Phil Robertson suspended from DD for gay comments

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Jan 8, 2013
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I like the way Obama is trying to shove homosexuality down Putin's throat as the Moscow Olympics approach. They don't play that game.


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Oct 6, 2010
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Coweta, OK
I don't care what he said because his opinion is his. Period. If someone does not agree with him they should just move along and be open minded about about his statement and the whole freedom of speech thing. Our society just can't leave this kind of stuff alone; and I don't mean only gay folks. Some folks drive Chevy, some drive Ford and some folks Ram it, yes pun intended. The point this, NO ONE SHOULD CARE! And you shouldn't be offended by Mr. Robertson's statements just like you shouldn't be offended every time a gay person reminds you, in some way, that they are gay. It just does not matter enough for folks to get all jacked up about it.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Why is A&E's opinions and actions more troubling than the judge's opinion in post #13?

It does not, but that is getting very common in the states that have legalized gay marriage, it is just that no one wants to talk about it. The times I have brought things like that up you can hear the crickets chip. Especially by the gay marriage supporters.

I don't care what he said because his opinion is his. Period. If someone does not agree with him they should just move along and be open minded about about his statement and the whole freedom of speech thing. Our society just can't leave this kind of stuff alone; and I don't mean only gay folks. Some folks drive Chevy, some drive Ford and some folks Ram it, yes pun intended. The point this, NO ONE SHOULD CARE! And you shouldn't be offended by Mr. Robertson's statements just like you shouldn't be offended every time a gay person reminds you, in some way, that they are gay. It just does not matter enough for folks to get all jacked up about it.

BINGO!!!!! We have a winner!


Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
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I don't care what he said because his opinion is his. Period. If someone does not agree with him they should just move along and be open minded about about his statement and the whole freedom of speech thing. Our society just can't leave this kind of stuff alone; and I don't mean only gay folks. Some folks drive Chevy, some drive Ford and some folks Ram it, yes pun intended. The point this, NO ONE SHOULD CARE! And you shouldn't be offended by Mr. Robertson's statements just like you shouldn't be offended every time a gay person reminds you, in some way, that they are gay. It just does not matter enough for folks to get all jacked up about it.

I hate when gay people feel they have to make a "statement" every time they are in public. Most people generally don't give a **** if everyone minds their own business, it's the obsessive attention seeking behavior that is freaking disgusting.


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
It already is more true than we (want to) believe. It is not even a question of remaining neutral - it is acceptable and lauded if you openly praise homosexuality whereas if you express disapproval, even if you can truthfully say that you do not want to see any kind of legal prohibitions, but simply disapprove of behavior then you are a bigot/legit target/neanderthal and certainly unfit to teach, hold offices of public trust, serve or lead in the military, etc. It is here friend.

All very true.

What gets me is the acceptance of the hypocrisy. Liberals are all about the 1A almost to the point that it's their religion. They are all about tolerance as long as they are the ones being tolerated and refuse to practice tolerance themselves because when they hear something they don't like they throw tolerance out the door and it's usually over nothing. Makes me want to puke to think of what some people are about. When I was growing up we laughed, joked and ridiculed those that would do these things. Well, here we are! Gotta give the absurd more legitimacy than those who are normal. Now that's just absurd, but that's exactly where we are.

Danny Tanner

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2010
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Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
That's what I am saying! What the hell happened with free speech?

Freedom of speech does not grant immunity from consequences.

The rest of this is a general statement not directed specifically towards you.

I don't agree with what he said, I think it's ignorant and even suggesting that homosexuality leads to bestiality is offensive and insulting, and I'm not gay or into sheep.

However much I disagree with his opinion, I support his right to have it. I'm indifferent on A&E's actions simply because it's their network, their contract, their rules.

The biggest thing about all of this that confuses me is when Chick Fill A and Hobby Lobby stand up for what they believe in, the majority of Christian conservatives stand up and applause. Yet, when A&E does the same, it's boycott time! You have a right to boycott for any reason you like, but it seems a bit hypocritical when doing so for reasons you supported just months ago. So, do you support a company standing up for what they believe in or don't ya? Or is this only a one-way road when that company's beliefs align with your religious ideology?


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Freedom of speech does not grant immunity from consequences.

The rest of this is a general statement not directed specifically towards you.

I don't agree with what he said, I think it's ignorant and even suggesting that homosexuality leads to bestiality is offensive and insulting, and I'm not gay or into sheep.

However much I disagree with his opinion, I support his right to have it. I'm indifferent on A&E's actions simply because it's their network, their contract, their rules.

