Bump in the dark...

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I used to camp almost every weekend when the kids were younger. We were at a campground at Kaw lake once, and had invited my parents and some friends out for an evening dinner of campfire rotisserie chicken and hobo dinners. We were all sitting at the table eating right at dark when I felt something brush my leg.
Looked under the table, and it was a skunk!

I make a "little announcement" that nobody was going to be hurt if they followed my instructions. When I say so, get up and move away from the table. My dad got the first call. When he moved away and saw what was under the table he about laughed himself to death.
Finally got everybody away from the table, and the evil critter left.

Later that night our camp site got invaded again. It must have been breeding season or something, because a couple of them were fighting right outside of our tent door. I've never heard a noise like a skunk can make. Cat fight X3!


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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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Not a camping story but a felt like I was being watched story. About 15 years ago I was trapping a new property in NW OK, this was before the recent oil production in that area, so when it was dark out, it was dark. No oil and gas well lights every quarter of a mile for as far as you could see, the horizon used to be dark in every direction. I'd been sitting a trap line and was about to finish up, when I went down into a nasty draw full of timber and washouts. It looked really catty, and I had a bout 20 minutes until dark. So I blunder in and start deciding where to lay out some steel, as I wander farther down into draw I started to smell cat pee, and it got stronger and stronger, this is not a normal in bobcat territory. So i'm thinking mt. lion, but telling myself no at the same time. The whole time I was in that draw it was eerie, wind was howling so it was hard to hear anything around you, washout ledges all around you up above, set my traps and got out of there. Never found any big cat tracks in there though, but it smelt like that every time I went in there. The next year and there after, no smell.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
I had a little pond, maybe an acre, a couple miles from the house back in the woods, in a valley behind an old folks home that used to be a state nut house (horror movie material there).

My pals and I would throw gear on our bikes and trek in there with a couple packs of hotdogs and some candy bars most weekends. One night, just as the fire was dying out and we were drifting off to sleep, something, what I now know was a mountain lion, started screaming directly across the pond from us. It sounded human and at first we thought maybe some older kids had snuck down there to mess with us...but it continued and, much to my terror, moved along the edge of the pond.

I don't think there's ever been a time in my life that I've been more frightened...one of the older kids finally screwed up enough courage to climb out of the tent and yell at "it". The noises stopped. Needless to say we stayed up the rest of the night with a big fire burning. We kept going back there, but we always kept a big fire going!

(interesting parallel to Oklahoma, that was a time when the "official story" was that there was no mountain lions in Western Mass but everyone in town knew they were there.)

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