Any pics of it?
I have a S&W 19 that's a 4" and I've never found anything to comfortably carry it. I'm greatly interested in your thoughts and experiences with your setup. How long have you been carrying it? What position on your belt? Etc?
Here is a picture of the holster that I carry it in, but the revolver is a model 65 that I used to carry until I 'qualified' with my 681. The holster is actually for the L-frame.
I have carried IWB for as long as I have been carrying. The first time I was living in the state of Washington and I carried for about 18 years and then I got transferred to Wichita almost 20 years ago. I was a PI for a little while before and after I retired from Boeing, and was able to carry 'on-call' so I did for about three or four years.
Carrying IWB is simply a matter of getting used to it. It is uncomfortable at first. It was for me. But I also found that it was the most concealing way to carry, and so I persisted and I am now so used to it that it feels strange to not carry that way.
I carry at 3 o'clock. A friend of mine insists that the one and only way to carry is at 4 to 4:30, but with all due respect, I find that for me, 3 o'clock is best.
Hope this helps at least some.