The biggest thing about all of this that confuses me is when Chick Fill A and Hobby Lobby stand up for what they believe in, the majority of Christian conservatives stand up and applause. Yet, when A&E does the same, it's boycott time! You have a right to boycott for any reason you like, but it seems a bit hypocritical when doing so for reasons you supported just months ago. So, do you support a company standing up for what they believe in or don't ya? Or is this only a one-way road when that company's beliefs align with your religious ideology?

That is the nicest bit of spin I think I have ever seen. We supported Chick Fill A and Hobby Lobby because the gays and liberals were boycotting them for saying what they believed. A&E can say what they like too, but if they try to silence someone it has gone past free speech.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Freedom of speech does not grant immunity from consequences.

The rest of this is a general statement not directed specifically towards you.

I don't agree with what he said, I think it's ignorant and even suggesting that homosexuality leads to bestiality is offensive and insulting, and I'm not gay or into sheep.

However much I disagree with his opinion, I support his right to have it. I'm indifferent on A&E's actions simply because it's their network, their contract, their rules.

The biggest thing about all of this that confuses me is when Chick Fill A and Hobby Lobby stand up for what they believe in, the majority of Christian conservatives stand up and applause. Yet, when A&E does the same, it's boycott time! You have a right to boycott for any reason you like, but it seems a bit hypocritical when doing so for reasons you supported just months ago. So, do you support a company standing up for what they believe in or don't ya? Or is this only a one-way road when that company's beliefs align with your religious ideology?

Boycotting for ostracizing someone for speaking his mind on a subject you agree with is NOT hypocritical. It is simply saying, "I am not going to give my money/time/support to a company that endorses values I do not agree with." - in this case the punishment of a man who is speaking about his religious beliefs. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. It is no different than refusing to patronize a business that does not support our 2nd Amendment rights. I am not saying they shouldn't have the right to hold their own opinion, just that I will lend my support (financial or otherwise) to companies that align with my philosophy. It's called free market capitalism.

If you don't want to get your cakes from a place that refuses to make cakes for gay couples getting married, that's your right. But forcing that company to make cakes for a customer/event that is against their core values is infringement on THEIR rights. If a Muslim extremist owns a donut shop and openly says he thinks all non-Muslims should be killed, or girls should not be allowed to go to school, or that wives should serve their husband hand and foot and be kept in a closet and I decide I don't want want patronize his donut shop, does that make me a hypocrite? Or speaking my own conscience with my dollar?

And FOR THE RECORD... the Christian conservative movement supporting Chik-Fil-A and Hobby Lobby was NOT simply in response to them speaking their mind. It has been known for YEARS that BOTH of those businesses were Christian-founded companies and supported traditional Christian values, but the standing up in support of them in massive and overwhelming numbers was as a direct result of their being outlandishly and viciously attacked by those who were not tolerant of their views. Speak out, support, boycott, do whatever you want in support of a company that supports your values. That's capitalism and free speech, people.

And I don't believe Robertson was saying homosexuality leads to bestiality... he was talking about turning a blind eye to things once considered morally wrong. It is a trend that things become more and more "tolerated"... not that being gay leads to sex with animals, but he is saying next it will be ok to endorse NAMBLA publicly, then other "fringe" groups like those for bestiality and other previously-taboo behaviors.

That's how I took it, personally.

I'm not attacking anyone, just clarifying... I don't think this is an attack on A&E and no one is saying that they (A&E) can't run their business the way they want. But people are speaking up and speaking out saying that Phil Robertson's right to hold and speak his own views is being squashed and he is being persecuted (legally, yes, but unfairly in some peoples' eyes) at the behest of a large gay & lesbian lobby.

How many of us jumped on Troy's ass for their blunder hiring the guy from Ruby Ridge? Should that be considered bigotry? Or were we unfairly expressing our disapproval of their business model and direction? Should we be forced to buy their products, or should we keep our mouths shut and let them run their business without speaking out and letting them know how we feel? Hell no... if you have strong feelings on an issue a company endorses, let them know about it. INCLUDING if they take and anti-gay stance and you feel strongly they shouldn't.

It's market pressure and it works both ways. Nothing wrong with that. THAT is true tolerance people... respecting and allowing the views of people endorsing viewpoints in opposition with your own. Robertson clarified that he loves all people and wouldn't treat anyone differently, regardless. Yet, simply HOLDING an opinion that something is wrong, even if you don't act any differently now is considered wrong.

What a world...

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