ME says no evidence of Asphyxia in George Floyd case....

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
That's the thing that's so perplexing with this one. I can't recall a single individual that condoned these MN officers actions, regardless of occupation, race, or any other category one could name. Cops everywhere have been doing this. Yet look at what's going on. Heck, the BLM crowd (here in OK at least) almost...ALMOST, looks kinda sorta mainstream. They are starting to catch on and before long will probably be taking care of these ANTIFA pukes and those in their ranks that get out of hand as they show up start stuff and it would behoove their movement to do so if they want any credibility at all.

To some degree, it is already starting. I don't remember what city it was, but there was this guy trying to break up the concrete sidewalk or gutters, presumed to be doing so to get something to throw. Some of the regular peaceful protesters noticed that and ganged up on him, holding him captive until the police arrived and arrested him.

EDIT: I went looking. It was apparently in D.C.

Protesters Hand Over Rioter to Police


Special Hen
Sep 30, 2014
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edmond by way of North Carolina
By that logic, blacks should do the same to the pillagers.

Things are not always as simple as they sound.

Plenty are. You’ll see what you seek. If you want to see looters who are taking advantage of chaos, there’s plenty of videos and images to choose from. If you want to see black people holding others accountable for hijacking the moment, there’s plenty of that footage to be seen as well.

Take a look at speech by The mayor of Atlanta, “killer mike” at the same press conference with ATL mayor, the black girl in LA stopping another from spray painting a business, the black chick last night that questioned why car full of white punks were handing out bricks to black protesters, hell even Dennis Rodman has opined on the issue.

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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One link that supports that viewpoint would help. ;)

I'm on dialup, and what you can find in a minute or two could take me hours to download and view (assuming I even knew what to search for).

Not looking for sympathy, it just is what it is.

Can't help you there, but most of the looting I've seen is coming from all colors, not just black or brown. The most common denominator I'm seeing is youth.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Good point. That's probably the single thing that they could do to actually change something. Maybe the unions could push back on the declining training requirements, and some other things.

The single most effective thing they could do is to stop championing bad officers against the administration. When it gets as bad as MPD and Louisville, the union shouldn't even be allowed to represent an officer in an excessive force case until they've been punished. Then they can assist an appeal AFTER the investigation is complete and the full facts are entered into the record.


Dream Master
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Drive? Nah. Express the fear they have because they're looked at waaaay differently by urban or suburban police forces than Pot County Sheriff look some white boy in Shawnee? That's probably more accurate.

I think some people are just appalled at the thought that someone may have actually be born with a tougher break than them. All "make better choices" rhetoric doesn't mean shiiiiit when things happen like what happened to Philando Castile. Which was also in the Twin Cities for anyone keeping track.

It's a fact some people are born with a tougher break than others, just because of where they are or who they are or who their parents are. And a whoooole bunch of people are OUTRAGED that someone may have a tougher life than them. No one has to apologize for anything. Their whiteness, their wealth, their part of town they live in. But by God at least have the self awareness enough to recognize it. That's the crux of the issue here.
Ok Mr. Expert. I never said some black folks don’t get treated bad because of their color. I know some do. But the point of these articles has nothing to do with what you speak. There are people rioting and protesting claiming it’s for George Floyd. It ain’t for him. And it ain’t for black folk. Why are people still doing it when all the officers have been arrested? These people don’t want justice. They want revenge. And to be clear, George Floyd was a piece of trash. He had been in prison for a home invasion where he held a woman at gunpoint. He was also found to have meth and phentanyl in his system which very well could have been the cause of his death. But that still doesn’t excuse what the officers did. Everyone is making him out to be saint like they always do when these black people are killed. Another thing, there are far more white people killed by police than blacks. Where is the outrage over that? Where is the outrage over all the black on black crime that happens all over? There ain’t anyone rioting and protesting over that. What about all the innocent black folk that have recently died because of the riots? Why is no one talking about that? They don’t care that’s why. They want to constantly scream injustice and racism no matter what happens. The same way they did with the Michael Brown case, Trayvon Martin Case and a slew of others. I remember George Zimmerman was labeled a white man when all that happened. The cop that killed Philando Castile was Hispanic. But I’m sure he was labeled white too.

Why is it that thousands of poor black folk have been able to rise up out of the ghetto to make something of themselves? After all they grew up in a big city and were as poor as you get. Take Ben Carson for instance. Look at some of the black actors such as Morgan Freeman who grew up in the south during the civil rights era. Yet he was able to become one of the most respected actors ever.

The fact remains that no matter where you come from, no matter what your color, or social status, you can do whatever you want. This country isn’t racist towards people of color. Sure there are racist people. But that goes for ALL races. My wife has been discriminated against. She had experienced racism first hand. And yet she is very successful. She grew up with her dad being in prison and her mom ain’t a very good person either. She was poor and didn’t have squat. She never once blamed anyone else for her life.

I see articles every day that are meant to drive a wedge in between races. It’s pathetic. But for some reason you see them as cries for help. As I said before, apparently we read different articles. It’s not about some folks having it rough. It’s about blaming other people for their failures. It happens all the time in the black community. In the end, they have no one to blame but themselves if their lives suck.

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