Teachers strike

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Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
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Oklahoma City, OK
I have been lazy and not paid much attention beyond the margins.

Is there a single organization that represents teachers in Oklahoma?

If so, what is their position, if they have one, on how the raise should be paid for? Or are they simply asking for a raise and expecting the legislature to figure that part out?

There's a couple different ones that got cross-wise with each other earlier but seem to have that ironed out now. First they were asking for $3000. Now they are asking for $5000 this year and $10,000 over the next 3 years. I think. I'm starting to just hear "blah blah blah" now so I could be wrong. I'm sure if I am wrong someone will come along and correct me. :coffee2:

I've not heard either OTA, that other teacher's organization whose acronym escapes me now, or OPEA say anything about how the raises should be paid for. Just that if they don't happen they are gonna strike.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
I'm not member of OPEA and I wont participate in any walk out or strike, whatever they are calling it.
I do hope for a raise but rather let the teachers have one, there wont be enough for both.


Gill-Gun Guru
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Aug 1, 2014
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OKC / Bristow
... are they simply asking for a raise and expecting the legislature to figure that part out?

Exactly this...

Now, I don't disagree that our teachers are underpaid for what they are asked to do. But at the same time the issue is not just funding. The other side of the coin is that the $$ they do have is not being used effectively and is going to fund much more "upper management" than is really needed.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Exactly this...

Now, I don't disagree that our teachers are underpaid for what they are asked to do. But at the same time the issue is not just funding. The other side of the coin is that the $$ they do have is not being used effectively and is going to fund much more "upper management" than is really needed.
This is definitely true but if we were to \trim some of that administration down to reasonable numbers, it wouldn't amount to enough for a decent pay raise for teachers. Though it would be a good start.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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You are not helping Jack. Anyone who walks off a job to benefit themselves at the cost of the children and false pretenses, a job they were free to pick, and were not forced to take do not deserve it. They are expendable and need to be replaced.

When ALL and I mean ALL of the previous taxes that were levied UNDER FALSE PRETENSES to fund our failure of public education are used as they were slated when voted on then we can start talking. No one more fecking dime. This robing Peter to pay Paul BS needs to end

I don't mind taxes long as there are results. They are necessary but our state is a poor state. So what the heck, let's raise taxes. Like that ever works. What do you call doing something over and over expecting a different outcome? Insanity, socialism or Liberalism?

America spends more than any other country. Several countries combined. Yet public education here in the good ol USA ranks 17th in the world. Throwing more money at 17th or our state does not seem to be the answer. What are the other countries doing that we are not and spending far less? Maybe we should hire teachers from some of these other countries. The ones we have now are failing the children and the country.

More money does not equate to caring. If the teachers want more money they need to get some side jobs. Just like firefighters, police or other state workers do. Sort of like how anybody else that wants more money does. Most people just don't hold hostages. Plain and simple. Quit holding the children hostage and pretending that it is about the kiddies and not them

Well it's obvious you don't care about the teachers or the quality of teaching, but riddle me this. When enough of you who don't care run off all the teachers, how many kids per class will there be? Could you have learned anything in a class with 40, 50 or even 60 students? When they have to hire off the street because no one with half a brain would do it for the pittance they offer, what will the quality of HS graduates be? When you can't go to a sit down restaurant and get out in less than 2 hours because they can't get quality help, how will you feel then? When you can't get anything fixed or produced or sold because everyone working service jobs is too ignorant to be a functioning employee, how will that make you feel?

Trust me, spend a week in Allentown, PA and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Unless you're a literal hermit, you benefit from the public education system EVERY DAY. Even if you've never had kids, you need that system in your life. Consider it an insurance plan to not choke the living daylights out of some moron at some point in your daily endeavors.

If you want to stay a poor state, going the route you suggest is the perfect way to do it. :(

Honey Badger

Special Hen
Oct 28, 2008
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Ponca City
Again.... you have people running their mouths; or keyboards, trying to stir the pot when they have no idea about what they are speaking of. It’s just another example where some asshat wants to be “that-guy”, and get everyone all straightened out. Pretty pathetic. Then they’ll be pissed off when they have kids in school and their precious angels can’t get the one on one attention they need because the emergency certified, unqualified, figure head in the front of the room has 50 kids to look after 8 hours a day!

Good luck with that.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
This is definitely true but if we were to \trim some of that administration down to reasonable numbers, it wouldn't amount to enough for a decent pay raise for teachers. Though it would be a good start.

It doesn't have to amount to enough to pay for a raise, but it should be a first step before asking for more money in the form of tax increases.

I'm all for a teacher raise, but I expect the money that is already going to education be properly accounted for and properly allocated before more funds are asked for. That's not unreasonable at all....it's basic fiscal sanity. Something we lack at all levels of government.

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