Why is no one talking about this on OSA?

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Glock 'em down

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Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
I don't care about any pro sports these days. Once Kaepernick started his bulls**t and others followed that was it for me. Hell...I was at my new family's home over Thanksgiving and they watched the Cowboys game. I didn't even know Las Vegas had a team.

And that goes double for me. If that douche can't stand for the national anthem, after making a million dollars playing a kids game, then screw him and anybody else who follows his lead. If you don't love this country and can't stand proudly with your hand over your heart when it's played, then GTFO! :finger:

God bless America! :patriot:


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 14, 2010
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never watch pro sports on tv. Been to couple thunder games because the tickets were free. Been to 1 NFL game, the super bowl when it was in Dallas, was a bucket list thing but never again.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 10, 2015
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Coalgate, Ok.
Now with the baseball lockout, professional college players getting paid, NFL free agency (not just NFL) I think I'll just watch local HS games. More fun and they play D.
Baseball ran off the kids as fans when they started having 4 hour games at nigh and crazy prices. That's why baseball is about dead. Sure, some teams fill but most don't. Just the playoffs get the crowds.
TV rights has ruined how the game is played. Baseball 4 hour games? I'm out. Football....Just thugs that get away with a woke world. Any given sunday is BS. The season is known before the first game or trade. Team making money, that's enough for the owners. Players want the most they can get and get it. Screw the NFL.
College. You let players sign with advertisers for millions not only has that player going where he will get more it does the same to kids in HS leaving early. I'm done with college.
NBA....that dog hasn't hunted since Magic was a player and Byrd was killing it in Boston. No D. Ref's don't call anything on the money makers. Walking, carrying the ball, pushoffs.....all of it is crap. Players are almost at the center court when they start their drive to basket and knowing no one is going to block the lane. NBA...done.
I could care less about all of it. Changing team names because of social justice. Screw it and those that are offended by the names these teams have used for a century


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 4, 2009
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Canadian County
And that goes double for me. If that douche can't stand for the national anthem, after making a million dollars playing a kids game, then screw him and anybody else who follows his lead. If you don't love this country and can't stand proudly with your hand over your heart when it's played, then GTFO! :finger:

God bless America! :patriot:
Could not have said it better. Same goes for all of professional sports. Bunch of overpaid, ungrateful thugs!

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