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Special Hen
Aug 16, 2012
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They have dropped off, but compared today to the 60s and then see they are higher now as is other moral decay like illegitimate births.

I won't go too far into it, because we're getting off topic, but looking at crime rates since the 60s and blaming it on moral decay is a narrow perspective. Look at rates for the past 100 years and you'll see that the great white America of old rivaled the per capita rates during the "downfall" of the past 40 years. In murder rates we are as low now as the 60s and falling.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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Are you talking about Robert E. Lee? If so, your short vacation will get a lot longer. He was a valiant man who fought for his home and his beliefs. He also did a great deal to bring about reconciliation between the North and South after the war. He also did not own slaves.

I'd like to think personal philosophy would have been fighting against slavery back then, but many courageous men fought on both sides of that terrible, bloody war. Their side was mostly an accident of birth. Don't dishonor them.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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and when she died, he freed them, but most of them refused to leave...

the problem with desegregation was mostly that government stepped in and "desegregated" schools that weren't segregated, but were in neighborhoods that were predominantly black, white, or whatever. forced kids to get on schoolbuses hours early to be transported away from their friends, families, and neighbors. it killed these neighborhoods, which were formerly tight-nit communities that came together for school functions, holidays, and celebrations. pre-desegregation, black students were right alongside white kids in acedemics. learning, and making good grades. the desegregation movement is partially responsible for the rise of gangs, which exploded about the same time. it's one thing to outlaw discrimination, but what our government did in desegregation was the opposite. moved kids out of their own comfort zones, forcing them to be outsiders in a new school, which may or may not have accepted them,and increased racial tensions in this nation.
there are still schools which are forced to bus kids from hours away to maintain the "correct" racial quota.

the doma decision is different from desegregation because the feds aren't forcing states to do anything, but acknowledging states' rights. 10th amendment and all that...
how any self-proclaimed "conservative" can be against that is beyond me... for someone to claim libertarian leanings, and be angry that the supreme court actually ruled in favor of the Constitution is enough to make my head explode.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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Mary Custis Lee Died on November 5, 1873. Are you suggesting that she was still holding slaves eight years after the Civil War was over?
Man, I didn't know that.

hmm. i stand corrected....

he freed many at his wife's request, and others shortly after the war between the states began.

many of her slaves were illegally educated as well.


Mar 20, 2013
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New Castle
That's it?

Nothing substantial like encouraging white/colored water fountains at work to demonstrate the freedom, morality, and glory of America in the 1950's?
Before it was ruined by the civil rights movement.

Nope. Nothing against the civil rights movement except it gave liberals too many votes. I did blues and soul food too much to totally dislike black people. I just hate the way they let liberals use them as lap dogs.


Mar 20, 2013
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New Castle
Rebel-Son translator-
I'm not racist, BUT I damn sure hate the black folks that ruined my country.
I'm not a misogynist, but damn our country was better when the womins kept their yaps shut, bare foot and pregnant in the kitchen.
I'm not an A-hole, but I sure smell like ****.....

Good lord dude, you sound like a real prick. You really do not have a clue as to what live was like pre-civil rights and during the movement. I wasn't their either, but I know the history. Maybe you should watch Rosewood sometime. We are WAY better off now than we were then.

Besides all of that, you enjoy certain freedoms, why does a gay person not deserve them as well? It simply does not effect you in any way. This country was NOT founded on Christian beliefs, it was founded as free nation for all men, religious or otherwise. Your idea of Christianity is flawed. Christ would embrace the gay man, after all, it was God who made him that way. Christ was quite big on tolerance and equality, Mary Magdalene was known as a whore (though many believe she was actually Jesus' wife, there is evidence of that). The old testament rules were voided when Jesus died on the cross, so many people forget that part. If you use the Christian religion to banish homosexuals, then you are doing it wrong.

Better off how?

Are people safer? Hell we did not need cops in schools in the suburbs back then. Kids were allowed to carry pocket knives in school now they get expelled over nail files.

Also back then OBAMA WOULD NEVER BE PRESIDENT.......can anyone honestly say we are better off now than he can be?

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