TPD Investigation over Community Event

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Special Hen
Aug 5, 2008
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The whole problem centers around religion, christ on a crutch when will people quit going to war and persecuting other people over a collection of stories and fantastical fables.

All sides of this argument make me sick. Traditionally people identify themselves with their community through their beliefs, the predominately islamic middle eastern population wished to express a thank you and the center of their particular community happens to be a mosque.

You're bigoted if you don't go and ostracized if you do go.

And people wonder why I don't attend church and refuse anyone who comes to witness at my door.

Christianity, the way of peace since before the first crusades.


Special Hen
Feb 20, 2009
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I completely disagree that it supersedes your religous beliefs.

Fortunately my religion tells me that I should render to Caesar what is Caesar's.

My attendence will have nothing to do with their religion.

My religion tells me to uphold my vows, one of which was to obey the lawful orders of my superior officers.

A cursory examination of history should show that among western religions, there should be no conflict for a warrior.

Michael Brown

First of all I wasn't asking that question rhetorically. I really was trying to get information.

Secondly, I agree with you. My question was, if you feel (like Nraman does I guess? I'm not too clear on that) that even being around Muslims and hanging around with them for a short time violates your religious beliefs, wouldn't following your particular interpretation of your religion seriously impede your ability to do your job in a culturally-diverse place like the US?


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator
Jan 2, 2006
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As a Christian, if I were an officer, and my schedule allowed, I would go.

Just as now, as an engineer, if a local Mosque held an engineering appreciation lunch, I would go if I could.

I personally disagree with their religion, but being non Catholic, I disagree with some of the Catholic faith too, likewise Baptist, Presbyterian, and others. Doesn't mean I won't ever be around them.

Another point, is that I personally believe the building is just that: a building. The religion is the people that believe in it, not the building. Thus going to an event at the building is just that, an event at the building.

I would think that a very defensible position for the brass to have held would be something along the lines of "while you are not required to go, you are encouraged to if possible."

I think courtesy, regardless of religion, would say that when eating another man's food at that man's house, is not the the time to condemn that man; but rather take the opportunity to learn about them.

Michael Brown

Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
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I thought we were short police officers?

There were barely enough to defend the streets.

We should raise taxes so we could have academies, and hire, and give raises, ad nauseum.

And now miraculously, we have enough to go to luncheons.

Cool. Problem solved.

C'mon dude. You know that's a red herring.

Either way, it detracts from the fact that you have not returned my phone call.:slap:

Michael Brown

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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If I read the memos correctly, the officers were NOT required to attend any type of religious services. When a Baptist, Charismatic, Catholic church or a temple and/or synagogue does the same thing, it is not a big deal.

As a Christian, I do not agree with the theology of Islam. Politically, I am uncomfortable with any type of Islamic theocracy. As an American, I understand and accept that America embraces many types of creeds and beliefs.

This type of "drama" is unnecessary and only further divides our city. No one asked this officer to make the Haj. Who knows? Maybe by going, he would have had the opportunity to "witness" by his presence and bearing.


Jun 26, 2007
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Pond Creek
I also believe that it would be a good community outreach for officers to be encouraged to attend, however I would think that it might even be against policy or law for the Capt. to REQUIRE officers to attend? Can anyone in the dept. comment on that?

Don't know about public officials and their policies but in private business it is common for people to be expected to attend many functions even when on their own time.



Special Hen
Feb 9, 2008
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If you note the time, I got in late last night. I did not want to bother you. I've been busy Mike.

It is not a red herring.

As you examine the country, we are running out of money. We are not running out of money because we hire too many police officers, fire fighters, etc. Or because we pay them to much.

We are running out of money because we are sending these people to spurious BS like this on the taxpayer dime. We are running out of money because our government offices are not comfortable unless we have bilingual signs everywhere.

This did not have anything to do with police work. This was a management type drawing a line in the sand so he could fill in his culturally correct box on the resume.

The American taxpayer is broke, out of work, and getting short of patience. When the next Tulsa budget crisis hits, (and it will) and the union salaries/benefits/etc., get brought up - this story will get brought up.

Management is a lot more concerned with being politically correct than with protecting people. And it is damn hard to argue you need more people when management is quite happy with sending a lot of people to meetings.

As for rendering to Caesar, I don't buy it. Would that work at the Nurenburg trials? We are educated Americans that can damn well call BS on silly things. I am not your slave because I get a check.

This officer looked at a boondoggle, and made the correct call. Hopefully, the higher up will be removed before he can go on to even sillier calls.


Special Hen
Jan 8, 2010
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MW City
realizing this isn't my beat, as a retired officer and administrator wouldn't it have been more professional of that chief to request volunteers to attend rather than order and assign.
Maybe I am just told school that way, but a request for volunteers might or might not have been met and any obligatory requirement from higher up would then have been satisfied...................

who knows, ...but now it has exploded on the news, caused sides to be formed, and for what?

Sorry I just think it should have been handled different.

And yes, as a administrator I did receive request for officers to attend real church functions all the time, and I did ask for volunteers and got them.:crying:

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