Sustainability - An Overview of multiple threads

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
I tried to start this thread to motivate people, to show those that haven't opened their eyes to the possibilities things they could face and what they could do to prepare.

I am gonna have to respectfully disagree with that. I made a specific post early on what addressed a specific weakness in your "list" and rather than address THAT issue you chose to focus in on the little side argument that got started. So ... I deleted my post and we all moved on from there -- some of us defending and explaining our friend's stance, why we are members of this community and the pros and cons of it, etc. This was YOUR thread to direct as you pleased ... and it pleased you to further the squabble, not further the discussion. And from what little I can tell, just so you could tell us all how much better you are at the preparedness stuff than the rest of us.

You've chosen to see the glass half empty on this internet board. I choose to see it half full. Neither of us is wrong. We are just different. I have many, many friends here (from all over the state) that I could call on in a moment's notice (and who have done the same with me) and ask for help, even though we've only ever "met" on OSA ...

That may not be YOUR definition of "friends" or "community" but as far as I'm concerned these guys here are a damn fine group of fellas and they are welcome at my home anytime. So ... In short ... "THEY" have not done anything to me or mine. "THEY" have not destroyed what makes me a good person (and the qualities that make me and many others good people are what make this country great, btw). There has always been evil and corruption in the world. You having "built" a group for yourself, against all odds, is not gonna EVER change that.

And good for you -- you have your community. And again, good for you -- it was not easy. Believe it or not, there are plenty of the rest of us who have ours and built it too. Maybe not the same way you've gone about it, but it's a viable community, nonetheless, and just as capable of surviving (maybe more so, only time will tell) as "yours".

Maybe it's just because I feel like hammered **** right now but as God is my witness ... WHAT IS it with some of you guys?? Sheesh ...


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Respect my communatah!:bolt:

I tend to be very careful about the whole "community" thing. Most people are done in by someone who "knows" them. Human psychology will go to shite rapidly without a framework of stability.


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
I think she's disapointed that some people have the audacity to accuse others who dont buy into a certain aspect of prepping.

Some of us prep because the world might collapse, others because we might hit hard times and others prep because thats how we live. Theres no our way is better than your way. You prep how you want for whatever reason you want. If we want a sermon, we'll go to church.

When someone shows up and tries to recruit or gets pushy with the "my way is right" because the worlds collapsing, that kinda leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Rubs ya the wrong way.

BB is right about the thread getting sidetracked. Look how it got this way. One guy preps to the extreme because he thinks we might be on the brink. He creates a community, advises others to do the same. Wants to keep "chatter" down. Wants to have a serous conversation. Never gonna happen on OSA.

Except this board has people who think the world aint fallin apart. Some of us just like to share our ideas in a not so extreme way. We like to keep it real and add some humor sometimes. Theres room for dissent and dissenters. Reality is different for everyone. Whats real for one person isnt always real for another.

Some of us asked for a Prepper section to share ideas and thoughts on prepping. Some understand how OSA is and its many different personalities work. If ya wanna prep serous, go ahead, wanna be not so serous, go ahead. On OSA its ok to be different, be serous, and to rib, n joke.

If your type of prepping is building communities, cool with me. Just dont preach that im not doing it to your standards. If you prescribe to a particular prep/survival philosophy, cool. Share your tips.

Just dont attack or misrepresent. Thats how this got off topic. If i wanna bug out i will do it however i want. I dont hafta strap on my pack, gather my kids and walk a day across rough terrain because i dont believe it will ever come to that. If i wanna joke around about being a raider and i will. If i need help ill ask. If someone needs help and i wanna help, i will.

Ive said before in another thread that was taken out of context. Some people on OSA i would group up with, theres others that i wouldnt go near. Same with my neighbors. We've got a bunch of good people on OSA and we have had a few boneheads. Time weeds some out, others need a boot but its not my forum and im not a mod.

I am done with this thread(i think) because it aint gonna be a sticky and it aint gonna get several topics organized. Theres a thing called a search box, if your looking for a topic and dont feel like reading back a few pages, use the search feature. If ya dont find what your looking for, start a thread. Keep track of them yourself.

Rant off, serously.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Badge Bunny is on fire!!!!

Nah ... it's not BadgeBunny's that's on fire ... It's her THROAT that's on fire!! :drooling:

Respect my communatah!:bolt:

I tend to be very careful about the whole "community" thing. Most people are done in by someone who "knows" them. Human psychology will go to shite rapidly without a framework of stability.

Both of your comments hit the nail on the head.

Except that it has been my experience that even with the "framework of stability" the majority of human beings are basically little roving pieces of **** ... Some of them just hide it better than others ...

LOL, you guys! Can't you cut a girl ANY slack ... EVER?!?!? I said I felt like hammered **** yesterday ...

But, yeah, Lurker's right. I am weary of the "my way is the ONLY way" stuff.

I'm gonna start a couple of threads and see if we can keep them relatively "on topic" ... as there are a couple of things I'd like to discuss ... I'm not the owner of this board (or a moderator -- THANK GAWD!! :wink2:) but I will be the BOSS OF MY OWN THREADS!! :lmfao:

So DON'T **** with me!!

too much ... :wink2:

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