Sanders asked to leave restaurant

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Special Hen
Mar 28, 2013
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Green Country
Eh, sorry, but can't help you understand my opinions.

Back on topic though. For those that supported Jack Phillips in his decision to refuse service to someone based on his religious teachings, please don't be hypocritical towards this business owner. I stand behind both of them as every business owner has the right to refuse service to anyone, regardless of the reason. Now, in doing so there should be a level of tact used. My suggestion would be not to give the reason, just tell them we can not offer you service at this time. But IMO, both businesses acted within their rights.

Not really. In the Denver baker case, Phillips, he refused to do a specific creation for the "couple of legal trolls". He did not refuse them anything on the menu, so to speak. Which is what happened in this case. Really, if someone can dismiss this as any thing less then discrimination I'd be appalled.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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I think the business owner has a right to throw out whom they please. However, we all know the double standard and pettiness right now. Imagine if an owner of a restaurant would've thrown out Obama and his family, they'd be label a racist to no end.


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator
Jan 2, 2006
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IF (IF IF IF) the owner's story is true in that article; I don't see much issue with the request to leave here.

The staff served them. The owner asked her to leave, she agreed. It was done quietly and not rudely in front of everyone. They offered to pay and the owner declined to accept payment. Event done and over.

I would have fired an employee who made a post like what was made. The company I work for has an employee manual that explicitly addresses this situation. It's a small company too.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
Could have been worse



Special Hen
Apr 7, 2017
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Oklahoma city
“If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.” Ted Nugent

This is one of many far right celebs who posted hatred towards Obama. If you want I can go dig up a bunch, I'll just look back at certain people on FB. Or better yet I'll pull up sound bites from Limbaugh and Beck. How many years did we have to listen to the Birthers? Both of them attacked Obama and his family many times on their shows.

And I spoke up to both family and friends who posted anti-obama memes and others who post anti-Trump meme's that go beyond the line of simple disagreeing. I disagree with several of Trump's policies just like I disagree with several of Obama's. They both are attacking individual freedoms. The only difference is what they attack.
Sorry your girl lost....


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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The root of the incivility does not appear to be the vileness of the left. There is something that is at the root of that vileness and is likewise an emergent cause for vileness in other groups.

Fragmentation into social media hate groups is giving rise to a mob mentality. This is a serious problem on several levels. In a few cases it has led to actual attacks. The threat of massive condemnation, the threat of in-person shout downs/restaurarant expulsions etc and the possibility of real world physical harm or financial harm are causing people to self-censor. It used to be limited to college campuses but now it appears to be metastasizing via social media. Free speech and freedom of expression is under mob attack. "Who cares about your facts? We are righteous!".
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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 5, 2018
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Broken Arrow
Sorry your girl lost....

Funny, didn't think Johnson was a girl. Again, nice to see that "if you are not with us you are against" mentality. Love how the right express their religious beliefs and the left express their tolerance and neither shows much of either.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Funny, didn't think Johnson was a girl. Again, nice to see that "if you are not with us you are against" mentality. Love how the right express their religious beliefs and the left express their tolerance and neither shows much of either.

If one looks at Gary Johnson's platform statement, it can sway some that identify as an independent voter. But in reality, he could barely put together a sentence in live interviews failing to answer questions about the very things that were planks in his platform or incorrectly quoting them. It was pretty obvious he was a shill being led around by the nose by those around him which is why I didn't vote for him.
I too identify as an independent voter fully capable of voting for whom I think will do the best for this country following the principles of the founders of this country when they wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights although I don't register as an independent because I wanted to vote in the primary's in Ok.
When I do my analysis of candidates, I look at their history and actually look behind the public persona of the candidate into their private performance over the years previous. There was only one candidate that met that criteria, and that was Trump.
The great orator he is not,(obama was not either, but a great reader of script on teleprompters) and sometimes I cringe with his tweets, while thinking if he didn't use that social media to get to his base, which is huge btw, the media would run rampant with propagandizing the American public, both conservative and liberal in an attempt to drive his poll numbers low enough that impeachment would be a reality. That was their goal in all of this fake news of lies and deceit by the media.
It hasn't worked. Slowly but surely the corruption of the obama administration is being uncovered layer by layer like peeling an onion. As the layers come off, the core of the corruption is getting closer to being exposed. The core is obama himself as expressed in FBI texts by those at the top of the leadership stating that POTUS wants to be advised of all progress in the effort to stop President Trump. This entire fiasco of Trump Russian Collusion/obstruction of justice/stormy daniels, has been nothing more than a smoke screen cover up trying to protect obama. Where is Russia, Obstruction or Stormy now? Gone with the wind. Nothing there, so on the media moves to create more chaos in the news feeds.
The proof is being stonewalled by the deputy director of the FBI that is denying the house the constitutional oversight that the constitution has given them.
It's coming to a head pretty quick. The corruption of the left in the obama years and during hillary's campaign will be further exposed more so than already has been.

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