuses to even discuss the fact that the majority of illegals are not families or working-class. They are single, combat-aged men...


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May 11, 2020
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That won't happen.
Well, "it" - outright gun confiscation - won't likely happen immediately, and certainly not here in the conservative states (central part of the country). But it will eventually start happening in the deep-blue states on both coasts where gun ownership is already, in varying degrees, restricted. And it will slowly creep toward us.

In fact - despite the Democraps' rants to the contrary - that step may very well be the final, primary catalyst for civil war. This is realism, not "tin-foil-hat" conspiracy theory prattle. There are numerous historical precedents...


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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2020
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This is not exactly correct. Foreigners who legally immigrate here and obtain their permanent resident card can purchase firearms. I have a good friend that came here from England. He maintains his citizenship but has that card and has never had an issue purchasing a gun.
Yes, indeed. But again, the key word here is 'legal'.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Well, "it" - outright gun confiscation - won't likely happen immediately, and certainly not here in the conservative states (central part of the country). But it will eventually start happening in the deep-blue states on both coasts where gun ownership is already, in varying degrees, restricted. And it will slowly creep toward us.

In fact - despite the Democraps' rants to the contrary - that step may very well be the final, primary catalyst for civil war. This is realism, not "tin-foil-hat" conspiracy theory prattle. There are numerous historical precedents...
They won't need to go door-to-door, in fact that is the least effective and the riskiest way of doing things.

Why not just seize your bank account, shut down your credit card? Pull you over, make an example out of you? Encourage wives to turn in husbands, (wives fearful of husbands getting lengthy prison sentences will comply).

We are so tied to electronic transfers and have our data accessible to every government entity right now - it would be idiotic to approach control in another "hands-on" way.

And if you think your "Republican, freedom-loving conservatives" are going to go to bat for you....keep on believing that.

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