Julius Jones Poll

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What will Gov. Stitt do on the Julius Jones clemency issue?

  • Grants Clemency

  • Denies Clemency

  • Does nothing

  • Goes on another trip to a foreign country

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 22, 2016
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Doing nothing and LWOP are the only viable options that Stitt had. LWOP Is still a tough sentence.
Don't quote me on the exact amount, but when I worked for DOC in Kansas, Death Row inmates cost the state approx. 50K more per year. That is what admin mentioned once. Not sure how unless it's on the paperwork end of it. Same inmates, same cell house, same escort. Hell, you couldn't tell a Death Row inmate from any other segration inmate unless you watched the news.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
This will still be a very interesting afternoon and evening. All of this coverage has firmed up my thoughts that I support doing away with death penalty. These killers deserve to be put to death, even in the same manner as they used on their victims, but we as a society, and certainly the families of the victims do not deserve what they have been put through these past few weeks. I cannot begin to imagine what they have had to endure and will now be overwhelmed with continued reporters asking stupid questions.

I would support life with no parole and no in-person contact with family or friends, only personal attorney.

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
What frustrates me in this is that all someone has to do is lie and say he didn't do it. No proof required. No evidence. Then turn it into a political and racial issue. How does any of that bring justice to the father he killed? The whole is sickening.
The person convicted of the crime doesn't even have to do that. If the convict is black, the news media will do it for them! The punk in Ferguson Mo. that was killed by the cop, is a prefect example. The news media, and black community, tried to make a saint out of this bully, that was cought on video beating an old black man nearly to death and taking his money outside a housing project, as well as robing a store and intemediating the store owner an old Asian man half his size! If that didn't deminstrate how unfair the lap dog news meda is, what would it take! WHY did most of the black people, and left wing liberals, in this country, and world wide, not take up for these oid men one black, one asian, when it's on VIDEO what kind of malignant PUNK this geantal giant really was? Are black people, and left wing liberals, REALLY THAT STUPID, or are they just using race to get their way? Can black people ever be equal citizans, in this country if they continue to act like dim witted followers, just out for a free ride? REAL RESPECT MUST BE EARNED!


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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This will still be a very interesting afternoon and evening. All of this coverage has firmed up my thoughts that I support doing away with death penalty. These killers deserve to be put to death, even in the same manner as they used on their victims, but we as a society, and certainly the families of the victims do not deserve what they have been put through these past few weeks. I cannot begin to imagine what they have had to endure and will now be overwhelmed with continued reporters asking stupid questions.

I would support life with no parole and no in-person contact with family or friends, only personal attorney.
THIS. No personal contact and no written contact except from authorized persons (so no death row groupies marrying convicts). If you deserve death and you get LWOP, then your life outside should be OVER.

I'd trade the DP for that option.

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
Governor Stitt is his last chance. Jones was found guilty of murder and sentenced to death by lethal injection. The Pardon & Parole voted to recommend clemency.
As imperfect as it is, we must be RULED BY THE LEGISLATED LAWS, NOT MEN! Many of our neighbors that evolved at the same time, and place, as we did, are Banana Republics, ruled by a two bit dictator, whose poor people live in abject, hopeless, poverty, and fear, because of crooked politicians at EVERY LEVEL! We on the other hand, although not perfect, have the highest standard of living in all of human history, became, the last best hope of humanity, and the destinaton of choice of the worlds poor, to have a REAL CHANCE to have a better life! WHY IS THAT? I submit, one thing seperates these two outcomes. THE RULE OF LAW, NOT MEN! If we ignore the law, to accomidate illegal immigrants, or special groups, just because it would make us feel warm and fuzzy to think we helped people, are we not becoming JUST LIKE THE PLACE THEY FLED?


Special Hen
Jul 14, 2005
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Broken Arrow
I don't know what I'm more disappointed in, Stitt for interfering when a court/jury decided what the penalty should be, or seeing all the students and people support a cold blooded murderer like he is some kind of hero. I think the latter disturbs me more. It should have been mandatory for all these young people to see exactly what this guy did and the aftermath of it for the victim's family.

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