05/15/2022 Another Mass Shooting. This time at a California Church

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Jan 14, 2013
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Oklahoma City
Seriously, WTF is wrong with these people?

Ya’ll can crucify me if you want, I don’t care. Red Flag laws are a good idea, but workable, expedient and with due process. So far the laws I’ve seen have none of those. Without those they are just more infringements on the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 14th amendments.

I get “shall not be infringed” but when you’ve got individuals threatening school shootings and the like, convicted domestic abusers, etc they should forfeit their right to bear arms.
They have red flag laws in New York were one of these occurred, the shooter had been investigated 1 year ago and even spent time in a psychiatric facility. He still got a NY compliant gun and modified it by adding a 30 rd magazine. Why have laws that are ever rarely enforced?


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Jan 14, 2013
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Oklahoma City
Damn where to start.

The shooter in NY posted what he was going to do online, every detail, yet no one that read what he posted did anything. Seems to me that if a person posts the evil they are going to do that someone would have spoken up. Nope silence

I dont put all the blame on video games, BUT I do believe they play a small part, along with violence in movies and music. If a person listens to, reads or is entertained by such content it is my belief that you become desensitized to actual real life events.

More laws will not stop the evil that is in mens hearts. Yes what we are seeing is a condition of the heart and spirit, these attacks are a spiritual attack. We fight against principalities and powers enthroned in high places. We as a nation need to stop, repent, seeks gods face and forgiveness.
And they have red flag laws in New York.


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Seriously, WTF is wrong with these people?

Ya’ll can crucify me if you want, I don’t care. Red Flag laws are a good idea, but workable, expedient and with due process. So far the laws I’ve seen have none of those. Without those they are just more infringements on the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 14th amendments.

I get “shall not be infringed” but when you’ve got individuals threatening school shootings and the like, convicted domestic abusers, etc they should forfeit their right to bear arms.
Sorry but that ain’t the way it works. The 2A is absolute. One gun law is an infringement and it creates a privilege rather than a right. Cali has some of the toughest guns laws in the US. Yet you think more gun laws is somehow gonna change things? I don’t think so. Unlike some of y’all, I actually fully support and believe in the 2A. NOT ONE SINGLE GUN LAW would stop these shootings. Felons are already barred from having guns, yet they still get them. Murder is illegal yet people still kill. I don’t care what laws are passed, criminals are gonna break them. This has happened since the beginning. Red flag laws, ARE NOT a good idea. Tell that to the innocent people that were murdered by the boys in blue because of them. I really think some of y’all are far too emotional. You’re letting emotion dictate things. It’s always the same. We have a mass shooting and folks come out saying “we gotta do something”. Yeah we do, get rid of ALL gun laws. That will do a lot to make people more safe. And obviously you don’t get “shall not be infringed”. A lot of folks don’t. Y’all live under this delusion that more gun laws are the answer. And here lies the reason we are in the position we are in in our country. Even within the 2A community we can’t even unite. Our enemy knows it. And they have exploited it for decades.


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Repeating the same old lines seems to be okay for us, so we can add "The folks killed in the grocery store also had Constitutional Rights, but "too bad, should have had a gun like the security guard"
Dude, your willingness to hand your rights over gets old. I ain’t willing to. People are gonna kill no matter what happens. It don’t matter how many more laws we create people will still kill. But your answer is to hand more of our freedoms over to the government. And to think; this is coming from a supposed 2A supporter.

OK Corgi Rancher

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Public punishment in quick fashion would solve a lot of this. Most of these nuts know that the system is in their favor. If reality was in their face, they might possibly give it a second thought.

While I don't disagree with the sentiment, I'm not so sure this is true. If it were, why do a lot of these mass shooters kill themselves? Mentally ill people don't think rationally about the consequences of their evil deeds like a normal person. A normal person fears the consequences of breaking the law...especially for something like murder. I don't think someone that would do this thinks rationally about consequences...I don't think they really care.

El Pablo

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Apr 5, 2007
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Dude, your willingness to hand your rights over gets old. I ain’t willing to. People are gonna kill no matter what happens. It don’t matter how many more laws we create people will still kill. But your answer is to hand more of our freedoms over to the government. And to think; this is coming from a supposed 2A supporter.
What did he say that made you infer he wants to hand over rights? I don’t see it in the text you quoted at all.


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Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
Dude, your willingness to hand your rights over gets old. I ain’t willing to. People are gonna kill no matter what happens. It don’t matter how many more laws we create people will still kill. But your answer is to hand more of our freedoms over to the government. And to think; this is coming from a supposed 2A supporter.
Dude, you are failing to grasp that I am asking a question for the purpose of causing people to think, instead of just rattling off what we always say. I never said that I was willing to hand over any rights. Just the opposite, I was asking if there was some way we can work toward not losing any rights, buy getting involved, giving solid answers to our elected representatives (yeah, I know you don't believe anything any of them say or do, but they are all we have at the current time) So, calm down. I will be standing right beside you.

But, thinking is the best tool we have, and too many times, we refuse to think.


Special Hen
Dec 11, 2008
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While I don't disagree with the sentiment, I'm not so sure this is true. If it were, why do a lot of these mass shooters kill themselves? Mentally ill people don't think rationally about the consequences of their evil deeds like a normal person. A normal person fears the consequences of breaking the law...especially for something like murder. I don't think someone that would do this thinks rationally about consequences...I don't think they really care.
I believe that might be the moment they realize what they are about to recieve their punishment. If it was clear and obvious some would think twice. I'm not saying all, but it would have an impact.

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