Trump To Ban Tik-Tok

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Jun 13, 2005
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I said otherwise intelligent. That doesn’t mean not intelligent. An intelligent person would understand my point there, but again, perhaps you are blinded by Pro-TDS.

Pro-TDS is just as rampant and entertaining as TDS.

Interesting to see you double down on the Ad hom. Well what you "otherwise" didn't say, you said there, backhandedly lol. Sign of a weak argument.

FWIW, I freely admit Trump ain't perfect, and I had NO confidence in him initially, nor that he would even get elected. However, I was wrong. For all your dispersions it would be nice to see who you voted for in the last 3 elections. Just to do an apples to apples comparison of where you are coming from and the examples you are used to in your voting choices. Maybe I missed something from any of the winners and losers in the last 3 elections you can shed some light on?


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Jan 12, 2007
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Ah yes..we go from strawman to ad hominem.

Because if someone disagrees with you on Trump, they aren't intelligent. Where have I heard that before?

Criticizing Facebook and considering a ban on an app to shown significant security risks, harvesting of data, and possibly direct ties to the Chinese Government is apples to oranges to say the least.

Yep, definitely shilling for the CCP. If the product were imported children's toys covered in lead based paint or counterfeit medications, they'd be confiscated and banned. But since it's an "information platform", it gets a free pass regardless of the foreign security threat posed. Typical leftist nonsense.


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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Interesting to see you double down on the Ad hom. Well what you "otherwise" didn't say, you said there, backhandedly lol. Sign of a weak argument.

FWIW, I freely admit Trump ain't perfect, and I had NO confidence in him initially, nor that he would even get elected. However, I was wrong. For all your dispersions it would be nice to see who you voted for in the last 3 elections. Just to do an apples to apples comparison of where you are coming from and the examples you are used to in your voting choices. Maybe I missed something from any of the winners and losers in the last 3 elections you can shed some light on?

Yeah, you’re still not grasping it. Love your sudden aversion to ad hominem attacks whilst Glocktogo strokes you with ad hominem side swipes about me being a lib because I disagree with a Trump policy.

Not sure how Presidential voting record relates to disagreement with individual policy issues. Tell me more...Why only the last 3? What do you hope to glean there? An otherwise intelligent person would understand that a person could vote for a politician and still disagree with individual acts, decisions, and policies of that same person.


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Jun 13, 2005
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Yeah, you’re still not grasping it. Love your sudden aversion to ad hominem attacks whilst Glocktogo strokes you with ad hominem side swipes about me being a lib because I disagree with a Trump policy.

Not sure how Presidential voting record relates to disagreement with individual policy issues. Tell me more...Why only the last 3? What do you hope to glean there? An otherwise intelligent person would understand that a person could vote for a politician and still disagree with individual acts, decisions, and policies of that same person.

An "otherwise intelligent" person would simply see I'm asking who fills that mold and qualifies for your standards from which you speak. I mean from a "gun control, crony capitalism, censorship etc" standpoint..... let's talk. Either admit as a whole package, Trump while surely not perfect I agree, has done far more than most recently, pertaining to those criticisms, OR.... tell us who has in your opinion. While I agree that we must stay on him and vigilant with our rights, I also don't think certain hills are the ones to die on..... like talking about banning an app shown to have serious security risks. Enter slippery slope argument.

Finally, I can't speak for GTG, he does well enough speaking on his own. If you don't like it.... speak up for yourself.


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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
I've already said I'll be voting for Trump in November....but that's doesn't mean this latest tweet-policy-pander effort isn't ill advised and doesn't smell like the type of big government control folks used to rail against.


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Jan 12, 2007
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An "otherwise intelligent" person would simply see I'm asking who fills that mold and qualifies for your standards from which you speak. I mean from a "gun control, crony capitalism, censorship etc" standpoint..... let's talk. Either admit as a whole package, Trump while surely not perfect I agree, has done far more than most recently, pertaining to those criticisms, OR.... tell us who has in your opinion. While I agree that we must stay on him and vigilant with our rights, I also don't think certain hills are the ones to die on..... like talking about banning an app shown to have serious security risks. Enter slippery slope argument.

Finally, I can't speak for GTG, he does well enough speaking on his own. If you don't like it.... speak up for yourself.

LOL, the butthurt can get thick! To be fair if we were talking about Bookface, Twatter or InstaHam, I'd be on the other side of the fence. How anyone can support TikTok is beyond me. It's just Vine with CCP spyware pre-installed. You might as well do all your family comms on WeChat, which is also fully monitored by the CCP. :rolleyes2

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