*RANT* DHS/Child Support Enforcement

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Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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More DHS fraud and "revenue enhancement", (DHS gets a cut of all CS paid) Some men like Brande Samuels are forced by law to pay for children that aren't theirs,(default dad law).
Check the Tulsa Area Fathers Rights Association or other Fathers rights groups for more info.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2009
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OKC metro
OK I have dealt with OKDHS for several years and there is some inaccurate info in this thread.

As of last year DHS did not get anything from what the paying non-custodial parent paid to what the custodial parent received. They did change part of the law this year and the custodial parent now has to pay some of the fees in regards to either the collection or distribution but it is a once a year fee I believe.

Also you do not have to use OKDHS, it depends on the parents and what they do. OKDHS is a administrative court and not a judicial court. My kid's mom started the case in OKDHS years ago, but when we went back through a bunch of crap I took the case to the Judicial courts as OKDHS is only after support (monetary) and does not handle nor do they care about visitation issues. Also legally the law says you can not with hold visitation for payment or non-payment of child support, I completely agree with this as it helps with contempt charges for either parent if need be. I used this exact senario to my advantage in my case.

So you do have the choice and option to go through the civil/judicial courts and if you go that route they also allow you to handle the payments with or without garnishments. Legally under law though it is up to the recieving custodial parent as they can request the money be garnished if they chose to.

OKDHS is not immune to court and a judge over ruling them, I know this for a fact as in my case the judge allowed me to pull my case from OKDHS and put it in the civil/judicial courts. My attorney advised me it was the best thing I could do in getting the joke of OKDHS out of my case and he was right.

I just hope that I dont have to deal with OKDHS ever again, even when they took money from me incorrectly and then admitted it was taken incorrectly they said tough luck it is not their problem to get my money back from my kid's mom and it was up to me to get the money back, yeah fat chance as they never happened.

OKDHS is a joke now and always will be. They dont care about the non-custodial parent and even less if it is the father as in their eyes all fathers are the scum of the earth and the bad person.

OKDHS really needs to be over hauled and fast.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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OKDHS is a joke now and always will be. They dont care about the non-custodial parent and even less if it is the father as in their eyes all fathers are the scum of the earth and the bad person.

OKDHS really needs to be over hauled and fast.

Not to mention all those dead children "known to" or in the custody of DHS huh?


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2009
Reaction score
OKC metro
Especially for all of the children that have been lost to the OKDHS system.

I know a couple of people that work for OKDHS and my attorney's para-legal was a supervisor for them for years over the enforcement department. They are good people, but in the grand scheme of things there are way to many other people who dont care at OKDHS that need to be purged out of that system.

One thing my dad taught me is that if something is not right then it is up to you to step up and do the right thing, even if the people directly above you dont agree.

In the end it is my conscience I have to deal with at night and I cant understand how some of the people at OKDHS sleep at night with the decision they made.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 16, 2006
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It is real simple; get pregnant and the state will make sure you get to go to college, pay for daycare while you’re there, pay for your housing, give you food stamps so you can eat better than most others, make sure daddy pays his $400 a month etc.

Why in a million years would mommy want to marry when the system rewards her so much for not?

If you are the father in this scenario, your college can wait, you must now find a job to pay, and pay and pay. You Sir are the host that feeds this system.

You can still come out on top but must now work ten times as hard to get there. Good luck and hang in there.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
It is real simple; get pregnant and the state will make sure you get to go to college, pay for daycare while you’re there, pay for your housing, give you food stamps so you can eat better than most others, make sure daddy pays his $400 a month etc.

Why in a million years would mommy want to marry when the system rewards her so much for not?

If you are the father in this scenario, your college can wait, you must now find a job to pay, and pay and pay. You Sir are the host that feeds this system.

You can still come out on top but must now work ten times as hard to get there. Good luck and hang in there.

You have obviously never been a homeless single mom with no job, documented medical problems out the arse and three kids in the system ...

Zombie ... it is time to get some help. I feel for you man ... hope you have better luck than I did dealing with those folks ... But just in case you don't ... I survived ... you will too. Call if you need any moral support cuz that is just about all I have to offer on this one. DHS is a mess.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
Reaction score
Especially for all of the children that have been lost to the OKDHS system.

I know a couple of people that work for OKDHS and my attorney's para-legal was a supervisor for them for years over the enforcement department. They are good people, but in the grand scheme of things there are way to many other people who dont care at OKDHS that need to be purged out of that system.

One thing my dad taught me is that if something is not right then it is up to you to step up and do the right thing, even if the people directly above you dont agree.

In the end it is my conscience I have to deal with at night and I cant understand how some of the people at OKDHS sleep at night with the decision they made.

I would agree with you that there are some good people at DHS, but one has to ask why they don't speak out?

An article about Judge Bass-Lesure stated that some in the community knew about the children's situation of
being adopted by the judge then "allegedly" "given away" (childtrafficing?) to her bailiffs sister, a DHS worker named Ravonda Latrice Edwards
Google her name for news articles about her, you'll be shocked, or should be. And the question remains,
"why didn't anyone speak out"? What about these children's lawyer or GAL, why doesn't that part of the system, including
the lawyers for all those other abused and dead children speak out?
And as far as conscience goes considering the Kelsey Briggs or Zane Earles cases one might ask how any in OK. can sleep at night.

What about the rest of the scandals and corruption? Why doesn't anyone speak out, and what happens when they do?
Anyone who looks beyond one part of DHS like CS or "child protection" to see the whole picture should be outraged.
Everyone should understand we're being robbed, the "ghost children/employee" scandal at the OCCY and state Dept.
of Health amounted to millions alone, not to mention the many lawsuits including the current class action. It's said that
suit will cost the state around $10million in legal fees alone, but look at other states where ChildrensRights.org has brought
a suit and the results. Remember it's all coming out of our pockets, it's taking the food out of our childrens mouths.
I'll stop for now since this was someone else's rant, (I apologize to the OR). If anyone's interested in more info of the criminal
activity and corruption you're supporting go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/OK_DHS_Victims/ or


Oklahoma Judge, Husband Continue To Get DHS Payments Despite Charges

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