Trump will be the nominee. What says you?

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Special Hen
Sep 25, 2007
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They will find a way to screw Trump out of the nomination and he will run third party. I would like to see Trump, Sanders and Bloomberg all run on third party tickets. That would be one heck of an election and we need more than just two parties.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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According to news reports, if it becomes a brokered convention, Mitt Romney is poised to be their nominee.

I don't understand this... I try not to pay much attention to politics, but it's all anyone ever talks about on TV during an entire election year. <sigh>

So you're saying they could throw out all the candidates actually running and choose someone who isn't even in the race? Wow, that's interesting. If it's truly allowed, I don't know if that was tongue-in-cheek or not.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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I agree but I think it is not a well reasoned plan.

If not here and now, when do people protest? The GOP has not been listening to the voters for years. They tried McCain and he failed, they tried Romney and he failed, they lost seats to Tea Party candidates, then they tried Jeb and he failed, now they're pushing a gay Cuban who has no chance. I honestly believe that to many conservatives, this is the last opportunity to save the Republic.

I'm not a fan of Trump, but I do feel that he is the best "conservative" in the race, Cruz is not electable and Rubio is a RINO, hell, he's not even a RINO, he's a democrat registered as a republican.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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If not here and now, when do people protest? The GOP has not been listening to the voters for years. They tried McCain and he failed, they tried Romney and he failed, they lost seats to Tea Party candidates, then they tried Jeb and he failed, now they're pushing a gay Cuban who has no chance. I honestly believe that to many conservatives, this is the last opportunity to save the Republic.

I'm not a fan of Trump, but I do feel that he is the best "conservative" in the race, Cruz is not electable and Rubio is a RINO, hell, he's not even a RINO, he's a democrat registered as a republican.

I watched FOX interview a voter in Tennessee and he stated that he voted for Rubio, because he was a "Tea Party conservative! SMH :(


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Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
How can anyone call Rubio a RINO while simultaneously calling Trump a Conservative? That defies logic. Trump is at best a opportunistic politician willing to champion some (and dig around because the "some" isn't very deep) policies that conservatives favor. I am conservative and support regulating and controlling immigration but Trump's policies (if one can call them that) are nothing but empty slogans. I think that the people who support him like what he is saying because it is emotionally satisfying to hear someone say "damn right - I'm with you" but they aren't really looking at or asking "and how will you do that?"

Likewise on abortion policy, trade policy, etc. Heck, he decries corruption in DC but has been a purveyor of corruption also by that same logic George Soros should be your number two choice because he is rich enough to buy politicians too.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
If not here and now, when do people protest? The GOP has not been listening to the voters for years. They tried McCain and he failed, they tried Romney and he failed, they lost seats to Tea Party candidates, then they tried Jeb and he failed, now they're pushing a gay Cuban who has no chance. I honestly believe that to many conservatives, this is the last opportunity to save the Republic.

I'm not a fan of Trump, but I do feel that he is the best "conservative" in the race, Cruz is not electable and Rubio is a RINO, hell, he's not even a RINO, he's a democrat registered as a republican.
The base is angry with the GOP establishment huh?

They promised a lot of things.
They promised to stop Obama if they got the House.
Then they promised to stop Obama if they got the Senate.
Then they promised to stop Obama if the get the WH too.
They promised to repeal Obamacare.
They promised to balance the budget.
They promised to fix immigration.


Now Trump comes along and promises to Make America Great Again.
Promises to build a great wall along the border.
Promises to WIN again.
Promises to repeal Obamacare and replace it with "something terrific".
Promises to impose 45% tarrifs on imported goods.
Promises to ban muslims from entering the country.
Promises to make companies say "Merry Christmas" again.


At some point if a woman continues to fall in love with serial abusive partners she has to look into the mirror and ask some questions about why she is attracted to that type?


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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How can anyone call Rubio a RINO while simultaneously calling Trump a Conservative? That defies logic. Trump is at best a opportunistic politician willing to champion some (and dig around because the "some" isn't very deep) policies that conservatives favor. I am conservative and support regulating and controlling immigration but Trump's policies (if one can call them that) are nothing but empty slogans. I think that the people who support him like what he is saying because it is emotionally satisfying to hear someone say "damn right - I'm with you" but they aren't really looking at or asking "and how will you do that?"

Likewise on abortion policy, trade policy, etc. Heck, he decries corruption in DC but has been a purveyor of corruption also by that same logic George Soros should be your number two choice because he is rich enough to buy politicians too.

I don't know of anyone who calls Trump a conservative? Yet he doesn't fit the narrow interpretation of a RINO, which is what Rubio does is spades. Every time I hear Rubio call himself a conservative, I want to puke. Its not just a lie, its an audacious lie. No, where Trump differs is that he isn't establishment. If he were, all the RINO sycophants would've embraced him already. Instead they're literally contemplating a 3rd party challenger to Trump, which is political suicide.

Cruz is the only conservative left in the race, but both he and Trump are repudiations of the GOP establishment. :)

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